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docs(orc8r): Added docs for simple gateway registration (magma#12263)
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christinewang5 authored and emakeev committed Aug 5, 2022
1 parent 12d1f8d commit a285854
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"orc8r/dev_dependencies": {
"title": "Module Dependencies"
"orc8r/dev_gateway_registration": {
"title": "Gateway Registration"
"orc8r/dev_indexers": {
"title": "State Indexers"
"orc8r/dev_minikube": {
"title": "Deploy on Minikube"
"orc8r/dev_token_security": {
"orc8r/dev_rest_api_auth": {
"title": "REST API Auth"
"orc8r/dev_rest_api": {
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id: dev_gateway_registration
title: Gateway Registration
hide_title: true
# Gateway Registration

## Motivation

Previously, to register a gateway, the operator would have to gather the gateway information (both the hardware ID and the challenge key) through `` script, then provision the gateway with the correct values of `control_proxy.yml` and `rootCA.pem`.
Then, the operator would have to register each gateway through the NMS UI and validate the gateway registration by running ``.

In efforts to simplify gateway registration, the new registration process only requires two steps: registering the gateway at Orc8r and then running `` at the gateway.

## Overview

The overview of gateway registration is as follows:

Note: The operator should set per-tenant default `control_proxy.yml` through the API endpoint `\tenants\{tenant_id}\control_proxy` as a prerequisite.
The control proxy must have `\n` characters as line breaks. Here is a sample request body:

"control_proxy": "nghttpx_config_location: /var/tmp/nghttpx.conf\n\nrootca_cert: /var/opt/magma/certs/rootCA.pem\ngateway_cert: /var/opt/magma/certs/gateway.crt\ngateway_key: /var/opt/magma/certs/gateway.key\nlocal_port: 8443\ncloud_address: controller.magma.test\ncloud_port: 7443\n\nbootstrap_address: bootstrapper-controller.magma.test\nbootstrap_port: 7444\nproxy_cloud_connections: True\nallow_http_proxy: True"

1. The operator registers a gateway partially (i.e., without its device field) through Orc8r through an API call. It will receive a registration token, the `rootCA.pem`, and its Orc8r's domain name in the response body under the field registration info. For example,

"registration_info": {
"domain_name": "magma.test",
"registration_token": "reg_h9h2fhfUVuS9jZ8uVbhV3vC5AWX39I",
"root_ca": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\nMIIDNTCCAh2gAwIBAgIUAX6gmuNG3v/vv7uZjL5sUKYflJ0wDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEL\nBQAwKTELMAkGA1UEBhMCVVMxGjAYBgNVBAMMEXJvb3RjYS5tYWdtYS50ZXN0MCAX\nDTIxMTAwMTIwMzYyOVoYDzMwMjEwMjAxMjAzNjI5WjApMQswCQYDVQQGEwJVUzEa\nMBgGA1UEAwwRcm9vdGNhLm1hZ21hLnRlc3QwggEiMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4IB\nDwAwggEKAoIBAQDN6k/+7buO/KwgJgRjE/LM5wmNvMWpxDfKJpdpUH6DrjQkEpZB\n8E8Ts9qwR6RSTh8H/jL/qkoHpTbIdHZhOtayY/t/zreIClAytWyJSaJfGoRfXzsV\nyzjD7Bk79YrgAja9cAJcqy26gURQsB173opnlKTzMCfiirpY3gbiJEy74s0M6uII\njGvxx1uvXauFBO5mbbAPmxG4fFXTBGJMcxvHtdU8Vizf2YkZXqoXni0gJ0TJFK4O\nVeZe8EWuUXsD1iEbxz/H752I4yfQ2Djuj6emjRJlAeKnPsQWSsR4Qt3Po0R5YOmn\nEEsOmlfH6vOm3eiYrhxlIQ7uEFw760IDe0OLAgMBAAGjUzBRMB0GA1UdDgQWBBT6\nVQqTB+bVV7foz2xPo3sUfAqnhDAfBgNVHSMEGDAWgBT6VQqTB+bVV7foz2xPo3sU\nfAqnhDAPBgNVHRMBAf8EBTADAQH/MA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAA4IBAQASxJHc6JTk\n5iZJOBEXzl8iWqIO9K8z3y46Jtc9MA7DnYO5v6HvYE8WnFn/FRui/MLiOb1OAsVk\nJpNHRkJJMB1KxD5RkyfXTcIE+LSu/XUJQDc2F4RnZPYhPExK8tcmqHTDV78m+LHl\nswOIjhQVn9r6TncsfOhLs0YkqikHSJz1i4foJGFiOmM5R91KuOvwOG4qQ1Xw1J64\n7sHA4OElf/CIt0ul7xfAlzbLXOaPBb8z82dR5H28+3srGayPgauM9EGIHulm1J53\nM4uFtM9sA/X/EWMLF1T5ACDTjpD74yhxX98hFNlDuABacer/RN1UB/iTG7eMMhIO\nWLRlFB4QVm8w\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n"

The registration token expires every 30 minutes and automatically refreshes every time the operator fetches this unregistered gateway.
2. The operator runs the `` script at the gateway with the registration token and its Orc8r's domain name.

MAGMA-VM [/home/vagrant]$ sudo /home/vagrant/build/python/bin/python3 ~/magma/orc8r/gateway/python/scripts/ [-h] [--ca-file CA_FILE] [--cloud-port CLOUD_PORT] [--no-control-proxy] DOMAIN_NAME REGISTRATION_TOKEN

The operator can optionally set the root CA file with the `--ca-file CA_FILE` flag or disable writing to the control proxy file with the `--no-control-proxy` flag.
`sudo` permission is necessary because the script needs write access to the file `/var/opt/magma/configs/control_proxy.yml` for configuring the gateway.
For example, in a testing environment with the `rootCA.pem` and `control_proxy.yml` configured, the operator could run

MAGMA-VM [/home/vagrant]$ sudo /home/vagrant/build/python/bin/python3 ~/magma/orc8r/gateway/python/scripts/ magma.test reg_t5S4zjhD0tXRTmkYKQoN91FmWnQSK2 --cloud-port 7444 --no-control-proxy

Upon success, the script will print the gateway information that was registered and run `` automatically. Below is an example of the output of a successful register attempt.

> Registered gateway
Hardware ID
id: "aabf4fb9-0933-4039-95a8-b87ae7144d71"

Challenge Key
key: "MHYwEAYHKoZIzj0CAQYFK4EEACIDYgAEQrZVdmuZpvciEXdznTErWUelOcgdBwPKQfOZDL7Wkl8ALSBtKvJWDPyhS6rkW9/xJdgPD4QK3Jqc4Eox5NT6SVYYuHWLv7b28493rwFvuC2+YurmfYj+LZh9VBVTvlwk"

Control Proxy
nghttpx_config_location: /var/tmp/nghttpx.conf

rootca_cert: /var/opt/magma/certs/rootCA.pem
gateway_cert: /var/opt/magma/certs/gateway.crt
gateway_key: /var/opt/magma/certs/gateway.key
local_port: 8443
cloud_address: controller.magma.test
cloud_port: 7443

bootstrap_address: bootstrapper-controller.magma.test
bootstrap_port: 7444
proxy_cloud_connections: True
allow_http_proxy: True

> Waiting 60.0 seconds for next bootstrap

> Running checkin_cli
1. -- Testing TCP connection to controller.magma.test:7443 --
2. -- Testing Certificate --
3. -- Testing SSL --
4. -- Creating direct cloud checkin --
5. -- Creating proxy cloud checkin --

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion docs/readmes/orc8r/
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@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
id: dev_token_security
id: dev_rest_api_auth
title: REST API Auth
hide_title: true
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