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Developing Addons and Blueprints

Addons make it possible to easily share common code between applications. However, if an addon only covers a very project specific use-case, an In-Repo-Addon could be considered instead.

This guide will walk through the development cycle of a fictional addon ember-cli-x-button.


An addon can be installed with the install command:

ember install <package name>

To install the (fictional) x-button addon package:

ember install ember-cli-x-button


Ember CLI will detect the presence of an addon by inspecting each of your applications dependencies and search their package.json files for the presence of ember-addon in the keywords section (see below).

{% highlight javascript %} "keywords": [ "ember-addon", ... ] {% endhighlight %}

Addon scenarios

The Ember CLI addons API currently supports the following scenarios:

  • Performing operations on the EmberApp created in the consuming application's ember-cli-build.js
  • Adding preprocessors to the default registry
  • Providing a custom application tree to be merged with the consuming application
  • Providing custom express (server) middlewares
  • Adding custom/extra blueprints, typically for scaffolding application/project files
  • Adding content to consuming applications
  • Adding content to the consuming application's tests directory (via test-support/)

Addon CLI options

Ember CLI has an addon command with some options:

ember addon <addon-name> <options...>

Note: An addon can NOT be created inside an existing application.

Create addon

To create a basic addon: ember addon <addon-name>

Running this command should generate something like the following:

{% highlight bash %} ember addon ember-cli-x-button version x.y.zz installing create .bowerrc create .editorconfig create tests/dummy/.eslintrc.js ... create index.js

Installing packages for tooling via npm Installed browser packages via Bower. {% endhighlight %}

Addon conventions

The addon infrastructure is based on "convention over configuration" in accordance with the Ember philosophy. You are encouraged to follow these conventions to make it easier on yourself and for others to better understand your code. The same applies for addon blueprints.

Addon project structure

The addon project created follows these structure conventions:

  • app/ - merged with the application's namespace.
  • addon/ - part of the addon's namespace.
  • blueprints/ - contains any blueprints that come with the addon, each in a separate directory
  • public/ - static files which will be available in the application as /your-addon/*
  • test-support/ - merged with the application's tests/ under the application's namespace.
  • addon-test-support/ - merged with the application's tests/ under the addon's namespace at ${addon-name}/test-support/.
  • tests/ - test infrastructure including a "dummy" app and acceptance test helpers.
  • vendor/ - vendor specific files, such as stylesheets, fonts, external libs etc.
  • ember-cli-build.js - Compilation configuration
  • package.json - Node meta-data, dependencies etc.
  • index.js - main Node entry point (as per npm conventions)


The generated addon package.json file looks something like this:

{% highlight javascript %} { "name": "ember-cli-x-button", // addon name "version": "0.0.1", // version of addon "directories": { "doc": "doc", "test": "test" }, "scripts": { "start": "ember server", "build": "ember build", "test": "ember test" }, "repository": "", "engines": { "node": ">= 0.10.0" }, "keywords": [ "ember-addon" // add more keywords to better categorize the addon ], "ember-addon": { // addon configuration properties "configPath": "tests/dummy/config" }, "author": "", // your name "license": "MIT", // license "devDependencies": { "body-parser": "^1.2.0", ... // add specific dev dependencies here! } } {% endhighlight %}

Let's add some meta data to categorize the addon a little better:

{% highlight javascript %} "keywords": [ "ember-addon", "x-button", "button" ] {% endhighlight %}

Addons depending on other addons

If your addon depends on another addon, install it as a dependency in your package.json:

{% highlight javascript %} // ... "dependencies": { "ember-ajax": "^0.7.1" } {% endhighlight %}

An application that consumes your addon will automatically install and bundle dependencies specified this way.

Addon entry point

An addon will leverage the npm conventions, and look for an index.js as the entry point unless another entry point is specified via the "main" property in the package.json file. You are encouraged to use index.js as the addon entry point.

The generated index.js is a simple JavaScript Object (POJO) that you can customize and expand as you see fit.

{% highlight javascript %} // index.js module.exports = { name: 'ember-cli-x-button' }; {% endhighlight %}

During the build process, the included hook on your addon will be called, allowing you to perform setup logic or modify the app or addon:

{% highlight javascript %} // index.js module.exports = { name: 'ember-cli-x-button', included(app, parentAddon) { this._super.included.apply(this, arguments); let target = (parentAddon || app); // Now you can modify the app / parentAddon. For example, if you wanted // to include a custom preprocessor, you could add it to the target's // registry: // // target.registry.add('js', myPreprocessor); } }; {% endhighlight %}

The exported object extends the Addon class. So any hooks that exist on the Addon class may be overridden by addon author.

Configuring your ember-addon properties

By default, the "ember-addon" hash in the package.json file has the "configPath" property defined to point to the config directory of the test dummy application.

Optionally, you may specify whether your ember-addon must run "before" or "after" any other Ember CLI addons. Both of these properties can take either a string or an array of strings, where the string is the name of the another Ember CLI addon, as defined in the package.json of the other addon.

Optionally, you may specify a different name for the "defaultBlueprint". It defaults to the name in the package.json. This blueprint will be run automatically when your addon is installed with the ember install command.

Optionally, you may specify the "demoURL" property with the fully qualified URL of a website showing your addon in action. Sites like Ember Addons and Ember Observer will display a link to "demoURL".

{% highlight javascript %} "ember-addon": { // addon configuration properties "configPath": "tests/dummy/config", "before": "single-addon", "defaultBlueprint": "blueprint-that-isnt-package-name", "demoURL": "", "after": [ "after-addon-1", "after-addon-2" ] } {% endhighlight %}

Addon ember-cli-build

The addon's ember-cli-build.js is only used to configure the dummy application found in tests/dummy/. It is never referenced by applications which include the addon.

If you need to use ember-cli-build.js, you may have to specify paths relative to the addon root directory. For example to configure ember-cli-less to use app.less in the dummy app:

{% highlight javascript %} // ember-cli-build.js const EmberAddon = require('ember-cli/lib/broccoli/ember-addon');

let app = new EmberAddon({ lessOptions: { paths: ['tests/dummy/app/styles/'], outputFile: 'dummy.css' } });

module.exports = app.toTree(); {% endhighlight %}

Addon Components

To create a new component: ember g component x-button The actual code for the addon goes in addon/components/x-button.js

{% highlight javascript %} import Component from '@ember/component'; import { get } from '@ember/object';

export default Component.extend({ tagName: 'button',

didInsertElement() { this._super(...arguments); this.setupXbutton(); },

willDestroyElement() { this._super(...arguments); this.teardownXbutton(); },

setupXbutton() { // ... },

teardownXbutton() { get(this, 'x-button').destroy(); } }); {% endhighlight %}

In order to allow the consuming application to use the addon component in a template directly you need to bridge the component via your addon's app/components directory. Just re-export your component:

{% highlight javascript %} // app/components/x-button.js export { default } from 'ember-cli-x-button/components/x-button';

{% endhighlight %}

This setup allows others to modify the component by extending it while making the component available in the consuming applications namespace. This means anyone who installs your x-button addon can start using the component in their templates with {% raw %}{{x-button}}{% endraw %} without any extra configuration.

Default Blueprint

A blueprint with the same name as the addon (unless explicitly changed, see above) will be automatically run after install (in development, it must be manually run after linking). This is where you can tie your addon's bower dependencies into the client app so that they actually get installed.

To create the blueprint, add the file blueprints/ember-cli-x-button/index.js. This follows the usual Ember blueprints naming conventions.

{% highlight javascript %} // blueprints/ember-cli-x-button/index.js module.exports = { normalizeEntityName() {}, // no-op since we're just adding dependencies

afterInstall() { return this.addBowerPackageToProject('x-button'); // is a promise } }; {% endhighlight %}

Working with Dependencies

You can pull in addons, npm packages, and bower packages, in your blueprint, by using various hooks provided to you. They are as follows:

  • addAddon(s)ToProject Adds an addon to the project's package.json and runs its defaultBlueprint if it provides one.
  • addBowerPackage(s)ToProject Adds a package to the project's bower.json.
  • addPackage(s)ToProject Adds a package to the project's package.json.

Each of these returns a promise, so it is all thenable. The following is an example of each of these: {% highlight javascript %} // blueprints/ember-cli-x-button/index.js module.exports = { normalizeEntityName() {}, // no-op since we're just adding dependencies

afterInstall() { // Add addons to package.json and run defaultBlueprint return this.addAddonsToProject({ // a packages array defines the addons to install packages: [ // name is the addon name, and target (optional) is the version {name: 'ember-cli-code-coverage', target: '0.3.9'}, {name: 'ember-cli-sass'} ] }) .then(() => { // Add npm packages to package.json return this.addPackagesToProject([ {name: 'babel-eslint'}, {name: 'eslint-plugin-ship-shape'} ]); }) .then(() => { return this.addBowerPackagesToProject([ {name: 'bootstrap', target: '3.0.0'} ]); }); } }; {% endhighlight %}

Importing Dependency Files

As stated earlier the included hook on your addon's main entry point is run during the build process. This is where you want to add import statements to actually bring in the dependency files for inclusion. Note that this is a separate step from adding the actual dependency itself---done in the default blueprint---which merely makes the dependency available for inclusion.

{% highlight javascript %} // index.js module.exports = { name: 'ember-cli-x-button',

included(app) { this._super.included.apply(this, arguments);

app.import(app.bowerDirectory + '/x-button/dist/js/x-button.js');
app.import(app.bowerDirectory + '/x-button/dist/css/x-button.css');

} }; {% endhighlight %}

In the example file, the included hook is used. This hook is called by the EmberApp constructor and gives access to the consuming application as app. When the consuming application's ember-cli-build.js is processed by Ember CLI to build/serve, the addon's included function is called passing the EmberApp instance.

Importing Static Files

To import static files such as images or fonts in the application include them in /public. The consuming application will have access to them via a directory with your addon's name.

For example, to add an image, save it in /public/images/foo.png. Then from the consuming application access it as:

{% highlight css %} .foo {background: url("/your-addon/images/foo.png");} {% endhighlight %}


If you want to add content to a page directly, you can use the content-for tag. An example of this is {% raw %}{{content-for 'head'}}{% endraw %} in app/index.html, which Ember CLI uses to insert it's own content at build time. Addons can access the contentFor hook to insert their own content.

{% highlight javascript %} // index.js module.exports = { name: 'ember-cli-display-environment',

contentFor(type, config) { if (type === 'environment') { return '

' + config.environment + '

'; } } }; {% endhighlight %}

This will insert the current environment the app is running under wherever {% raw %}{{content-for 'environment'}}{% endraw %} is placed. The contentFor function will be called for each {% raw %}{{content-for}}{% endraw %} tag in index.html.

Writing to the Command Line

Every addon is sent an instance of the parent application's command line output stream. If you want to write out to the command line in your addon's index.js file, you should use this.ui.writeLine rather than console.log. This will make the output obey the --silent flag available with many ember-cli commands.

{% highlight javascript %} // index.js module.exports = { name: 'ember-cli-command-line-output',

included(app) { this._super.included.apply(this, arguments); this.ui.writeLine('Including external files!'); } } {% endhighlight %}

Advanced customization

If you want to go beyond the built in customizations or want/need more advanced control in general, the following are some of the hooks (keys) available for your addon Object in the index.js file. All hooks expect a function as the value.

{% highlight javascript %} includedCommands: function() {}, blueprintsPath: // return path as String preBuild: postBuild: treeFor: contentFor: included: postprocessTree: serverMiddleware: lintTree: {% endhighlight %}

Documentation for the addon hooks is available here.

An example of advanced customization can be found here and for server middleware here.

Testing the addon with QUnit

The addon project contains a /tests directory which contains the necessary infrastructure to run and configure tests for the addon. The /tests directory has the following structure:

{% highlight bash %} dummy/ helpers/ unit/ index.html test-helper.js {% endhighlight %}

The /dummy directory contains the basic layout of a dummy app to be used for to host your addon for testing. The /helpers directory contains various QUnit helpers that are provided and those you define yourself in order to keep your tests concise. The /unit directory should contain your unit tests that test your addon in various usage scenarios. To add integration (acceptance) tests add an `integration/' directory.

test-helper.js is the main helper file that you should reference from any of your unit test files. It imports the resolver helper found in /helpers used to resolve pages in the dummy app. index.html contains the test page that you can load in a browser to display the results of running your integration tests.

Writing unit tests

The following is an example of a simple QUnit unit test, placed in tests/unit/components.

{% highlight javascript %} // tests/unit/components/button-test.js

import { test, moduleForComponent } from 'ember-qunit'; import startApp from '../../helpers/start-app'; import { run } from '@ember/runloop';

let App;

moduleForComponent('x-button', 'XButtonComponent', { beforeEach() { App = startApp(); }, afterEach() { run(App, 'destroy'); } });

test('is a button tag', function(assert) { assert.equal('BUTTON', this.$().prop('tagName'));

this.subject().teardownXButton(); });

// more tests follow... {% endhighlight %}

For how to run and configure tests, see the Ember CLI Testing section.

Generating files in the dummy app

You can generate most of ember-cli's built-in blueprints into your tests/dummy/app directory to speed up building a dummy app to use for testing. Any blueprint that generates into an /app directory is currently supported:

ember g <blueprint-name> <name> --dummy

For instance:

ember g component taco-button --dummy

Will generate:

{% highlight bash %} tests/ dummy/ app/ components/ taco-button.js templates/ components/ taco-button.hbs {% endhighlight %}

Note that in the above example, the addon-import and component-test were not generated. The --dummy option generates the blueprint as if you were in a non-addon project.

You can also create your own blueprints that can generate into the dummy directory. The primary requirement is that the blueprint contains a __root__ token in the files directory path.

{% highlight bash %} blueprints/ x-button/ index.js files/ root/ <-- normally "app/" components/ name/ {% endhighlight %}

Create blueprint

A blueprint is a bundle of template files with optional installation logic. It is used to scaffold (generate) specific application files based on some arguments and options. For more details see generators-and-blueprints). An addon can have one or more blueprints.

To generate a blueprint for your addon:

ember generate blueprint <blueprint-name>

By convention, the main blueprint of the addon should have the same name as the addon itself:

ember g blueprint <addon-name>

In our example:

ember g blueprint x-button

This will generate a directory blueprints/x-button for the addon where you can define your logic and templates for the blueprint. You can define multiple blueprints for a single addon. The last loaded blueprint wins with respect to overriding existing (same name) blueprints that come with Ember or other addons (according to package load order.)

Blueprint conventions

Blueprints are expected to be located under the blueprints directory in the addon root, just like blueprints overrides in your project root.

If you have your blueprints in another directory in your addon, you need to tell ember-cli where to find them by specifying a blueprintsPath property for the addon (see advanced customization section below).

If you are familiar with Yeoman (or Rails) generators, blueprints follow very similar conventions and structure.

To dive deeper into blueprints design, please see the Ember CLI blueprints where you get a feeling for the blueprints API.

Blueprints file structure

{% highlight bash %} blueprints/ x-button/ index.js files/ app/ components/ name/ {% endhighlight %}

Note that the special file or directory called __name__ will create a file/directory at that location in your app with the __name__ replaced by the first argument (name) you pass to the blueprint being generated.

ember g x-button my-button

Will thus generate a directory app/components/my-button in the application where the blueprint generator is run.

Link to addon while developing

While you are developing and testing, you can run npm link from the root of your addon project. This will make your addon locally available by name.

Then run npm link <addon-name> in any hosting application project root to make a link to your addon in your node_modules directory, and add the addon to the package.json. Any change in your addon will now directly take effect in any project that links to it this way.

Remember that npm link will not run the default blueprint in the same way that install will, so you will have to do that manually via ember g.

For live reload when developing an addon use the isDevelopingAddon hook:

{% highlight javascript %} // addon index.js isDevelopingAddon() { return true; } {% endhighlight %}

While testing an addon using npm link, you need an entry in package.json with your addon name, with any valid npm version: "<addon-name>":"version". Our fictional example would require "ember-cli-x-button": "*". You can now run ember g <addon-name> in your project.

Publish addon

Use npm and git to publish the addon like a normal npm package.

{% highlight bash %} npm version 0.0.1 git push origin master --follow-tags npm publish {% endhighlight %}

Using a private repository

You can upload your addon code to a private git repository and call ember install with a valid git URL as the version.

If you are using the URL formats can be found here.

When using the git+ssh format, the ember install command will require there to be an available ssh key with read access to the repository. This can be tested by running git clone ssh://

When using the git+https format, the ember install command will ask you for the account password.

Install and use addon

In order to use the addon from your hosting application:

To install your addon from the repository:

ember install <your-addon-name-here>.

For our x-button sample addon:

ember install ember-cli-x-button my-button.

This will first install the x-button addon from npm. Then, because we have a blueprint with the same name as our addon, it will run the blueprint automatically with the passed in arguments.

Updating addons

You can update an addon the same way you update an Ember app by running ember init in your project root.

Full example

For a good walkthrough of the (recent) development of a real world addon, take a look at: Creating a DatePicker Ember CLI addon


Addons specific to your project can be created inside your repo and are generated in the projects lib directory in a folder with the name of the in-repo-addon, e.g. /lib/in-repo-addon-name and follow the same file structure as a normal addon.

Some advantages of using an in-repo-addon, instead of an addon outside of your application (repo), are:

  • Sandbox for developing a feature that you may want to share as an addon in the future
  • Having all the benefits of addon isolation but without the need to publish or npm link

Use in-repo-addon argument with the ember generate command:

{% highlight bash %} ember generate in-repo-addon in-repo-addon-name {% endhighlight %}

(Replace in-repo-addon-name with the name of your addon.)

Using a stylesheet with an in-repo-addon

For your in-repo-addon stylesheet, name the file addon.css and place it in the styles directory, e.g /lib/in-repo-addon-name/addon/styles/addon.css This avoids any conflict with the parent application's app.css file

Likewise if your Ember CLI application uses .less or .scss, use the appropriate file extension for your addon stylesheet file.

Using templates with an in-repo-addon

In order to complile HTMLBars templates that are part of your in-repo-addon, your package.json file will need to include following dependencies:

  • babel-plugin-htmlbars-inline-precompile
  • ember-cli-babel
  • ember-cli-htmlbars
  • ember-cli-htmlbars-inline-precompile

(Use the same versions found in your Ember CLI Application's package.json)

Broccoli build options for in-repo-addons

To ensure that you can use babel.js and related polyfills with your in-repo-addon add babel options to the included hook of the in-repo-addon index.js:

{% highlight javascript %} module.exports = { name: 'in-repo-addon-name',

isDevelopingAddon() { return true; },

included(app, parentAddon) { let target = (parentAddon || app); target.options = target.options || {}; target.options.babel = target.options.babel || { includePolyfill: true }; return this._super.included.apply(this, arguments); } }; {% endhighlight %}

Generating an in-repo-addon blueprint

To generate a blueprint for your in-repo-addon:

{% highlight bash %} ember generate blueprint --in-repo-addon {% endhighlight %}

When generating a blueprint, a shorthand argument -ir or -in-repo can be used in place of --in-repo-addon.