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Mulk: open source non-interactive multi-connection network downloader
  with image filtering and Metalink support (version 0.7.0)

Current web home:


-up to 50 simultaneous connections, up to 5 per host.
-protocols supported: HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, FTPS, TFTP, TELNET, DICT and FILE.
-recursive download of HTML pages until a specified depth.
-options to go to foreign hosts, accept and reject specific domains.
-multiple URLs in command line.
-Metalink retrieving with segmented download.
-Metalink support for FTP, HTTP(S).
-Metalink 3.0 and 4.0 (RFC 5854) supported.
-multiple Metalink URLs in command line.
-checksum verification for Metalink downloads (support for md2, md4, md5, sha1, sha224, sha256, sha384, sha512).
-chunk checksum verification for Metalink downloads (support for md2, md4, md5, sha1, sha224, sha256, sha384, sha512).
-several Metalink options (location, OS, language, preference, max connections per resource, max connections per file, continent of origin).
-options to print full lists of valid countries and continents for Metalink files.
-resume Metalink download.
-read Metalink URLs from a text file.
-option to make links relative when downloading HTML pages in order to use them locally.
-option to follow Metalink URLs in HTML pages.
-option to follow FTP links in HTML documents.
-options to specify username and password for the connections.
-option to specify a proxy for the connections.
-options to manage HTTP cookies.
-option to execute an external program to filter URLs to download.
-save web pages copying the site tree locally.
-filtering of GIF, PNG and JPEG images by width and height.
-save all images in a single directory.
-save only URLs with specified mime-type to an output directory.
-read the options in long format from a text file.
-read the URLs to download from a text file.
-write a report of the download activity to a text or csv file.
-option to save the report progressively.
-i18n gettext internationalisation.
-static and dynamic libraries creation (libmulk)
-large file support (LFS)

Compile & Install:

To compile you need the following libraries:
libcurl (for Debian try "apt-get install openssl curl libcurl4-openssl-dev" or see
liburiparser (for Debian try "apt-get install liburiparser-dev" or see

To compile with recursion enabled you need also:
libtidy (for Debian try "apt-get install libtidy-dev" or see

To compile with Metalink enabled you need also:
libmetalink (for Debian try "apt-get install libexpat1-dev libxml2-dev" or see

To compile with checksum verification for Metalink you need also:
libcrypto (

To compile the project just type following commands:

	$ ./configure
	$ make
	$ make install

You can also compile mulk's library (libmulk) in static format:

	$ ./configure --disable-shared --enable-static
	$ make
	$ make install

or dynamic format:

	$ ./configure --enable-shared --disable-static
	$ make
	$ make install

By default both of them are compiled in libs/.libs.


You can get syntax by typing mulk -h.


non-interactive multi-connection network downloader



LGPL-3.0 and 2 other licenses found

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