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Vagrantfile to set up a demo environment for an Enterprise (on-prem) Docker Environment

1. About

  • Vagrantfile and scripts to stand up a four (configurable) node VMware PhotonOS deployment (harbor, admiral, up to two workers) based on VMware PhotonOS, VMware Admiral (Container Host Management) and VMware Harbor (Docker Registry)
  • See @vmtocloud ´s blog articles e.g. here or the user guides on Harbor and Admiral for some better understanding of the products

2. Notes, Pre-Reqs and tested environment

  • Tested on OSX 10.11.6, Vagrant 1.8.1 (see issue w/ Vagrant > 1.8.1 #7808, Virtualbox 5.0.26
    • Tested VMware Photon OS Image v1.2.0 (run "vagrant box update --box vmware/photon" to update to the latest Vagrant Box)
  • Please see Issues section for planned improvements and current issues
  • The Admiral node requires 1 vCPU and 2GB MEM, Harbor 1 vCPU and 1GB MEM, workers are configured for 1 vCPU and 512MB MEM
  • It is also possible to just launch some of the boxes ("vagrant up admiral worker-1"), e.g. in case of resource constraints
  • Depending on your connection, pulling images can take a while so be patient :) (you can open a parallel vagrant ssh session and verify that docker pull is still running, e.g. ps auxf)
  • This is a test/ demo environment only, so don´t use in production (especially not because the appliances are not really hardened and most of the communication between the nodes is plain http)

3. How to start