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Westminter Haskell Learning Repository

This repository is dedicated to my Haskell learning journey, a powerful and elegant functional programming language. Here, I will document my progress, encountered challenges, and creative solutions discovered along my study path.


The main goal of this project is to explore both fundamental and advanced concepts of the Haskell language, as well as to develop practical skills in building robust and efficient functional applications.

Project Ideas

  • File Format Parser System: Implement a set of parsers for various file formats such as JSON, XML, CSV, among others, using Haskell's string manipulation capabilities and algebraic data types.

  • Component for Maritime or Aeronautical Navigation Software: Develop a functional component for navigation software, capable of calculating routes, performing optimizations, and providing useful information for maritime or aeronautical navigators.

  • Database Parser: Create a parser for database queries, allowing safe and efficient execution of SQL queries in a Haskell environment.

How to Contribute

Whether you're a Haskell enthusiast, experienced developer, or curious newcomer, your contributions are welcome! You can contribute in various ways:

  • Corrections and Enhancements: If you find any errors or have suggestions for improving existing code, feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.

  • Project Implementation: If you're interested in any of the listed projects or have additional ideas, you can start implementing them and submit your contributions.

  • Feedback and Discussion: Share your experiences, ideas, and questions in the issues or discussions. This repository is also a space for collaborative learning.

Getting Started

Clone this repository:

git clone

Explore the source code available in the directories and choose a project to contribute to or start implementing.

To run the examples or test the projects, follow the instructions provided in the README of each specific directory.


A special thanks to the Haskell community and developers who contributed libraries, tools, and educational resources that make this learning possible. Together, we are building a vibrant and exciting functional software ecosystem.

Let's explore the fascinating world of functional programming with Haskell!

Author: Yuri Melo

License: MIT


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