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192 lines (142 loc) · 7.67 KB

File metadata and controls

192 lines (142 loc) · 7.67 KB

Contributing to Elyra

Elyra is an open-source project and welcomes contributions from the community be it as code, documentation, scenarios, etc.

Before you start, look at the project:

Also, for details on configuring your development environment, see:

Elyra UI

Elyra runs as extensions to the Jupyter ecosystem, thus it's UI is currently implemented as JupyterLab widget extensions.

Contributing to Elyra UI Extensions

Existing UI Extensions

The existing extensions are currently available as individual npm packages inside the packages folder.

 -- packages
    -- code-snippet
    -- metadata
    -- metadata-common
    -- pipeline-editor
    -- python-editor
    -- r-editor
    -- script-editor
    -- services
    -- theme
    -- ui-components

File Naming and File Creation conventions

Elyra extensions use a separate file for each widget, and keep helper functions and classes in the file with that widget. A file containing a widget is named after the widget (i.e. PipelineEditorWidget.tsx contains the class PipelineEditorWidget).

Files containing util functions are named generically after the utils functionality (i.e. if a util function returned a custom dialog, the file that contained that function would be called dialog.tsx).

The index file contains only the definition of the extension class and any other exports that the extension creates.

Import sections conventions

Elyra extensions create separate sections for imports from different categories (i.e. all imports from @jupyterlab would be in a separate section from imports from @lumino). Sections are separated by a blank line. Each section is alphabetized by the name of packages.

UI Tests

Elyra uses two types of frontend tests: integration tests (which use cypress) and unit tests (which use jest).

UI Integration tests

Before running integration tests, docker needs to be installed and running on your machine. There are two ways to run the integration tests:

  • To only see the output logs from all of the integration tests, run make test-integration from the root directory.
  • To run or debug specific tests, run make test-integration-debug. This will open an interactive UI tool for writing and debugging individual test files.

Elyra's integration tests automatically start JupyterLab and visit / interact with pages through cypress API calls. The tests use the cypress API to check for the existence of various buttons and visual elements. Refer to the cypress API for more details.

New integration tests can be added to tests/integration.

UI Unit tests

To run all of the unit tests, use make test-ui-unit from the root directory. To run the unit tests for a specific Elyra package, simply run jest or npm run test from that package's directory (under packages/). To turn on the watch mode just run jest --watch or npm run test --watch.

Elyra's unit tests test the various classes and objects used by Elyra extensions. Refer to the jest API for more details.

To add unit tests for a package that doesn't have tests set up, some configuration files are required. In the directory for the package being tested, add a file titled jest.config.js that contains the following:

module.exports = require('../../testutils/jest.config');

Then, in the package.json, add the following under 'scripts':

"test": "jest",
"build:test": "tsc --build tsconfig.test.json",

And the following under 'dev_dependencies':

"@jupyterlab/testutils": "3.4.0",
"@types/jest": "^23.3.11",
"jest": "^24.7.1",
"jest-raw-loader": "^1.0.1",
"ts-jest": "^24.0.2",

Create a file tsconfig.test.json that contains:

  "extends": "../../tsconfigbase.test",
  "include": ["src/*", "test/*"],
  "references": []

Finally, create a folder called test in the src directory of the package being tested, and add tests using the file extension .spec.ts.

Elyra Backend

Elyra runs as extensions to the Jupyter ecosystem, thus it's backend is currently implemented as JupyterServer server extensions and exposed as REST APIs to frontend clients.

Elyra backend services

The existing services are currently available as individual python modules inside the elyra folder.

 -- packages
    -- airflow
    -- api
    -- cli
    -- contents
    -- kfp
    -- metadata
    -- pipeline
    -- templates
    -- util

Backend tests

To run all server tests, use make test-server from the root directory. There are also two ways to run only specific backend tests:

  • To run all tests in a specific directory or file, run pytest [resource] where resource is the relative path to a directory or file inside the server tests folder.
  • To run specific tests by function name, run pytest -k [test_function1 test_function2 ...]

Elyra documentation

The Elyra documentation's source is stored in the Elyra repository and hosted at Elyra's Read the Docs. The documentation is written in Markdown and built using Sphinx.

Contributing to the Elyra documentation

To contribute content to the Elyra documentation follow these steps:

  1. Fork the repository.

  2. Clone your fork.

    git clone

    The documentation assets are located in the /docs directory.

    • To add a new document create a new markdown file in the appropriate section subdirectory (e.g. /docs/source/getting_started) and add an entry to that section in /docs/source/index.rst.
    • To update an existing document edit the corresponding markdown file.
    • Place new or updated images in the /docs/source/images directory. For example, images for the pipeline components topic in the user guide are stored in docs/source/images/user_guide/pipeline-components/. PNG is the recommended format.
  3. Build the documentation assets locally.

    In the repository's root directory (not the /docs directory) run

    make docs
  4. Review the build output and verify that your updates introduced no warnings or errors.

  5. Review the updated documentation assets.

    1. Navigate to the /docs/_build/html/ directory.
    2. Open index.html in a web browser.
  6. Commit your updates to a new branch and open a pull request.