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GoPro MaxToEquirectPlugin

This is a proof of concept for using -nearly- directly GoPro Max .360 files.

I hope this can be the start for GoPro or anyone to provide decent tools for using the GoPro Max

I place my work under MIT licence for giving the maximum possibilities.

This is my own opinion but there is no place for direct 360° videos. Except for specific user the spectator will not move inside the video. The big advantage for recording 360° videos is to reframe the film to natural views. Dynamic reframing gives the scenarist the ability to have multiple view with a unique camera.
I worked on an OpenFX plugin for doing the reframing inside DaVinci Resolve which is the non linear editing software I use for videos.
You can find it on my repository here
But GoPro Max does not produce 'standard' 360° (aka equirectangular) so I decided to write a plugin for converting GoPro pseudo equiangular cubemap videos to standard equirectangulars movies.

Building on MacOS (Intel and Apple Silicon)

  • Build tested on MacOS 11.2.3 / XCode 12.4
  • Install latest XCode from Apple App store
  • Install Blackmagic DaVinci Resolve from Blackmagic website (studio version)
  • clone this repository
  • and build with make install

Building on Linux

  • Build tested on Ubuntu 20.04
  • Install make gcc opencl-headers
  • Install Blackmagic DaVinci Resolve from Blackmagic website (studio version)
  • clone this repository
  • and build with make install (you might need to be root for writing to /usr/OFX)

Building on Windows

  • Build and tested with Visual Studio 2019 Community Edition (VC++)
  • CUDA version working with CUDA Toolkit 11.2

Binaries installation for MacOS (Intel and Apple Silicon), Windows 10 and Linux (x86_64)

  • I compiled and tested the plugin on MacOS Intel with Metal and OpenCL
  • I compiled and tested the plugin on Linux Ubuntu 20.04 x86_64 with OpenCL only
  • I compiled and tested the plugin on Windows 10 with CUDA only and a GeForce RTX2060 GPU
  • just decompress the binary
  • And place it under /Library/OFS/Plugins on Mac
  • C:\Program Files\Common Files\OFX\Plugins\
  • /usr/OFX/Plugins/ on Linux

Trying with DaVinci Resolve 17.2 studio

First divide the .360 files in two movies

Today DaVinci Resolve does not support dual video stream in the same MP4 container
So I divide my .360 in two files with ffmpeg
Front stream is 0:0 in ffmpeg

ffmpeg -y -i "$FILE" \
    -copy_unknown -map_metadata 0 \
    -map 0:0 \
    -map 0:1 \
    -map 0:2 -tag:d:0 'tmcd' \
    -map 0:3 -tag:d:1 'gpmd' \
    -map 0:5 \
    -metadata:s:0 handler='GoPro H.265' \
    -metadata:s:1 handler='GoPro AAC' \
    -metadata:s:d:0 handler='GoPro TCD' \
    -metadata:s:d:1 handler='GoPro MET' \
    -metadata:s:4 handler='GoPro AMB' \
    -c copy ~/Desktop/temp360/

Rear stream is 0:4 in ffmpeg

ffmpeg -y -i "$FILE" \
    -copy_unknown -map_metadata 0 \
    -map 0:4 \
    -map 0:1 \
    -map 0:2 -tag:d:0 'tmcd' \
    -map 0:3 -tag:d:1 'gpmd' \
    -map 0:5 \
    -metadata:s:0 handler='GoPro H.265' \
    -metadata:s:1 handler='GoPro AAC' \
    -metadata:s:d:0 handler='GoPro TCD' \
    -metadata:s:d:1 handler='GoPro MET' \
    -metadata:s:4 handler='GoPro AMB' \
    -c copy ~/Desktop/temp360/

Second import them in a timeline

  • Import your front and rear movies
  • Create a 4096x2688 timeline
  • Insert front movie in the V1 channel (and the audio)
  • Apply a translation in the inspector y=+672 for putting the front camera on the top
  • Insert rear movie in the V2 channel (without the audio because it is the same)
  • Apply a translcation of y=-672 for putting it on the bottom

Third create a compound clip and a new timeline

  • Create with this two clips a compound clip
  • Create a new timeline 4096x2688 input and UHD or HD output depending on what you want
  • Insert your compound clip in the timeline

Finally apply the filter(s)

  • Apply first the MaxToEquirectPlugin on the newly inserted clip
  • Apply Reframe360XL

For testing there is two 15s video (still image) front.mp4 and rear.mp4 corresponding to… front and rear lenses !

But I also place a DaVinci Resolve project archive, just import the .dra in Resolve studio (free version does not seem to support OpenFX plugins)