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ItemEdit command

emanondev edited this page Aug 2, 2022 · 5 revisions

Default aliases: /itemedit, /ie
Description: This command allow you to efficiently change the property of your items

/ie rename <text>

Description: Rename the item in your hand
Permission: itemedit.itemedit.rename
Additional permissions:

Permission Purpose
itemedit.itemedit.rename.format.* allow the use of any format
itemedit.itemedit.rename.color.* allow the use of any color
itemedit.itemedit.rename.format.bold allow the use of bold
itemedit.itemedit.rename.format.<format> allow the use of selected format
itemedit.itemedit.rename.color.hexa allow the use of hexa colors
itemedit.itemedit.rename.color.<color> allow the use of selected color
itemedit.bypass.censure allow to bypass censure filthers
itemedit.bypass.rename_type_restriction allow to bypass limits on renamable item types

/ie lore

Description: Edit the lore of the item in your hand
Permission: itemedit.itemedit.lore

Command Purpose
/ie lore add <text> Adds a new line and write <text>
/ie lore set <line> <text> Override selected line and write <text>
/ie lore remove <line> Remove selected line
/ie lore reset Reset the lore
/ie lore insert <line> <text> Adds selected line and write <text>
/ie lore copy Copy the lore of the item
/ie lore copybook Copy the text of the book
/ie lore copyfile <path> Copy text from a preset on loreCopy.yml
/ie lore paste Paste the lore
/ie lore replace <text> <replacer> Replace <text> on lore with <replacer>

Additional permissions:

Permission Purpose
itemedit.itemedit.lore.format.* allow the use of any format
itemedit.itemedit.lore.color.* allow the use of any color
itemedit.itemedit.lore.format.bold allow the use of bold
itemedit.itemedit.lore.format.<format> allow the use of selected format
itemedit.itemedit.lore.color.hexa allow the use of hexa colors
itemedit.itemedit.lore.color.<color> allow the use of selected color
itemedit.bypass.censure allow to bypass censure filthers

/ie amount <amount>

Description: Edit the amount of the item in your hand
Permission: itemedit.itemedit.amount

/ie attribute

Description: Change attributes on item in your hand
Permission: itemedit.itemedit.attribute

Command Purpose
/ie attribute add <type> <amount> [operation=add_scalar] [slot=any] Adds a new attribute
/ie attribute remove <type> Remove selected attribute type
/ie attribute remove <slot> Remove attributes on selected slot

/ie axlotlvariant <variant>

Description: Edit the axolotl type on axlotl bucket in your hand
Permission: itemedit.itemedit.axolotlvariant

/ie banner

Description: Opens a gui to let you change your banner
Permission: itemedit.itemedit.banner

/ie bookauthor <text>

Description: Change the author of the book in your hand
Permission: itemedit.itemedit.bookauthor

/ie booktype <type>

Description: Change the type of the book in your hand
Permission: itemedit.itemedit.booktype
Requires: Server Version 1.10+

/ie color <red> <green> <blue>

Description: Change the color of the item in your hand (works on leather armor, firework stars, potions, tipped arrows...)
Red green and blue also know as RGB are the amount of color you want to use, see this
Permission: itemedit.itemedit.color
Requires: Server Version 1.11+ to apply color on Potions and Tipped arrows

Additional permissions:

Permission Purpose
itemedit.itemedit.color.leather Allow editing leather color
itemedit.itemedit.color.potion Allow editing potion color
itemedit.itemedit.color.tipped_arrow Allow editing tipped arrow color
itemedit.itemedit.color.firework_star Allow editing firework star color

/ie compass <set/clear>

Description: Sets your location as pointed by the compass or clear current compass location
Permission: itemedit.itemedit.compass
Requires: Server Version 1.16+

/ie custommodeldata <value>

Description: Sets custom model data of the item
Permission: itemedit.itemedit.custommodeldata
Requires: Server Version 1.14+

/ie damage <amount>

Description: Change the damage of the item if it has durability
Permission: itemedit.itemedit.damage

/ie enchant <enchant> [level=1]

Description: Sets an enchant on the item
Permission: itemedit.itemedit.enchant
Additional permissions:

Permission Purpose
itemedit.itemedit.enchant.bypass_max_level Bypass max enchantment level limit

/ie firework

Description: Opens a gui to let you change your firework
Permission: itemedit.itemedit.firework

/ie fireworkpower <amount>

Description: Change the power of the firework in your hand
Permission: itemedit.itemedit.fireworkpower

/ie hide <flag>

Description: Hide some values on the item in your hand
Permission: itemedit.itemedit.hide

/ie hideall

Description: Hide all the values on the item in your hand (shortcut of /ie hide)
Permission: itemedit.itemedit.hideall

/ie potioneffect

Description: Edit additional potion effects to potions, tipped arrows and suspicious stews
Permission: itemedit.itemedit.potioneffect

Command Purpose
/ie potioneffect add <type> <duration> [level=1] Adds or override selected potion effect
/ie potioneffect remove <type> Remove selected potion effect
/ie potioneffect reset Reset potion effects to default

Additional permissions:

Permission Purpose
itemedit.itemedit.potioneffect.bypass_max_level Allow editing potion effects above level 2

/ie repaircost <level>

Description: Sets base anvil repair cost for item in your hand
Permission: itemedit.itemedit.repaircost
Additional permissions:

Permission Purpose
itemedit.itemedit.repaircost.without_durability When false allow to set a repair cost only if the item has durability

/ie skullowner <text>

Description: Sets skull owner, skull skin should also update when placed
Permission: itemedit.itemedit.skullowner

/ie tropicalfish

Description: Edit the fish on tropical fish bucket in your hand
Permission: itemedit.itemedit.tropicalfish

Command Purpose
/ie tropicalfish pattern <type> Sets fish pattern
/ie potioneffect patterncolor <color> Sets fish pattern color
/ie potioneffect bodycolor <color> Sets fish bodycolor

/ie type <type>

Description: Sets material type of the item in your hand
Permission: itemedit.itemedit.type

/ie unbreakable [value]

Description: Sets item in your hand unbreakable
Permission: itemedit.itemedit.unbreakable

/ie listaliases [type]

Description: Shows you aliases names for each type, aliases for types are defined on aliases.yml
Permission: itemedit.itemedit.listaliases