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Releases: emberjs/ember.js

Ember v1.10.0-beta.3

29 Dec 20:24
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  • Deprecate {{bind}} helper.
  • Pass array to Ember.computed.filter callback
  • [BUGFIX] Prevent mandatory-setter when setter is already present.
  • Remove Handlebars from dependencies.
  • Update HTMLBars to 0.7.1.
  • Fix error when parsing templates with invalid end tags.

Ember v1.10.0-beta.2

23 Dec 18:58
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  • [BUGFIX] Allow makeBoundHelper to be a sub-expression.
  • [BUGFIX] Allow compat makeBoundHelpers to be sub-expressions.
  • [BUGFIX] Export Ember.Handlebars compat shim for Ember.Handlebars.SafeString and Ember.Handlebars.Utils.escapeExpression.
  • [BUGFIX] Allow Ember.inject injected properties to be overridden (makes testing significantly easier).
  • [BUGFIX] Don’t assert uncaught RSVP rejections. We are already logging the error, but asserting breaks everything else on the run loop queue.
  • [BUGFIX] Allow tagName to be a CP (with deprecation).
  • [BUGFIX] Allow view instances in {{view}}.
  • [BUGFIX] Ensure bound attrs flush immediately.
  • [PERFORMANCE] Initialize views in preRender state.
  • [PERFORMANCE] View#element should not be observable.
  • Add ember-template-compiler package.
  • Rename Ember.HTMLBars.registerASTPlugin to Ember.HTMLBars.registerPlugin.
  • Export ember-template-compiler.js.
  • Escape href, src, and background attributes for a, link, img, and iframe elements.

Ember v1.9.1

23 Dec 18:58
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  • Allow {{view}} helper to proper handle view instances.
  • Escape href, src, and background attributes for a, link, img, and iframe elements.

Ember v1.10.0-beta.1

23 Dec 18:59
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  • Move debugging file output from ember.js to ember.debug.js.
  • Remove templateData property from views.
  • Restructure Ember.libraries to be more idiomatic.
  • Prevent creating an extra view for each select option.
  • Deprecate the block form of the bind helper.
  • Cleanup Ember.CoreObject init argument passing.
  • Allow all rejection types to be handled by default RSVP error handler.
  • Deprecate setting ContainerView#childViews.
  • [FEATURE] ember-htmlbars - Enable the HTMLBars rendering engine.
  • [FEATURE] ember-htmlbars-block-params - Enable block params feature for HTMLBars.

Ember 1.9.0

09 Dec 22:46
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Release Blog Post


  • Add deprecation for quoteless outlet names ({{outlet main}} should be {{outlet 'main'}}).
  • [BUGFIX] Update the Ember.Map#forEach callback to include the map being iterated over.
  • [BUGFIX] Ensure that tagless container views are rendered properly.
  • [PERF] Ember.View#_outlets is no longer observable.
  • [PERF] Avoid extending a view for every {{each}}.
  • Ensure initializers have a name property (provides a helpful assertion if missing).
  • [BUILD TOOLING] Enable easier cross-browser testing by publishing builds and tests to S3.
  • Enable to return a value even if within an existing run loop.
  • Update Ember.EventDispatcher to use This is required so that synchronous
    events (like focus) do not spawn a nested run loop.
  • Deprecate context switching for of {{each}}.
  • Deprecate context switching form of {{with}}.
  • Add improved error message when a component lookup fails.
  • Ensure that component actions that are subscribed to, trigger an assertion when unhandled. Consider the following example:

{{some-other-component action="saveMe"}}

Clearly, component-a has subscribed to some-other-component's action. Previously, if component-a did not handle the action
it would silently continue. Now, an assertion would be triggered.

  • [PERF] Speedup Mixin creation.
  • [BREAKING] Require Handlebars 2.0. See blog post for details.
  • Allow all rejection types in promises to be handled.
  • Mandatory setter checks for configurable, and does not clobber non-configurable properties.
  • Remove long deprecated Ember.empty and Ember.none.
  • Refactor Ember.platform.
  • Ember.HashLocation no longer assumes any hash is a route, uses forward slash prefix convention #/foo.
  • Log unhandled promise rejections in testing.
  • Deprecate Ember.Handlebars.get.
  • Warn if FEATURES flagging is used in non-canary, debug builds.
  • Streamify template bindings.
  • Make Ember.Namespace#toString ember-cli aware.
  • Prevent extra method.toString checks when setting _super.
  • [PERF] Speedup watchKey by preventing for in related deopt.
  • [FEATURE] ember-routing-fire-activate-deactivate-events.
  • [FEATURE] ember-testing-pause-test.

Ember 1.9.0-beta.4

30 Nov 03:45
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  • Add deprecation for quoteless outlet names ({{outlet main}} should be {{outlet 'main'}}).
  • [BUGFIX] Update the Ember.Map#forEach callback to include the map being iterated over.
  • [BUGFIX] Ensure that tagless container views are rendered properly.
  • [PERF] Ember.View#_outlets is no longer observable.
  • [PERF] Avoid extending a view for every {{each}}.

Ember 1.9.0-beta.3

15 Nov 20:37
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  • Ensure initializers have a name property (provides a helpful assertion if missing).
  • [BUILD TOOLING] Enable easier cross-browser testing by publishing builds and tests to S3.
  • Enable to return a value even if within an existing run loop.
  • Update Ember.EventDispatcher to use This is required so that synchronous
    events (like focus) do not spawn a nested run loop.
  • Deprecate context switching form of {{each}}.
  • Deprecate context switching form of {{with}}.
  • Add improved error message when a component lookup fails.
  • Ensure that component actions that are subscribed to, trigger an assertion when unhandled. Consider the following example:

{{some-other-component action="saveMe"}}

Clearly, component-a has subscribed to some-other-component's action. Previously, if component-a did not handle the action it would silently continue. Now, an assertion would be triggered.

  • [PERF] Speedup Mixin creation.

Ember 1.9.0-beta.1

06 Nov 02:25
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  • [BREAKING] Require Handlebars 2.0. See blog post for details.
  • Allow all rejection types in promises to be handled.
  • Mandatory setter checks for configurable, and does not clobber non-configurable properties.
  • Remove long deprecated Ember.empty and Ember.none.
  • Refactor Ember.platform.
  • Ember.HashLocation no longer assumes any hash is a route, uses forward slash prefix convention #/foo.
  • Log unhandled promise rejections in testing.
  • Deprecate Ember.Handlebars.get.
  • Warn if FEATURES flagging is used in non-canary, debug builds.
  • Streamify template bindings.
  • Make Ember.Namespace#toString ember-cli aware.
  • Prevent extra method.toString checks when setting _super.
  • [PERF] Speedup watchKey by preventing for in related deopt.
  • [FEATURE] ember-routing-fire-activate-deactivate-events.
  • [FEATURE] ember-testing-pause-test.

Ember 1.8.1

04 Nov 21:33
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  • [BUGFIX] Make sure that {{view}} can accept a Ember.View instance.
  • [BUGFIX] Throw an assertion if classNameBindings are specified on a tag-less view.
  • [BUGFIX] Setting an attributeBinding for class attribute triggers assertion.
  • [BUGFIX] Fix htmlSafe to allow non-strings in unescaped code.
  • [BUGFIX] Add support for null prototype object to mandatory setter code. Prevents errors when operating on Ember Data meta objects.
  • [BUGFIX] Fix an issue with select/each that causes the last item rendered to be selected.

Ember 1.8.0

28 Oct 04:17
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Blog post


  • [BUGFIX] Ensure published builds do not use define or require internally.
  • [BUGFIX] Remove strict mode for Object.create usage to work around an iOS bug.
  • Enable testing of production builds by publishing ember-testing.js along with the standard builds.
  • [DOC] Make mandatory setter assertions more helpful.
  • Deprecate location: 'hash' paths that don't have a forward slash. e.g. #foo vs. #/foo.
  • [BUGFIX] Ensure Ember.setProperties can handle non-object properties.
  • [BUGFIX] Refactor buffer to be simpler, single parsing code-path.
  • [BUGFIX] Add assertion when morph is not found in RenderBuffer.
  • [BUGFIX] Make computed.sort generate an answer immediately.
  • [BUGFIX] Fix broken Ember.computed.sort semantics.
  • [BUGFIX] Ensure ember-testing is not included in production build output.
  • Deprecate usage of quoted paths in {{view}} helper.
  • [BUGFIX] Ensure {{view}} lookup works properly when name is a keyword.
  • [BUGFIX] Ensure Ember.Map works properly with falsey values.
  • [BUGFIX] Make Ember.Namespace#toString ember-cli aware.
  • [PERF] Avoid using for x in y in Ember.RenderBuffer.prototype.add.
  • [BUGFIX] Enable setProperties to work on Object.create(null) objects.
  • [PERF] Update RSVP to 3.0.14 (faster instrumentation).
  • [BUGFIX] Add SVG support for metal-views.
  • [BUGFIX] Allow camelCase attributes in DOM elements.
  • [BUGFIX] Update backburner to latest.
  • [BUGFIX] Use contextualElements to properly handle omitted optional start tags.
  • [BUGFIX] Ensure that Route.prototype.activate is not retriggered when the model for the current route changes.
  • [PERF] Fix optimization bailouts for {{view}} helper.
  • [BUGFIX] Add attributeBindings for lang and dir (for bidirectional language support) in Ember.TextField and Ember.TextAra.
  • [BUGFIX] Fix finishChains for all chains that reference an obj not just the ones rooted at that object.
  • [BUGFIX] Refactor ES3 Ember.keys implementation.
  • Rewrite Ember.Map to be faster and closer to ES6 implementation:
    • [PERF + ES6] No longer clone array before enumeration (dramatically reduce allocations)
    • [PERF] Don’t Rebind the callback of forEach if not needed
    • [PERF + ES6] No longer allow Map#length to be bindable
    • [PERF] Don’t double guid keys, as they are passed from map to ordered set (add/remove)
    • [ES6] Deprecate Map#remove in-favor of the es6 Map#delete
    • [ES6] Error if callback is not a function
    • [ES6] Map#set should return the map. This enables chaining‘foo’,1).set(‘bar’,3); etc.
    • [ES6] Remove length in-favor of size.
    • [ES6] Throw if constructor is invoked without new
    • [ES6] Make inheritance work correctly
  • [BUGFIX] Allow for bound property {{input}} type.
  • [BUGFIX] Ensure pushUnique targetQueue is cleared by flush.
  • [BUGFIX] instrument should still call block even without subscribers.
  • [BUGFIX] Remove uneeded normalization in query param controller lookup.
  • [BUGFIX] Do not use defineProperty on each View instance.
  • [PERF] Speedup watchKey by preventing for in related deopt.
  • [PERF] Change ENV.MANDATORY_SETTER to FEATURES so it can be compiled out of production builds.
  • [PERF] Object.create(null) in Ember.inspect.
  • [PERF] Extracts computed property set into a separate function.
  • [BUGFIX] Make GUID_KEY = intern(GUID_KEY) actually work on ES3.
  • [BUGFIX] Ensure nested routes can inherit model from parent.
  • Remove metamorph in favor of morph package (removes the need for <script> tags in the DOM).
  • [FEATURE] ember-routing-linkto-target-attribute
  • [FEATURE] ember-routing-multi-current-when
  • [FEATURE] ember-routing-auto-location-uses-replace-state-for-history
  • [FEATURE] ember-metal-is-present
  • [FEATURE] property-brace-expansion-improvement
  • Deprecate usage of Internet Explorer 6 & 7.
  • Deprecate global access to view classes from template (see the deprecation guide).
  • Deprecate Ember.Set (note: this is NOT the Ember.set).
  • Deprecate Ember.computed.defaultTo.
  • Remove long deprecated Ember.StateManager warnings.
  • Use intelligent caching for Ember.String (camelize, dasherize, etc.).
  • Use intelligent caching for container normalization.
  • Polyfill Object.create (use for new caching techniques).
  • Refactor internals to make debugging easier (use a single assignment per var statement).
  • [BREAKING] Remove deprecated controller action lookup. Support for pre-1.0.0 applications with actions in the root
    of the controller (instead of inside the actions hash) has been removed.
  • [BREAKING] Ember.View didInsertElement is now called on child views before their parents. Before
    1.8.0-beta.1 it would be called top-down.