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@samselikoff samselikoff released this 28 Sep 19:03
· 193 commits to master since this release

This release contains some bugfixes, as well as a new way to consume Ember CLI Tailwind from your addons. Here's the relevant section from the README at the time of this release.

Advanced addon usage

build-tailwind and the shouldBuildTailwind option

Ember CLI Tailwind comes with a function you can use when you want more control over how to work with the built tailwind.css file.

The function is in the lib directory and can be require'd in node:

const buildTailwind = require('ember-cli-tailwind/lib/build-tailwind');

To use the function, pass in your addon instance (usually this if you're working in a hook in index.js):

let tailwind = buildTailwind(this);

The return value is a Broccoli tree, and thus can be used in different treeFor hooks to end up in your build.

If you're using this, you probably also want to disable Ember CLI Tailwind's default behavior, which will concat the built tailwind.css file into your addon's generated vendor.css file – otherwise you could end up with two versions of Tailwind in your CSS.

You can do that using the shouldBuildTailwind config option:

// index.js
module.exports = {
  name: 'your-addon',
  options: {
    'ember-cli-tailwind': {
      shouldBuildTailwind: false

Now you are responsible for calling buildTailwind and ensuring the resulting tree ends up in your output.

As an example of how you might use this, say you're building a UI component library as an Ember Addon. You want your component library to use Ember CLI Tailwind, but you're using Sass, and you'd like to explicitly @import the built tailwind.css file in your component library so that you can write other CSS classes that @extend Tailwind's classes.

Here's what that would look like:

// index.js
const buildTailwind = require('ember-cli-tailwind/lib/build-tailwind');

module.exports = {
  name: 'your-addon',
  config() {
    return {
      'ember-cli-tailwind': {
        shouldBuildTailwind: false

  treeForAddonStyles(tree) {
    let trees = tree ? [ tree ] : [];
    return new MergeTrees(trees);

Now that the built tailwind.css file is in your Addon's style tree, you can import it in other Sass files:

// addon/styles/addon.scss
@import 'tailwind';

body {
  @extend .antialiased;
  @extend .font-sans;
  @extend .text-grey-darkest;

You could even use Sass variables inside of Tailwind's config, since you can set those variables before @import'ing Tailwind:

// tailwind/config/colors.js

export default {
  brand: '$brand'
$brand: '#3490DC';
@import 'tailwind';