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File metadata and controls

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Generators & Blueprints


Ember CLI ships with support for blueprints. Blueprints are snippet generators for many of the entities—components, routes, and so on—that you will need in your app. Blueprints allow us to share common Ember patterns in the community and you can even define your own.

To see a list of all available blueprints with a short description of what they do, run ember generate --help or ember help generate.

Generating Blueprints

This in an example of how to generate a Route Blueprint.

{% highlight bash %} ember generate route foo

installing create app/routes/foo.js create app/templates/foo.hbs installing create tests/unit/routes/foo-test.js {% endhighlight %}

For a list of all available blueprints, run:

{% highlight bash %} ember help generate {% endhighlight %}

Defining a Custom Blueprint

You can define your own blueprints using ember generate blueprint <name>:

{% highlight bash %} ember generate blueprint foo

installing create blueprints/.eslintrc.js create blueprints/foo/files/.gitkeep create blueprints/foo/index.js {% endhighlight %}

Blueprints in your project’s directory take precedence over those packaged with ember-cli. This makes it easy to override the built-in blueprints just by generating one with the same name.


You can generate certain blueprints with a pods structure by passing the --pod option.

{% highlight bash %} ember generate route foo --pod

installing create app/foo/route.js create app/foo/template.hbs installing create tests/unit/foo/route-test.js

{% endhighlight %}

If you have podModulePrefix defined in your environment, your generated pod path will be automatically prefixed with it.

{% highlight bash %} // podModulePrefix: app/pods ember generate route foo --pod

installing create app/pods/foo/route.js create app/pods/foo/template.hbs installing create tests/unit/pods/foo/route-test.js {% endhighlight %}

To see which blueprints support the --pod option, you can use the help command. For example, ember help generate component will give you the list of options of the component blueprint, one of them being --pod.

Blueprints that don't support pods structure will simply ignore the --pod option and use the default structure.

If you would like to use the pods structure as the default for your project, you can set usePods in .ember-cli:

{% highlight javascript %} // .ember-cli { "usePods": true } {% endhighlight %}

With usePods turned on, the following would occur when generating a route in the pods structure:

{% highlight bash %} ember generate route taco

installing create app/taco/route.js create app/taco/template.hbs installing create tests/unit/taco/route-test.js {% endhighlight %}

To generate or destroy a blueprint in the classic structure while usePods is activated, you can use the --classic flag:

{% highlight bash %} ember generate route taco --classic

installing create app/routes/taco.js create app/templates/taco.hbs installing create tests/unit/routes/taco-test.js

{% endhighlight %}

Blueprint Structure

Blueprints follow a simple structure. Let's take the built-in helper blueprint as an example:

{% highlight bash %} blueprints/helper ├── files │   ├── app │   │   └── helpers │   │   └── name.js └── index.js {% endhighlight %}

The accompanying test is in another blueprint. Because it has the same name with a -test suffix, it is generated automatically with the helper blueprint in this case.

{% highlight bash %} blueprints/helper-test ├── files │   └── tests │   └── unit │   └── helpers │   └── name-test.js └── index.js {% endhighlight %}

Blueprints that support pods structure look a little different. Let's take the built-in controller blueprint as an example:

{% highlight bash %} blueprints/controller ├── files │   ├── app │   │   └── path │   │   └── name.js └── index.js

blueprints/controller-test ├── files │   └── tests │   └── unit │   └── path │   └── test.js └── index.js {% endhighlight %}


files contains templates for the all the files to be installed into the target directory.

The __name__ token is subtituted with the dasherized entity name at install time. For example, when the user invokes ember generate controller foo then __name__ becomes foo. When the --pod flag is used, for example ember generate controller foo --pod then __name__ becomes controller.

The __path__ token is substituted with the blueprint name at install time. For example, when the user invokes ember generate controller foo then __path__ becomes controller. When the --pod flag is used, for example ember generate controller foo --pod then __path__ becomes foo (or <podModulePrefix>/foo if the podModulePrefix is defined). This token is primarily for pod support, and is only necessary if the blueprint can be used in pod structure. If the blueprint does not require pod support, simply use the blueprint name instead of the __path__ token.

The __root__ token is substituted with either app or addon depending upon where it is being generated. This token is used to provide support for generating blueprints inside addons, and is only necessary if the blueprint needs to be generated into the addon directory of an addon. The presence of this token will cause an additional addon-import blueprint to be generated, which is simply a wrapper that re-exports the module in the addon directory to allow consumers to override addon modules easier.

The __test__ token is substituted with the dasherized entity name and appended with -test at install time. This token is primarily for pod support and only necessary if the blueprint requires support for a pod structure. If the blueprint does not require pod support, simply use the __name__ token instead.

Template Variables (AKA Locals)

Variables can be inserted into templates with <%= someVariableName %>.

For example, the built-in util blueprint files/app/utils/__name__.js looks like this:

{% highlight javascript %} export default function <%= camelizedModuleName %>() { return true; } {% endhighlight %}

<%= camelizedModuleName %> is replaced with the real value at install time.

The following template variables are provided by default:

  • dasherizedPackageName
  • classifiedPackageName
  • dasherizedModuleName
  • classifiedModuleName
  • camelizedModuleName

packageName is the project name as found in the project's package.json.

moduleName is the name of the entity being generated.

The mechanism for providing custom template variables is described below.


Custom installation and uninstallation behaviour can be added by overriding the hooks documented below. index.js should export a plain object, which will extend the prototype of the Blueprint class. If needed, the original Blueprint prototype can be accessed through the _super property.

{% highlight javascript %} // index.js module.exports = { locals(options) { // Return custom template variables here. return {}; },

normalizeEntityName(entityName) { // Normalize and validate entity name here. return entityName; },

fileMapTokens(options) { // Return custom tokens to be replaced in your files. return { token(options) { // Logic to determine value goes here. return 'value'; } } },

filesPath(options) { // Override the default files directory. // Useful for switching between file sets conditionally. return 'my-files'; },

files() { // Override the list of files provided by the blueprint. // Useful if you want to exclude certain files conditionally. return ['my-file.js']; },

beforeInstall(options) {}, afterInstall(options) {}, beforeUninstall(options) {}, afterUninstall(options) {}, }; {% endhighlight %}

Blueprint Hooks

As shown above, the following hooks are available to blueprint authors:

  • locals
  • normalizeEntityName
  • fileMapTokens
  • filesPath
  • files
  • beforeInstall
  • afterInstall
  • beforeUninstall
  • afterUninstall


Use locals to add custom template variables. The method receives one argument: options. Options is an object containing general and entity-specific options.

When the following is called on the command line:

{% highlight bash %} ember generate controller foo --type=array --dry-run {% endhighlight %}

The object passed to locals looks like this:

{% highlight javascript %} { entity: { name: 'foo', options: { type: 'array' } }, dryRun: true } {% endhighlight %}

This hook must return an object or a Promise which resolves to an object. The resolved object will be merged with the aforementioned default locals.


Use the normalizeEntityName hook to add custom normalization and validation of the provided entity name. The default hook does not make any changes to the entity name, but makes sure an entity name is present and that it doesn't have a trailing slash.

This hook receives the entity name as its first argument. The string returned by this hook will be used as the new entity name.


Use fileMapTokens to add custom fileMap tokens for use in the mapFile method. The hook must return an object in the following pattern:

{% highlight javascript %} { token: function(options){ // logic to determine value goes here return 'value'; } } {% endhighlight %}

It will be merged with the default fileMapTokens, and can be used to override any of the default tokens.

Tokens are used in the files directory (see files), and get replaced with values when the mapFile method is called.


Override the default files directory. Useful for switching between file sets conditionally.


Override the list of files provided by the blueprint. Useful if you want to exclude certain files conditionally.

beforeInstall & beforeUninstall

Called before any of the template files are processed and receives the same arguments as locals. Typically used for validating any additional command line options.

afterInstall & afterUninstall

The afterInstall and afterUninstall hooks receives the same arguments as locals. Use it to perform any custom work after the files are processed. For example, the built-in route blueprint uses these hooks to add and remove relevant route declarations in app/router.js.

Overriding Install

If you don't want your blueprint to install the contents of files you can override the install method. It receives the same options object described above and must return a promise. See the built-in resource blueprint for an example of this.