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QuestZDoom Performance Settings

Emanuele Disco edited this page Dec 14, 2022 · 2 revisions

There are several settings added to QuestZDoom to improve performance on VR. These is a brief explanation regarding these settings, what they do and the recommended value.

Video Options

Refresh Rate - Change the display refresh rate directly in game. The default value is auto and it will use the default display refresh or the refresh from the command line parameter --refresh. Other options available are 60, 72, 80, 90 and 120Hz if the headset support it.

Dynamic Light Options

Light shadowmaps - Better to keep disabled, walls will generate shadows depending on dynamic lights nearby.

Light buffer type - Choose SSBO for better stability, on Quest 1 UBO can be used instead to improve fps.

Light cull distance - How far dynamic lights are rendered in relation to the player camera. Keeping this value relatively low can improve performance on big rooms with many dynamic lights. Lights behind walls do not cause any problems and they are not affected by this option.

Light max intensity (range) - How far a dynamic light can go, this option is important for boosting performance when using flashlight. I recommend to keep this value relatively low, the default value 1000 is just fine.

Max collected sub sectors - Every walls (included ceilings and floors) and sprites are affected by dynamic lights, by changing this option we tell the engine to search for more or less objects that need to change their light, if affected by the dynamic light nearby. I recommend to keep this option under 1000. If set too low might add strange light artefacts. This option is important for boosting performance when moving and using flashlight at the same time.

Max wall lights - Total number of lights affecting walls. Can be tuned to improve performance.

Max flat lights - Total number of lights affecting flat objects. Can be tuned to improve performance.

Light range limit - Limit the light contribution of a single light source to the overall illumination of the place surrounding the light source. Greatly improve performance with many light sources positioned a short distance from each other.


You can disable the three options by lowering the values down to 0 so you can compare before and after. You should also play with 'Light cull distance'. If you lower the last three options too much lights will start switching off depending on where you look and where you are, you can reduce the cull distance to reduce this kind of effect.

OpenGL Options

Sprite Cull Distance - How far sprites are rendered in relation to the player camera. Monsters will still be there, you just don't see them but they might see you! Recommended value: 2000.

Wall Cull Distance - How far walls are rendered in relation to the player camera. Recommended value: 3000.

Global fade - Add a global fade to the entire map, good if you want to use low cull distance for walls and sprites and you don't want to see the pop in and pop out, also it will replace the skybox with the selected fade color. It will greatly improve performance when outside or when the skybox is visible.

Global fade density - Increase or decrease the fog density

Global fade gradient - Just play with it, I don't know how to explain it...

Global fade color - Change the fade color, try with black but any color is cool depending on the map.

Render the skydome - Will replace the skybox with a color matching the original skybox, it will improve performance quiet a lot.

Reflections - Just keep them disabled, performance are greatly affected by reflections.

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