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Elyfi staking pool version 2.

ELYFI is adding real estate to the DEFI concept. This is the expansion of the current crypto-to-crypto applications as ELYFI will introduce traditional assets to the open financial market.

In the Elyfi staking pool, users can stake crypto assets and take a reward for their staking. There are two crypto assets for staking, EL and ELFI, and corresponding staking pool contracts are deployed in the ethereum network.



The documentation of Elyfi is in the following link.

Contract Addresses

ETH Mainnet (chainId: 1)

Contract Address
EL StakingPool 0x3f0c3e32bb166901acd0abc9452a3f0c5b8b2c9d
ELFI StakingPool 0x24a7fb55e4ac2cb40944bc560423b496dfa8803f
ELFI-DAI LP StakingPool 0xf26546ee9562ed60f680c747f28a6ae67a805c90
ELFI-ETH LP StakingPool 0xa33cfb48338450aecc3e7da69e7f99ac923cfc28

BSC (chainId: 56)

Contract Address
ELFI StakingPool(BSC) 0x861c2221e4d73a97cd94e64c7287fd968cba03e4

Sepolia Testnet

Contracts Address
EL (Mock) 0xbAb18A10b19316fe2E65259df085bC90E9256C84
StakingPoolV2_EL 0x8363cF51a246594fec91DAD4bBC7b66136BBcc1f


For questions about elyfi staking pool, you can join our telegram channel


Set up environment variables

Set up .env file in the project directory and add the following environment variables:

ADMIN= {admin private key for production}
TEST_MNEMONIC= {mnemonic phrase for testnet}
ETHERSCAN_API_KEY= {etherscan api key for verifying}


yarn hardhat deploy --network networkname --tags {elPool | elyfiPool | daiLpPool | ethLpPool }
(networkname : mainnet | ropsten | hardhat | ganache ... )


To run the tests, run:

yarn test


You can interact and test elyfi stakingpool by running tasks. Below is implemented tasks

# Init New Staking Pool
yarn task --network networkname prepare-staking-el
yarn task --network networkname prepare-staking-elfi
yarn task --network networkname prepare-staking-dai-lp
yarn task --network networkname prepare-staking-eth-lp

# Stake
yarn task --network networkname testnet:stake --amount amountToStake

# Withdraw
yarn task --network networkname testnet:withdraw --amount amountToStake

Function Call Gas Consumption

Contract Method Min Max Avg
StakingPool migrate 161524 201396 176571
StakingPool stake 95090 153608 134195
StakingPool withdraw 43125 103221 69564