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erickskrauch committed Feb 15, 2018
1 parent 778bc61 commit 55f52d0
Showing 1 changed file with 222 additions and 44 deletions.
266 changes: 222 additions & 44 deletions
@@ -1,74 +1,252 @@
# Minecraft Skinsystem
# Chrly

Chrly is a lightweight implementation of Minecraft skins system server. It's packaged and distributed as a Docker
image and can be downloaded from [Dockerhub]( App is written in Go, can
withstand heavy loads and is production ready.

## Installation

You can easily install Chrly using [docker-compose]( The configuration below (save
it as `docker-compose.yml`) can be used to start a Chrly server. It relies on `CHRLY_SECRET` environment variable
that you must set before running `docker-compose up -d`. Other possible variables are described below.

version: '2'
image: elyby/chrly
hostname: chrly0
restart: always
- redis
- ./data/capes:/data/capes
- "80:80"
CHRLY_SECRET: replace_this_value_in_production

image: redis:4.0-32bit
restart: always
- ./data/redis:/data

Chrly will mount some volumes on the host machine to persist storage for capes and Redis database.

### Config

Application's configuration is based on the environment variables. You can adjust config by modifying `environment` key
inside your `docker-compose.yml` file. After value will have been changed, container should be stopped and recreated.
If environment variables have been changed, Docker will automatically recreate the container, so you only need to `stop`
and `up` it:

docker-compose stop app
docker-compose up -d app

**Variables to adjust:**

Реализация API системы скинов для Minecraft v4.
| ENV | Description | Example |
| STORAGE_REDIS_POOL | By default, Chrly creates pool with 10 connection, but you may want to increase it | `20` |
| STATSD_ADDR | StatsD can be used to collect metrics | `localhost:8125` |
| SENTRY_DSN | Sentry can be used to collect app errors | `` |

## Config
If something goes wrong, you can always access logs by executing `docker-compose logs -f app`.

Конфигурация может задаваться посредством любого из перечисленных форматов файлов: JSON, TOML, YAML, HCL и
Java properties. Кроме того, параметры конфигурации могут перезаписываться доступными при запуске программы
ENV переменными.
## Endpoints

> **Заметка**: ENV переменные именуются как KEY.SUBKEY.SUBSUBKEY, т.е. все символы должны быть заглавными,
а точки должны отделять уровень вложенности.
Each endpoint that accepts `username` as a part of an url takes it case insensitive. `.png` part can be omitted too.

#### `GET /skins/{username}.png`

This endpoint responds to requested `username` with a skin texture. If user's skin was set as texture's link, then it'll
respond with the `301` redirect to that url. If there is no record for requested username, it'll redirect to the
Mojang skins system as: `{username}.png` with the original username's case.

#### `GET /cloaks/{username}.png`

It responds to requested `username` with a cape texture. If user's cape file doesn't exists, then it'll redirect to the
Mojang skins system as: `{username}.png` with the original username's case.

#### `GET /textures/{username}`

This endpoint forms response payloads as if it was the `textures`' property, but without base64 encoding. For example:

"SKIN": {
"url": "",
"hash": "55d2a8848764f5ff04012cdb093458bd",
"metadata": {
"model": "slim"
"CAPE": {
"url": "",
"hash": "424ff79dce9940af89c28ad80de8aaad"

Пример файла конфигурации находится в [config.dist.yml](config.dist.yml). Внутри dist-файла есть комментарии,
поясняющие назначение тех или иных параметров. Для работы его следует скопировать в локальный `config.yml`
и отредактировать под свои нужды.
If record for the requested username wasn't found, cape would be omitted and skin would be formed for Mojang skins
system. Hash would be formed as the username plus the half-hour-ranged time of request, which is needed to improve
caching of Mojang skins inside Minecraft.

That request is handy in case when your server implements authentication for a game server (e.g. join/hasJoined
operation) and you have to respond with hasJoined request with an actual user textures. You have to simply send request
to the Chrly server and put the result in your hasJoined response.

#### `GET /textures/signed/{username}`

Actually, it's []( feature called [Server Skins System](, but if
you have your own source of the Mojang signatures, then you can pass it with textures and it'll be displayed in this
method. Received response should be directly sent to the client without any modification via game server API.

Response example:

"id": "0f657aa8bfbe415db7005750090d3af3",
"name": "username",
"properties": [
"name": "textures",
"signature": "signature value",
"value": "base64 encoded value"
"name": "chrly",
"value": "how do you tame a horse in Minecraft?"

## Развёртывание
If there is no requested `username` or `mojangSignature` field isn't set, `204` status code will be sent.

Деплоить проект можно двумя способами:
#### `GET /skins?name={username}`

1. Скомпилировав и запустив бинарный файл, а также обеспечив ему доступ ко всем необходмым сервисам.
Equivalent of the `GET /skins/{username}.png`, but constructed especially for old Minecraft versions, where username
placeholder wasn't used.

2. Используя Docker и docker-compose.
#### `GET /cloaks?name={username}`

*Первый случай не буду описывать, т.к. долго, мучительно и никто так делать не будет, я гарантирую это*,
поэтому перейдём сразу ко второму.
Equivalent of the `GET /cloaks/{username}.png`, but constructed especially for old Minecraft versions, where username
placeholder wasn't used.

Прежде всего необходимо установить [Docker]( и
### Records manipulating API

Для запуска последней версии проекта достаточно скопировать содержимое файла
[docker/](docker/ в файл `docker-compose.yml` непосредственно
на месте установки, после чего ввести в консоль команду:
Each request to the internal API should be performed with the Bearer authorization header. Example curl request:

docker-compose up -d
curl -X POST -i \
-H "Authorization: Bearer Ym9zY236Ym9zY28="

You can obtain token by executing `docker-compose run --rm app token`.

#### `POST /api/skins`

> **Warning**: skin uploading via `skin` field is not implemented for now.
Endpoint allows you to create or update skin record for a username. To upload skin, you have to send multipart
form data. `form-urlencoded` also supported, but, as you may know, it doesn't support files uploading.

**Request params:**

| Field | Type | Description |
| identityId | int | Unique record identifier. |
| username | string | Username. Case insensitive. |
| uuid | uuid | UUID of the user. |
| skinId | int | Skin identifier. |
| hash | string | Skin's hash. Algorithm can be any. For example `md5`. |
| is1_8 | bool | Does the skin have the new format (64x64). |
| isSlim | bool | Does skin have slim arms (Alex model). |
| mojangTextures | string | Mojang textures field. It must be a base64 encoded json string. Not required. |
| mojangSignature | string | Signature for Mojang textures, which is required when `mojangTextures` passed. |
| url | string | Actual url of the skin. You have to pass this parameter or `skin`. |
| skin | file | Skin file. You have to pass this parameter or `url`. |

If successful you'll receive `201` status code. In the case of failure there will be `400` status code and errors list
as json:

"errors": {
"identityId": [
"The identityId field must be numeric"

#### `DELETE /api/skins/id:{identityId}`

Performs record removal by identity id. Request body is not required. On success you will receive `204` status code.
On failure it'll be `404` with the json body:

"error": "Cannot find record for requested user id"

Web-приложение, amqp worker и все сопутствующие сервисы будут автоматически запущены. Данные из контейнеров
будут синхронизироваться в папку `data`.
#### `DELETE /api/skins/{username}`

## Разработка
Same endpoint as above but it removes record by identity's username. Have the same behavior, but in case of failure
response will be:

Перво-наперво необходимо [установить последнюю версию Go]( и сконфигурировать
переменную окружения GOPATH, а также установить инструмент контроля версий [dep](
"error": "Cannot find record for requested username"

## Development

First of all you should install the [latest stable version of Go]( and set `GOPATH`
environment variable.

This project uses [`dep`]( for dependencies management, so it
[should be installed]( too.

Затем можно склонировать репозиторий хитрым способом, чтобы удовлетворить все прекрасные особенности Go:
Then you must fork this repository. Now follow these steps:

# Сперва создадим подпапку для приватных Go проектов
mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/elyby
# Затем непосредственно клинируем репозиторий туда, где его ожидает увидеть Go
git clone $GOPATH/src/elyby/minecraft-skinsystem
# Переходим в папку проекта
cd $GOPATH/src/elyby/minecraft-skinsystem
# Устанавливаем зависимости
# Get the source code
go get
# Switch to the project folder
cd $GOPATH/src/
# Install dependencies (it can take a while)
dep ensure
# Add your fork link as a remote
git remote add fork
# Create a new branch for your task
git checkout -b iss-123

Чтобы запустить проект достаточно написать `go run main.go`, но без файла конфигурации и Redis
программа долго не проработает. Поэтому сперва копируем `config.dist.yml` в `config.yml` и, при необходимости,
затачиваем его под себя.
You only need to execute `go run main.go` to run the project, but without Redis database and a secret key it won't work
for very long. You have to export `CHRLY_SECRET` environment variable globally or pass it via `env`:

Redis можно установить в систему самостоятельно, но гораздо удобнее воспользоваться готовыми сервисами,
описанными в [docker/](docker/ Для этого просто копируем
`` и поднимаем сервисы:
env CHRLY_SECRET=some_local_secret go run main.go serve

Redis can be installed manually, but if you have [Docker installed](, you can run
predefined docker-compose service. Simply execute the next commands:

cp docker/ docker-compose.yml
cp docker-compose.yml
docker-compose up -d

После этого `go run main.go serve` должен запустить web-сервер без дополнительной модификации файла конфигурации.
If your Redis instance isn't located at the `localhost`, you can change host by editing environment variable

After all of that `go run main.go serve` should successfully start the application.
To run tests execute `go test ./...`. If your Go version is older than 1.9, then run a `/script/test`.

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