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Google Storage reader with Akka Stream

Codeship Status for emartech/gcs-storage-stream Maven Central Maven Central

It is a library to connect a a google storage and fetch a specific file via Akka Stream. All GCS Storage configuration read from ActorSystem except file name.


You can override the default configuration, see more in src/main/resources/reference.conf.

See example implementation is GoogleStorageReaderExample.scala object

object GoogleStorageReaderExample extends App {

    implicit val system       = ActorSystem("gc-example")
    implicit val materializer = ActorMaterializer()
    lazy val csvLines =
            .via(Framing.delimiter(ByteString("\n"), maximumFrameLength = 25))
            .groupedWithin(1000, 1 seconds)
       "Start streaming file...")
     //bucket, projectId comes from .conf
    //or projectId does not come from .conf
    GoogleStorage.storageSource("ids_only.csv", "projectId", "bucket", 64).via(csvLines).runForeach(println)


Specify the GCS_PROJECT_NAME, GCS_PRIVATE_KEY_ID, GCS_READ_KEY, GCS_EMAIL_PREFIX and GCS_CLIENT_ID env vars in the .env file, then run sbt it:test.


The GoogleStorageItSpec contains integration tests. it/resources/applicantion.conf file should fill with a proper endpoint of GCS storage. You can run the tests with the following commands:

sbt it:test

Creating a release

This library is using sbt-release-early for releasing artifacts. Every push will be released to maven central, see the plugins documentation on the versioning schema.

To cut a final release:

Choose the appropriate version number according to semver then create and push a tag with it, prefixed with v. For example:

$ git tag -s v1.1.1
$ git push --tag

After pushing the tag, while it is not strictly necessary, please draft a release on github with this tag too.