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What Does This Do?

This uses BoofCV and template matching to tell if a larger image contains some smaller image

How Do I Do It?

As a Service

Download a version from the release page, or assemble one yourself with sbt assembly.

Then to run the server on localhost:9999 you'd do:

export HTTP_PORT=9999
export HTTP_INTERFACE=localhost

it will accept request to the /api route in the following formats

It accepts a json body in the format


or form data in the format:

curl --form "full=@/path/to/full/image" --form "part=@/path/to/part/of/image" $HOST:$PORT/api

for POST requests and query params in the format:


for GET requests

and responds with true if part is contained in full and false otherwise



ImageTester.doesImageContainPart("/path/to/full/image", "/path/to/part/of/image")

Who Did It First?

The ImageTester class was adapted from BoofCV's