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Kahoy kustomize example

This repository is an example of how to use Kahoy and Kustomize (one way).

The example uses Kustomize with multiple envs and apps, but could be simplified and use Kahoy to deploy a single app (to one or multiple envs).

This Example uses github actions, but if you want to see an explained example of using github actions and Kahoy check this


  • base: Kustomize base manifests.
  • overlays: Kustomize environments that that customize our base manifests.
  • _gen: The manifests Kustomize generates and the ones that will be deployed with Kahoy.
  • .github: What triggers Kahoy and has the magic for our gitops based system.
  • scripts: Helper deployment scripts.

How does it work

Manifest generation

  • We will have our apps (app1, app2, app3...) in the base directory.
  • We will have one path for each environment in overlays (production, staging, dev...).
  • Using make gen, our repository will generate the required manifests in _gen.
  • _gen Will have all the manifests generated for all the environments.

CI and Deployment

  • Our CI has a check step, that will generate the manifests, and if they are not the same as the ones committed it will fail. This ensures that we have generated the latest state
  • On non-master branches we will deploy with Kahoy using dry-run and diff on every environment, but ony the resources that changed (Kahoy will detect also resource deletions and will delete them).
  • On master branch we will deploy our manifest changes using Kahoy on each environment.
  • We have every hour a scheduled pipeline that syncs all the repository with the master (in case something/someone changed manually things on the cluster).

Kahoy execution

We give Kahoy _gen directory as the root of the manifest but, to split between Kahoy executions to different environments we filter the resources per environment using --kube-include-label (or -l) flag.

We can do this because all customize evn/overlays have env set as a common label on the kustomization.yaml file, e.g:

  env: staging

So we do something like:

kahoy apply \
    --dry-run \
    --include-changes \
    --git-before-commit-sha "...whatever..." \
    --fs-new-manifests-path "./_gen" \
    -l "env=staging"

If you check, you will see that we can deploy to an env using CLUSTER_ENV var.

To deploy to all envs we use, is just a helper script to call for each of the envs declared on overlays, so in the end, we will invoke kahoy once for each env.

This way of deploying is just one way to use the power of Kahoy to deploy to multiple envs:

  • Dry-run to all envs.
  • Diff to all envs.
  • Sync to all envs.

Kahoy detects changes so only the envs that have changed will be deployed

K8s auth

This example doesn't show how you can set up Kubectl for each env. TODO.

Examples and use cases

Non updated Kustomize gen manifests should fail

In this PR, we pushed a change that changed the overlays but not generated the manifests. Our CI check step has failed because of this (to fix we have done make gen and commit the changes).

Change on one env, Deploys changed resource on one env

In this PR we changed the number of replicas of a Deployment on the production environment (overlay). This will trigger a single deployment on that env

kahoy dry-run

Change multiple envs

In this PR we have added a new service to app2, this triggered that all envs now have this new service. Kahoy detects changes in all envs and deploys all of them.

kahoy dry-run

Delete on some envs, change on others

In this PR, we have removed the second service of app2 from all the envs, and add only to the staging environment, this triggered, the deletion of the service in production and dev environments, and the apply on the staging one.

kahoy dry-run


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