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3070 lines (2183 loc) · 91 KB


Changing default users for services

Change Kibana User

Edit file /etc/systemd/system/kibana.service

	Group= newuser

Edit /etc/default/kibana

	user=" newuser "
	group=" newuser "

Add appropriate permission:

	chown newuser: /usr/share/kibana/ /etc/kibana/ -R

Change Elasticsearch User

Edit /usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/elasticsearch.conf and change user name and group:

	d /var/run/elasticsearch 0755 newuser newuser – 

Create directory:

	mkdir /etc/systemd/system/elasticsearch.service.d/

Edit /etc/systemd/system/elasticsearch.service.d/01-user.conf

	Group= newuser

Add appropriate permission:

	chown -R newuser: /var/lib/elasticsearch /usr/share/elasticsearch /etc/elasticsearch /var/log/elasticsearch

Change Logstash User

Create directory:

	mkdir /etc/systemd/system/logstash.service.d

Edit /etc/systemd/system/logstash.service.d/01-user.conf


Add appropriate permission:

	chown -R newuser: /etc/logstash /var/log/logstash

Plugins management

Base installation of the Energy Logserver contains the elasticsearch-auth plugin. You can extend the basic Elasticsearch functionality by installing the custom plugins.

Plugins contain JAR files, but may also contain scripts and config files, and must be installed on every node in the cluster.

After installation, each node must be restarted before the plugin becomes visible.

The Elasticsearch provides two categories of plugins:

  • Core Plugins - it is plugins that are part of the Elasticsearch project.

  • Community contributed - it is plugins that are external to the Elasticsearch project

Installing Plugins

Core Elasticsearch plugins can be installed as follows:

cd /usr/share/elasticsearch/ 
bin/elasticsearch-plugin install [plugin_name]


bin/elasticsearch-plugin install ingest-geoip

-> Downloading ingest-geoip from elastic
[=================================================] 100%  
@ WARNING: plugin requires additional permissions @
* java.lang.RuntimePermission accessDeclaredMembers
* java.lang.reflect.ReflectPermission suppressAccessChecks
for descriptions of what these permissions allow and the associated risks.

Continue with installation? [y/N]y
-> Installed ingest-geoip

Plugins from custom link or filesystem can be installed as follow:

cd /usr/share/elasticsearch/
sudo bin/elasticsearch-plugin install [url]


sudo bin/elasticsearch-plugin install file:///path/to/
bin\elasticsearch-plugin install file:///C:/path/to/
sudo bin/elasticsearch-plugin install http://some.domain/path/to/

Listing plugins

Listing currently loaded plugins

sudo bin/elasticsearch-plugin list

listing currently available core plugins:

sudo bin/elasticsearch-plugin list --help

Removing plugins

sudo bin/elasticsearch-plugin remove [pluginname]

Updating plugins

sudo bin/elasticsearch-plugin remove [pluginname]
sudo bin/elasticsearch-plugin install [pluginname]

Transport layer encryption

Generating Certificates

  1. Requirements for certificate configuration:

    • To encrypt traffic (HTTP and transport layer) of Elasticsearch you have to generate certificate authority which will be used to sign each node certificate of a cluster.

    • Elasticsearch certificate has to be generated in pkcs8 RSA format.

  2. Example certificate configuration (Certificates will be valid for 10 years based on this example):

    # To make this process easier prepare some variables:
    DOMAIN_IP= # This is required if certificate validation is used on trasport layer
    # Generate CA key:
    openssl genrsa -out rootCA.key 4096
    # Create and sign root certificate:
    echo -e "${COUNTRYNAME}\n${STATE}\n\n${COMPANY}\n\n\n\n" | openssl req -x509 -new -nodes -key rootCA.key -sha256 -days 3650 -out rootCA.crt
    # Crete RSA key for domain:
    openssl genrsa -out ${DOMAIN}.pre 2048
    # Convert generated key to pkcs8 RSA key for domain hostname
    # (if you do not want to encrypt the key add "-nocrypt" at the end of the command; otherwise it will be necessary to add this password later in every config file):
    openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -inform pem -in ${DOMAIN}.pre -outform pem -out ${DOMAIN}.key
    # Create a Certificate Signing Request (openssl.cnf can be in a different location; this is the default for CentOS 7.7):
    openssl req -new -sha256 -key ${DOMAIN}.key -subj "/C=PL/ST=Poland/O=EMCA/CN=${DOMAIN}" -reqexts SAN -config <(cat /etc/pki/tls/openssl.cnf <(printf "[SAN] \nsubjectAltName=DNS:${DOMAIN},IP:${DOMAIN_IP}")) -out ${DOMAIN}.csr
    # Generate Domain Certificate
    openssl x509 -req -in ${DOMAIN}.csr -CA rootCA.crt -CAkey rootCA.key -CAcreateserial -out ${DOMAIN}.crt -sha256 -extfile <(printf "[req]  \ndefault_bits=2048\ndistinguished_name=req_distinguished_name\nreq_extensions=req_ext\n[req_distinguished_name]\ncountryName=${COUNTRYNAME}\nstateOrProvinceName=${STATE}  \norganizationName=${COMPANY}\ncommonName=${DOMAIN}\n[req_ext]\nsubjectAltName=@alt_names\n[alt_names]\nDNS.1=${DOMAIN}\nIP=${DOMAIN_IP}\n") -days 3650 -extensions req_ext
    # Verify the validity of the generated certificate
    openssl x509 -in ${DOMAIN}.crt -text -noout
  3. Right now you should have these files:

    $ ls -1 | sort
  4. Create a directory to store required files (users: elasticsearch, kibana and logstash have to be able to read these files):

    mkdir /etc/elasticsearch/ssl
    cp {mylocal.domain.test.crt,mylocal.domain.test.key,rootCA.crt} /etc/elasticsearch/ssl
    chown -R elasticsearch:elasticsearch /etc/elasticsearch/ssl
    chmod 755 /etc/elasticsearch/ssl
    chmod 644 /etc/elasticsearch/ssl/*

Setting up configuration files

  1. Append or uncomment below lines in /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml and change paths to proper values (based on past steps):
  • Transport layer encryption

    logserverguard.ssl.transport.enabled: true
    logserverguard.ssl.transport.pemcert_filepath: "/etc/elasticsearch/ssl/mylocal.domain.test.crt"
    logserverguard.ssl.transport.pemkey_filepath: "/etc/elasticsearch/ssl/mylocal.domain.test.key"
    logserverguard.ssl.transport.pemkey_password: "password_for_pemkey" # if there is no password leve ""
    logserverguard.ssl.transport.pemtrustedcas_filepath: "/etc/elasticsearch/ssl/rootCA.crt"
    logserverguard.ssl.transport.enforce_hostname_verification: true
    logserverguard.ssl.transport.resolve_hostname: true
    - "TLSv1.2"
  • HTTP layer encryption

    logserverguard.ssl.http.enabled: true
    logserverguard.ssl.http.pemcert_filepath: "/etc/elasticsearch/ssl/mylocal.domain.test.crt"
    logserverguard.ssl.http.pemkey_filepath: "/etc/elasticsearch/ssl/mylocal.domain.test.key"
    logserverguard.ssl.http.pemkey_password: "password_for_pemkey" # if there is no password leve ""
    logserverguard.ssl.http.pemtrustedcas_filepath: "/etc/elasticsearch/ssl/rootCA.crt"
    logserverguard.ssl.http.clientauth_mode: OPTIONAL
    - "TLSv1.2"
  1. Append or uncomment below lines in /etc/kibana/kibana.yml and change paths to proper values:

    elasticsearch.hosts: [""]
    # Elasticsearch trafic encryption
    # There is also an option to use "" and to not supply path to CA. Verification Mode should be then changed to "none".
    elasticsearch.ssl.verificationMode: full
    elasticsearch.ssl.certificate: "/etc/elasticsearch/ssl/mylocal.domain.test.crt"
    elasticsearch.ssl.key: "/etc/elasticsearch/ssl/mylocal.domain.test.key"
    elasticsearch.ssl.keyPassphrase: "password_for_pemkey" # this line is not required if there is no password
    elasticsearch.ssl.certificateAuthorities: "/etc/elasticsearch/ssl/rootCA.crt"
  2. Append or uncomment below lines in /opt/alert/config.yaml and change paths to proper values:

    # Connect with TLS to Elasticsearch
    use_ssl: True
    # Verify TLS certificates
    verify_certs: True
    # Client certificate
    client_cert: /etc/elasticsearch/ssl/mylocal.domain.test.crt
    client_key: /etc/elasticsearch/ssl/mylocal.domain.test.key
    ca_certs: /etc/elasticsearch/ssl/rootCA.crt
  3. For CSV/HTML export to work properly rootCA.crt generated in first step has to be "installed" on the server. Below example for CentOS 7:

    # Copy rootCA.crt and update CA trust store
    cp /etc/elasticsearch/ssl/rootCA.crt /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/rootCA.crt
  4. Intelligence module. Generate pkcs12 keystore/cert:

    keytool -import -file /etc/elasticsearch/ssl/rootCA.crt -alias root -keystore root.jks
    openssl pkcs12 -export -in /etc/elasticsearch/ssl/${DOMAIN}.crt -inkey /etc/elasticsearch/ssl/${DOMAIN}.key -out ${DOMAIN}.p12 -name "${DOMAIN}" -certfile /etc/elasticsearch/ssl/rootCA.crt
    # Configure /opt/ai/bin/conf.cfg


You can eather install CA to allow Logstash and Beats traffic or you can supply required certificates in config:

  1. Logstash:

    output {
      elasticsearch {
        hosts => "https://mylocal.domain.test:9200"
        ssl => true
        index => "winlogbeat-%{+YYYY.MM}"
        user => "logstash"
        password => "logstash"
        cacert => "/path/to/cacert/rootCA.crt"
  2. Beats:

    output.elasticsearch.hosts: ["https://mylocal.domain.test:9200"]
    output.elasticsearch.protocol: "https"
    output.elasticsearch.ssl.enabled: true
    output.elasticsearch.ssl.certificate_authorities: ["/path/to/cacert/rootCA.crt"]

Additionally, for any beats program to be able to write to elasticsearch, you will have to make changes to "enabled_ciphers" directive in "/etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml". This is done by commenting:


Otherwise, the beat will not be able to send documents directly and if you want to avoid it you can send a document with Logstash first.

Browser layer encryption

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer Security (TLS) provide encryption for data-in-transit. While these terms are often used interchangeably, Energy Logserver GUI supports only TLS, which supersedes the old SSL protocols. Browsers send traffic to Energy Logserver GUI and Energy Logserver GUI sends traffic to Elasticsearch database. These communication channels are configured separately to use TLS. TLS requires X.509 certificates to authenticate the communicating parties and perform encryption of data-in-transit. Each certificate contains a public key and has an associated — but separate — private key; these keys are used for cryptographic operations. Energy Logserver GUI supports certificates and private keys in PEM format and support TLS 1.3 version.

Configuration steps

  1. Obtain a server certificate and private key for Energy Logserver GUI.

    Kibana will need to use this "server certificate" and corresponding private key when receiving connections from web browsers.

    When you obtain a server certificate, you must set its subject alternative name (SAN) correctly to ensure that modern web browsers with hostname verification will trust it. You can set one or more SANs to the Energy Logserver GUI server’s fully-qualified domain name (FQDN), hostname, or IP address. When choosing the SAN, you should pick whichever attribute you will be using to connect to Kibana in your browser, which is likely the FQDN in a production environment.

  2. Configure Energy Logserver GUI to access the server certificate and private key.

    vi /etc/kibana/kibana.yml

    server.ssl.enabled: true
    server.ssl.supportedProtocols: ["TLSv1.3"]
    server.ssl.certificate: "/path/to/kibana-server.crt"
    server.ssl.key: "/path/to/kibana-server.key"
  3. Set HTTPS in configuration file for the License server:

vi /opt/license-service/license-service.conf
  hosts: ["els_host_IP:9200"]

  username: logserver
  password: "logserver_password"

  https: true

Building a cluster

Node roles

Every instance of Elasticsearch server is called a node. A collection of connected nodes is called a cluster. All nodes know about all the other nodes in the cluster and can forward client requests to the appropriate node.

Besides that, each node serves one or more purpose:

  • Master-eligible node - A node that has node.master set to true (default), which makes it eligible to be elected as the master node, which controls the cluster
  • Data node - A node that has set to true (default). Data nodes hold data and perform data related operations such as CRUD, search, and aggregations
  • Client node - A client node has both node.master and set to false. It can neither hold data nor become the master node. It behaves as a “smart router” and is used to forward cluster-level requests to the master node and data-related requests (such as search) to the appropriate data nodes
  • Tribe node - A tribe node, configured via the tribe.* settings, is a special type of client node that can connect to multiple clusters and perform search and other operations across all connected clusters.

Naming convention

Elasticsearch require little configuration before before going into work.

The following settings must be considered before going to production:

  • and path.logs - default locations of these files are: /var/lib/elasticsearchand /var/log/elasticsearch.
  • - A node can only join a cluster when it shares its with all the other nodes in the cluster. The default name is "elasticsearch", but you should change it to an appropriate name which describes the purpose of the cluster. You can do this in /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml file.
  • - By default, Elasticsearch will use the first seven characters of the randomly generated UUID as the node id. Node id is persisted and does not change when a node restarts. It is worth configuring a more human readable name: prod-data-2 in file /etc/elstaicsearch/elasticsearch.yml
  • - parametr specifying network interfaces to which Elasticsearch can bind. Default is ["_local_","_site_"].
  • discovery - Elasticsearch uses a custom discovery implementation called "Zen Discovery". There are two important settings:
    • - specify list of other nodes in the cluster that are likely to be live and contactable;
    • discovery.zen.minimum_master_nodes - to prevent data loss, you can configure this setting so that each master-eligible node knows the minimum number of master-eligible nodes that must be visible in order to form a cluster.
  • heap size - By default, Elasticsearch tells the JVM to use a heap with a minimum (Xms) and maximum (Xmx) size of 1 GB. When moving to production, it is important to configure heap size to ensure that Elasticsearch has enough heap available

Config files

To configure the Elasticsearch cluster you must specify some parameters in the following configuration files on every node that will be connected to the cluster:

  • /etc/elsticsearch/elasticserach.yml:
    • - same for every node;
    • - uniq for every node;
    • node.master:true_or_false
  • /etc/elsticsearch/
    • logger: action: DEBUG - for easier debugging.

Example setup

Example of the Elasticsearch cluster configuration:

  • file /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml: tm-lab "elk01"
      node.master: true true,
      http.port: 9200 false ["","",""]
  • to start the Elasticsearch cluster execute command:

      # systemctl restart elasticsearch
  • to check status of the Elstaicsearch cluster execute command:

    • check of the Elasticsearch cluster nodes status via tcp port:

        # curl -XGET ''
        host         	  ip           heap.percent ram.percent load node.role master name     18           91 		   0.00 -         -      elk01     66           91 		   0.00 d        *      elk02     43           86         	   0.65 d        m     elk03     45           77         	   0.26 d        m     elk04
    • check status of the Elasticsearch cluster via log file:

        # tail -f /var/log/elasticsearch/tm-lab.log (

Adding a new node to existing cluster

Install the new Energy Logserver instance. The description of the installation can be found in the chapter "First configuration steps"

Change the following parameters in the configuration file:

  • same for every node;
  • uniq for every node;
  • node.master:true_or_false
  •["","",""] - IP addresses and instances of nodes in the cluster.

If you add a node with the role data, delete the contents of the directory, by default in /var/lib/elasticsearch

Restart the Elasticsearch instance of the new node:

systemctl restart elasticsearch

Authentication with Active Directory

The AD configuration should be done in the /etc/elasticsearch/properties.yml file.

Below is a list of settings to be made in the properties.yml file (the commented section in the file in order for the AD settings to start working, this fragment should be uncommented):

|**Direcitve**                          		| **Description**               							|
| ------------------------------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
| # LDAP                                		|                              								|
| #ldaps:                               		|                               							|
| # - name: \"\"             		|# domain that is configured    							|
| # host: \",\"       		|# list of server for this domain							|
| # port: 389                           		|# optional, default 389 for unencrypted session or 636 for encrypted sessions		|
|# ssl\_enabled: false                  		|# optional, default true       							|
|# ssl\_trust\_all\_certs: true         		|# optional, default false      							|
|# ssl.keystore.file: \"path\"          		|# path to the truststore store 							|
|# ssl.keystore.password: \"path\"      		|# password to the trusted certificate store  						|
|# bind\_dn: [[admin\]      		|# account name administrator   							|
|# bind\_password: \"password\"         		|# password for the administrator account 						|
|# search\_user\_base\_DN: \"OU=lab,DC=example,DC=com\" |# search for the DN user tree database 						|
|# user\_id\_attribute: \"uid           		|# search for a user attribute optional, by default \"uid\"            			|
|# search\_groups\_base\_DN:\"OU=lab,DC=example,DC=com\"|# group database search. This is a catalog main, after which the groups will be sought.|
|# unique\_member\_attribute: \"uniqueMember\" 		|# optional, default\"uniqueMember\"							|
|# connection\_pool\_size: 10                  		|# optional, default 30									|
|# connection\_timeout\_in\_sec: 10                  	|# optional, default 1									|
|# request\_timeout\_in\_sec: 10                     	|# optional, default 1									|
|# cache\_ttl\_in\_sec: 60                           	|# optional, default 0 - cache disabled							|

If we want to configure multiple domains, then in this configuration file we copy the # LDAP section below and configure it for the next domain.

Below is an example of how an entry for 2 domains should look like. (It is important to take the interpreter to read these values ​​correctly).

        - name: ""
          host: ","
          port: 389 # optional, default 389
          ssl_enabled: false # optional, default true
          ssl_trust_all_certs: true # optional, default false
          bind_dn: ""
          bind_password: "password" # generate encrypted password with /usr/share/elasticsearch/pass-encrypter/
          search_user_base_DN: "OU=lab,DC=example1,DC=com"
          user_id_attribute: "uid" # optional, default "uid"
          search_groups_base_DN: "OU=lab,DC=example1,DC=com"
          unique_member_attribute: "uniqueMember" # optional, default "uniqueMember"
          connection_pool_size: 10 # optional, default 30
          connection_timeout_in_sec: 10 # optional, default 1
          request_timeout_in_sec: 10 # optional, default 1
          cache_ttl_in_sec: 60 # optional, default 0 - cache disabled
          service_principal_name: "" # optional, for sso
          service_principal_name_password : "password" # optional, for sso
        - name: "" #DOMAIN 2
          host: ","
          port: 389 # optional, default 389
          ssl_enabled: false # optional, default true
          ssl_trust_all_certs: true # optional, default false
          bind_dn: ""
          bind_password: "password" # generate encrypted password with /usr/share/elasticsearch/pass-encrypter/
          search_user_base_DN: "OU=lab,DC=example2,DC=com"
          user_id_attribute: "uid" # optional, default "uid"
          search_groups_base_DN: "OU=lab,DC=example2,DC=com"
          unique_member_attribute: "uniqueMember" # optional, default "uniqueMember"
          connection_pool_size: 10 # optional, default 30
          connection_timeout_in_sec: 10 # optional, default 1
          request_timeout_in_sec: 10 # optional, default 1
          cache_ttl_in_sec: 60 # optional, default 0 - cache disabled
          service_principal_name: "" # optional, for sso
          service_principal_name_password : "password" # optional, for ssl

After completing the LDAP section entry in the properties.yml file, save the changes and restart the service with the command:

# systemctl restart elasticsearch

Configure SSL suport for AD authentication

Open the certificate manager on the AD server.

Select the certificate and open it

Select the option of copying to a file in the Details tab

Click the Next button

Keep the setting as shown below and click Next

Keep the setting as shown below and click Next.

Give the name a certificate

After the certificate is exported, this certificate should be imported into a trusted certificate file that will be used by the Elasticsearch plugin.

To import a certificate into a trusted certificate file, a tool called „keytool.exe" is located in the JDK installation directory.

Use the following command to import a certificate file:

keytool -import -alias adding_certificate_keystore -file certificate.cer -keystore certificatestore

The values for RED should be changed accordingly.

By doing this, he will ask you to set a password for the trusted certificate store. Remember this password, because it must be set in the configuration of the Elasticsearch plugin. The following settings must be set in the properties.yml configuration for SSL:

ssl.keystore.file: "<path to the trust certificate store>"
ssl.keystore.password: "< password to the trust certificate store>"

Role mapping

In the /etc/elasticsearch/properties.yml configuration file you can find a section for configuring role mapping:

# rolemapping.file.path: /etc/elasticsearch/role-mappings.yml

This variable points to the file /etc/elasticsearch/role-mappings.yml Below is the sample content for this file:


Attention. The role you define in the role.mapping file must be created in the Energy Logserver.

How to the mapping mechanism works ? An AD user log in to Energy Logserver. In the application there is a admin role, which through the file role-mapping .yml binds to the name of the admin role to which the Admins container from AD is assigned. It is enough for the user from the AD account to log in to the application with the privileges that are assigned to admin role in the Energy Logserver. At the same time, if it is the first login in the Energy Logserver, an account is created with an entry that informs the application administrator that is was created by logging in with AD.

Similar, the mechanism will work if we have a role with an arbitrary name created in Energy Logserver Logistics and connected to the name of the role-mappings.yml and existing in AD any container.

Below a screenshot of the console on which are marked accounts that were created by uesrs logging in from AD

If you map roles with from several domains, for example, then in User List we will see which user from which domain with which role logged in Energy Logserver.

Password encryption

For security reason you can provide the encrypted password for Active Directory integration. To do this use script that is located in the Utils directory in installation folder.

  1. Installation of pass-encrypter

    cp -pr /instalation_folder/elasticsearch/pass-en00

    000crypter /usr/share/elasticsearch/

  2. Use pass-encrypter

     # /usr/share/elasticsearch/utils/pass-encrypter/
     Enter the string for encryption :
     Encrypted string : MTU1MTEwMDcxMzQzMg==1GEG8KUOgyJko0PuT2C4uw==

Authentication with Radius

To use the Radius protocol, install the latest available version of Energy Logserver.


The default configuration file is located at /etc/elasticsearch/properties.yml:

	# Radius opts ""
	#radius.secret: "querty1q2ww2q1"
	#radius.port: 1812

Use appropriate secret based on config file in Radius server. The secret is configured on clients.conf in Radius server.

In this case, since the plugin will try to do Radius auth then client IP address should be the IP address where the Elasticsearch is deployed.

Every user by default at present get the admin role

Authentication with LDAP

To use OpenLDAP authorization, install or update Energy Logserver 7.0.2.


The default configuration file is located at /etc/elasticsearch/properties.yml:

  • ldap_groups_search - Enable Open LDAP authorization. The ldap_groups_search switch with true / false values.

  • search filter - you can define search_filter for each domain. When polling the LDAP / AD server, the placeholder is changed to userId (everything before @domain) of the user who is trying to login. Sample search_filter:

    search_filter: "(&(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)(cn=%s))"

    If no search_filter is given, the default will be used:

  • max_connections - for each domain (must be> = 1), this is the maximum number of connections that will be created with the LDAP / AD server for a given domain. Initially, one connection is created, if necessary another, up to the maximum number of connections set. If max_connections is not given, the default value = 10 will be used.

  • ldap_groups_search - filter will be used to search groups on the AD / LDAP server of which the user is trying to login. An example of groups_search_filter that works quite universally is:

    groups_search_filter: "(|(uniqueMember=%s)(member=%s))"

    Sample configuration:

    licenseFilePath: /usr/share/elasticsearch/
        - name: ""
          host: ""
          port: 389                                                  # optional, default 389
          #ssl_enabled: false                                        # optional, default true
          #ssl_trust_all_certs: true                                 # optional, default false
          bind_dn: ""                     
          bind_password: "Buspa#mexaj1"                                 
          search_user_base_DN: "OU=lab,DC=dev,DC=it,DC=example,DC=pl"
          search_filter: "(&(objectClass=inetOrgperson)(cn=%s))"     # optional, default "(&(&(objectCategory=Person)(objectClass=User))(samaccountname=%s))"
          user_id_attribute: "uid"                                   # optional, default "uid"
          search_groups_base_DN: "OU=lab,DC=dev,DC=it,DC=example,DC=pl" # base DN, which will be used for searching user's groups in LDAP tree
          groups_search_filter: "(member=%s)"                        # optional, default (member=%s), if ldap_groups_search is set to true, this filter will be used for searching user's membership of LDAP groups
          ldap_groups_search: false                                  # optional, default false - user groups will be determined basing on user's memberOf attribute
          unique_member_attribute: "uniqueMember"                    # optional, default "uniqueMember"
          max_connections: 10                                        # optional, default 10
          connection_timeout_in_sec: 10                              # optional, default 1
          request_timeout_in_sec: 10                                 # optional, default 1
          cache_ttl_in_sec: 60                                       # optional, default 0 - cache disabled

    When the password is longer than 20 characters, we recommend using our pass-encrypter, otherwise backslash must be escaped with another backslash. Endpoint role-mapping/_reload has been changed to _role-mapping/reload. This is a unification of API conventions, in accordance with Elasticsearch conventions.

Configuring Single Sign On (SSO)

In order to configure SSO, the system should be accessible by domain name URL, not IP address nor localhost.

Ok : Wrong : https://localhost:5601/login,

In order to enable SSO on your system follow below steps. The configuration is made for AD:, GUI URL:

Configuration steps

  1. Create an User Account for Elasticsearch auth plugin

    In this step, a Kerberos Principal representing Elasticsearch auth plugin is created on the Active Directory. The principal name would be name@DEV.EXAMPLE.COM, while the DEV.EXAMPLE.COM is the administrative name of the realm. In our case, the principal name will be esauth@DEV.EXAMPLE.COM.

    Create User in AD. Set "Password never expires" and "Other encryption options" as shown below:

  2. Define Service Principal Name (SPN) and Create a Keytab file for it

    Use the following command to create the keytab file and SPN:

    C:> ktpass -out c:\Users\Administrator\esauth.keytab -princ HTTP/ -mapUser esauth -mapOp set -pass 'Sprint$123' -crypto ALL -pType KRB5_NT_PRINCIPAL

    Values highlighted in bold should be adjusted for your system. The esauth.keytab file should be placed on your elasticsearch node - preferably /etc/elasticsearch/ with read permissions for elasticsearch user:
    chmod 640 /etc/elasticsearch/esauth.keytab
    chown elasticsearch: /etc/elasticsearch/esauth.keytab

  3. Create a file named krb5Login.conf:{ required
        principal="esauth@DEV.EXAMPLE.COM" useKeyTab=true
        keyTab=/etc/elasticsearch/esauth.keytab storeKey=true debug=true;
        }; { required
        principal="esauth@DEV.EXAMPLE.COM" useKeyTab=true
        keyTab=/etc/elasticsearch/esauth.keytab storeKey=true debug=true;

    Principal user and keyTab location should be changed as per the values created in the step 2. Make sure the domain is in UPPERCASE as shown above. The krb5Login.conf file should be placed on your elasticsearch node, for instance /etc/elasticsearch/ with read permissions for elasticsearch user:

    Ssudo chmod 640 /etc/elasticsearch/krb5Login.conf
    sudo chown elasticsearch: /etc/elasticsearch/krb5Login.conf
  4. Append the following JVM arguments (on Elasticsearch node in /etc/sysconfig/elasticsearch)


    Change the appropriate values in the bold. This JVM arguments has to be set for Elasticsearch server.

  5. Add the following additional (sso.domain, service_principal_name, service_principal_name_password) settings for ldap in elasticsearch.yml or properties.yml file wherever the ldap settings are configured:

    sso.domain: ""
    - name: ""
        host: "IP_address"
        port: 389                                                 # optional, default 389
        ssl_enabled: false                                        # optional, default    true
        ssl_trust_all_certs: false                                 # optional, default false
        bind_dn: ""                     # optional, skip for anonymous bind
        bind_password: "administrator_password"                                 # optional, skip for anonymous bind
        search_user_base_DN: "OU=lab,DC=dev,DC=it,DC=example,DC=com"
        user_id_attribute: "uid"                                  # optional, default "uid"
        search_groups_base_DN: "OU=lab,DC=dev,DC=it,DC=example,DC=com"
        unique_member_attribute: "uniqueMember"                   # optional, default "uniqueMember"
        service_principal_name: "esauth@DEV.EXAMPLE.COM"
        service_principal_name_password : "Sprint$123"

    Note: At this moment, SSO works for only single domain. So you have to mention for what domain SSO should work in the above property sso.domain

  6. To apply the changes restart Elasticsearch service

    sudo systemctl restart elasticsearch.service
  7. Enable SSO feature in kibana.yml file:

    kibana.sso_enabled: true
  8. After that Kibana has to be restarted:

    sudo systemctl restart kibana.service

Client (Browser) Configuration##

Internet Explorer configuration

  1. Goto Internet Options from Tools menu and click on Security Tab:

  1. Select Local intranet, click on Site -> Advanced -> Add the url:

After adding the site click close.

  1. Click on custom level and select the option as shown below:

Chrome configuration

For Chrome, the settings are taken from IE browser.

Firefox configuration

Update the following config:

Default home page

To set the default application for the GUI home page, please do the following:

  • edit /etc/kibana/kibana.yml configuration file:

    vi /etc/kibana/kibana.yml
  • change the following directives:

    # Home Page settings
    #kibana.defaultAppId: "home"


    # Home Page settings
    kibana.defaultAppId: "alerts"

Configure email delivery

Configure email delivery for sending PDF reports in Scheduler.

The default e-mail client that installs with the Linux CentOS system, which is used by Energy Logserver to send reports (Section 5.3 of the Reports chapter), is postfix.# Configuration file for postfix mail client #

The postfix configuration directory for CentOS is /etc/postfix. It contains files: - the main configuration file for the program specifying the basics parameters

Some of its directives:

 |**Directive**            |       **Description**                                                                                    |
 | ------------------------| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
 |queue\_directory         |       The postfix queue location.                                                                         
 |command\_directory       |      The location of Postfix commands.
 |daemon\_directory        |       Location of Postfix daemons.
 |mail\_owner              |       The owner of Postfix domain name of the server
 |myhostname               |       The fully qualified domain name of the server.
 |mydomain                 |       Server domain
 |myorigin                 |       Host or domain to be displayed as origin on email leaving the server.
 |inet\_interfaces         |       Network interface to be used for incoming email.
 |mydestination            |       Domains from which the server accepts mail.
 |mynetworks               |       The IP address of trusted networks.
 |relayhost                |       Host or other mail server through which mail will be sent. This server will act as an outbound gateway.
 |alias\_maps              |       Database of asliases used by the local delivery agent.
 |alias\_database          |       Alias database generated by the new aliases command.
 |mail\_spool\_directory   |       The location where user boxes will be stored. - defines the configuration settings for the master daemon and the way it should work with other agents to deliver mail. For each service installed in the file there are seven columns that define how the service should be used.

 |Column           |     Description
 |---------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 |service          |    The name of the service
 |type             |    The transport mechanism to be user.
 |private          |    Is the service only for user by Postfix.
 |unpriv           |    Can the service be run by ordinary users
 |chroot           |    Whether the service is to change the main directory (chroot) for the mail. Queue.
 |wakeup           |    Wake up interval for the service.
 |maxproc          |    The maximum number of processes on which the service can be forked (to divide in branches)
 |command + args   |   A command associated with the service plus any argument

access - can be used to control access based on e-mail address, host address, domain or network address.

Examples of entries in the file

 |Description                                     | Example
 |To allow access for specific IP address:        | OK
 |To allow access for a specific domain:          | OK
 |To deny access from the network: | 192.168.3 REJECT

After making changes to the access file, you must convert its contents to the access.db database with the postmap command:

 	# postmap /etc/postfix/access
 	# ll /etc/postfix/access*
 	-rw-r\--r\--. 1 root root 20876 Jan 26 2014 /etc/postfix/access
 	-rw-r\--r\--. 1 root root 12288 Feb 12 07:47 /etc/postfix/access.db

canonical - mapping incoming e-mails to local users.

Examples of entries in the file:

To forward emails to user1 to the [[] mailbox:

	user1 user1\

To forward all emails for to another domain:

After making changes to the canonical file, you must convert its contents to the canonical.db database with the postmap command:

# postmap /etc/postfix/canonical
# ll /etc/postfix/canonical*

-rw-r\--r\--. 1 root root 11681 2014-06-10 /etc/postfix/canonical
-rw-r\--r\--. 1 root root 12288 07-31 20:56 /etc/postfix/canonical.db

generic - mapping of outgoing e-mails to local users. The syntax is the same as a canonical file. After you make change to this file, you must also run the postmap command.

# postmap /etc/postfix/generic
# ll /etc/postfix/generic*

-rw-r\--r\--. 1 root root 9904 2014-06-10 /etc/postfix/generic
-rw-r\--r\--. 1 root root 12288 07-31 21:15 /etc/postfix/generic.db

reloceted -- information about users who have been transferred. The syntax of the file is the same as canonical and generic files.

Assuming tha user1 was moved from to, you can forward all emails received on the old address to the new address:

Example of an entry in the file:

After you make change to this file, you must also run the postmap command.

# postmap /etc/postfix/relocated
# ll /etc/postfix/relocated*

-rw-r\--r\--. 1 root root 6816 2014-06-10 /etc/postfix/relocated
-rw-r\--r\--. 1 root root 12288 07-31 21:26 /etc/postfix/relocated.d

transport -- mapping between e-mail addresses and server through which these e-mails are to be sent (next hops) int the transport format: nexthop.

Example of an entry in the file:

After you make changes to this file, you must also run the postmap command.

# postmap /etc/postfix/transport
[root@server1 postfix]# ll /etc/postfix/transport*

-rw-r\--r\--. 1 root root 12549 2014-06-10 /etc/postfix/transport
-rw-r\--r\--. 1 root root 12288 07-31 21:32 /etc/postfix/transport.db

virtual - user to redirect e-mails intended for a certain user to the account of another user or multiple users. It can also be used to implement the domain alias mechanism.

Examples of the entry in the file:

Redirecting email for user1, to root users and user3:

user1 root, user3

Redirecting email for user 1 in the domain to the root user: root

After you make change to this file, you must also run the postmap command:

# postmap /etc/postfix/virtual
# ll /etc/postfix/virtual

-rw-r\--r\--. 1 root root 12494 2014-06-10 /etc/postfix/virtual
-rw-r\--r\--. 1 root root 12288 07-31 21:58 /etc/postfix/virtual.db

Basic postfix configuration

Base configuration of postfix application you can make in /etc/postfix/main.cfg configuration file, which must complete with the following entry:

  • section # RECEIVING MAIL

      inet_interfaces = all
      inet_protocols = ipv4

      relayhost = [IP mail server]:25 (port number)

I the netxt step you must complete the canonical file of postfix

At the end you should restart the postfix:

systemctl restart postfix

Example of postfix configuration with SSL encryption enabled

To configure email delivery with SSL encryption you need to make the following changes in the postfix configuration files:

  • /etc/postfix/ - file should contain the following entries in addition to standard (unchecked entries):

      mydestination = $myhostname, localhost.$mydomain, localhost
      myhostname =
      relayhost = []:587
      smtp_sasl_auth_enable = yes
      smtp_sasl_password_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/sasl_passwd
      smtp_sasl_security_options = noanonymous
      smtp_tls_CAfile = /root/certs/cacert.cer
      smtp_use_tls = yes
      smtp_sasl_mechanism_filter = plain, login
      smtp_sasl_tls_security_options = noanonymous
      canonical_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/canonical
      smtp_generic_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/generic
      smtpd_recipient_restrictions = permit_sasl_authenticated
  • /etc/postfix/sasl/passwd - file should define the data for authorized

     	[\]:587 [[]](

You need to give appropriate permissions:

	chmod 400 /etc/postfix/sasl_passwd

and map configuration to database:

	postmap /etc/postfix/sasl_passwd

next you need to generate a ca cert file:

	cat /etc/ssl/certs/Example\_Server\_CA.pem | tee -a etc/postfix/cacert.pem

And finally, you need to restart postfix

	/etc/init.d/postfix restart

Custom notification on workstation

The mechanism of personalization of notification at the workstation will be implemented by combining alerting mechanisms, triggering integrated commands and triggering interaction scripts allowing for the transfer of a personalized notification to the workstation. The notifications will use the specific script, which has the ability to inform all logged in users or the selected one about the detection of individual incidents.

Configuration steps

  1. Create a new alert rule or edit an existing one according to the instruction: Creating Alerts,

  2. In Alert Method field select the Command method,

  3. Add the following scritp name to Path to script/command filed:

Agents module

The Agents module is used for the central management of agents used in Energy Logserver such as Filebeat, Winlogbeat, Packetbeat, Metricbeat, Logstash and all other configuration files.

Component modules

The software consists of two modules:

  • Agent Module - installation just like any standard Kibana plugin.

  • Agent software - installed on host with agent (like beats);

Agent Module installation

All necessary components can be found in the installation folder ./install/Agents/masteragent.

  1. Go to installation directory:
cd ./install/Agents/masteragent
  1. Generating the certificates:

    cd certificates/
    • set DOMAIN and DOMAIN_IP in scripts from ./certificates directory:

    • execute the scripts in the following order:

  2. Install the required packages:

    yum install net-tools
  3. Add an exception to the firewall to listen on TCP 8080 and 8081:

    firewall-cmd --permanent --zone public --add-port 8080/tcp
    firewall-cmd --permanent --zone public --add-port 8081/tcp
  4. Logstash pipeline configuration:

    /bin/cp -rf ./logstash/agents_template.json /etc/logstash/templates.d/
    mkdir /etc/logstash/conf.d/masteragent
    /bin/cp -rf ./logstash/*.conf /etc/logstash/conf.d/masteragent/
    • Edit file /etc/logstash/pipelines.yml by uncomment this line(be awer to this lines looks likes other uncomment lines. It's yml file.):
    - masteragent
      path.config: "/etc/logstash/conf.d/masteragent/*.conf
    • Logstash SSL configuration:
    mkdir /etc/logstash/conf.d/masteragent/ssl
    /bin/cp -rf ./certificates/domain.key /etc/logstash/conf.d/masteragent/ssl/
    /bin/cp -rf ./certificates/domain.crt /etc/logstash/conf.d/masteragent/ssl/
    /bin/cp -rf ./certificates/rootCA.crt /etc/logstash/conf.d/masteragent/ssl/
    chown -R logstash:logstash /etc/logstash

Linux Agent installation

  1. Copy necessary files to destination host:

    /bin/cp -rf ./install/Agents/masteragent/agents/linux/masteragent /opt/masteragent
    /bin/cp -rf ./install/Agents/masteragent/certificates/node_name.p12 /opt/masteragent
    /bin/cp -rf ./install/Agents/masteragent/certificates/root.jks /opt/masteragent
    /bin/cp -rf    ./install/Agents/masteragent/agents/linux/masteragent/masteragent.service /usr/lib/systemd/system/masteragent.service
  2. Set correct IP address of Logstash and Kibana in /opt/masteragent/agent.conf and verify paths for Filebeat, Metricbeat, etc. are correct.

    systemctl daemon-reload
    systemctl enable masteragent
    systemctl start masteragent
  3. Restart logstash:

    systemctl restart logstash
  4. In the GUI, in the Agents tab, you can check the status of the newly connected host.

Windows Agent installation

  1. Add an exception to the firewall to listen on TCP port 8081.

  2. Add an exception to the firewall enabling connection on TCP LOGSTASH_IP:8080 port.

  3. Copy content of the ./agents/windows from installation directory to "C:\Program Files\MasterAgnet"

  4. Change IP address of the Kibana GUI server and Logstash server in "C:\Program Files\MasterAgnet\agent.conf" file.

  5. In order to install the service, start the console as an administrator and execute the following commands:

    cd "C:\Program Files\MasterAgent"
    agents.exe install
    agents.exe start
  6. An alternative method of installing the service, run the PowerShell console as administrator and execute the following commands:

    New-Service -name masteragent -displayName masteragent - binaryPathName "C:\Program Files\MasterAgent\agents.exe"
  7. Check status of service via services.msc (if stoped, try start it agian).

  8. In the GUI, in the Agents tab, you can check the status of the newly connected host.

Agent module compatibility

The Agents module works with Beats agents in the following versions:

Nr Agent Name Beats Version Link to download



OSS 6.8.14



OSS 6.8.14



OSS 6.8.14



OSS 6.8.14



OSS 6.8.14



OSS 6.8.14



OSS 6.8.14

Beats agents installation


  1. Copy the Winlogbeat installer from the installation directory install/Agents/beats/windows/ and unpack

  2. Copy the installation files to the C:\Program Files\Winlogbeat directory


Editing the file: C:\Program Files\Winlogbeat\winlogbeat.yml:

  1. In section:

      - name: Application
        ignore_older: 72h
      - name: Security
      - name: System

    change to:

      - name: Application
        ignore_older: 72h
      - name: Security
        ignore_older: 72h
      - name: System
        ignore_older: 72h
  2. In section:

      index.number_of_shards: 1

    change to:

      #index.number_of_shards: 1
  3. In section:


    change to:

  4. In section:

      # Array of hosts to connect to.
      hosts: ["localhost:9200"]

    change to:

      # Array of hosts to connect to.
      #hosts: ["localhost:9200"]
  5. In section:

      # The Logstash hosts
      #hosts: ["localhost:5044"]

    change to:

      # The Logstash hosts
      hosts: ["LOGSTASH_IP:5044"]
  6. In section:

    #tags: ["service-X", "web-tier"]

    change to:

    tags: ["winlogbeat"]

Run the PowerShell console as Administrator and execute the following commands:

cd 'C:\Program Files\Winlogbeat'

Security warning
Run only scripts that you trust. While scripts from the internet can be useful,
this script can potentially harm your computer. If you trust this script, use
the Unblock-File cmdlet to allow the script to run without this warning message.
Do you want to run C:\Program Files\Winlogbeat\install-service-winlogbeat.ps1?
[D] Do not run  [R] Run once  [S] Suspend  [?] Help (default is "D"): R


Status   Name               DisplayName
------   ----               -----------
Stopped    Winlogbeat      Winlogbeat

Start Winlogbeat service:

sc start Winlogbeat

Test configuration:

cd 'C:\Program Files\Winlogbeat'
winlogbeat.exe test config
winlogbeat.exe test output
  1. Copy the Filebeat installer from the installation directory install/Agents/beats/windows/ and unpack

  2. Copy the installation files to the C:\Program Files\Filebeat directory


Editing the file: C:\Program Files\Filebeat\filebeat.yml:

  1. In section:

    - type: log
      # Change to true to enable this input configuration.
      enabled: false

    change to:

    - type: log
      # Change to true to enable this input configuration.
      enabled: true
  2. In section:

        - /var/log/*.log
        #- c:\programdata\elasticsearch\logs\*

    change to:

        #- /var/log/*.log
        #- c:\programdata\elasticsearch\logs\*
        - "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\*\MSSQL\Log\*"
        - "C:\inetpub\logs\*""
  3. In section:

      index.number_of_shards: 1

    change to:

      #index.number_of_shards: 1
  4. In section:


    change to:

  5. In section:

      # Array of hosts to connect to.
      hosts: ["localhost:9200"]

    change to:

      # Array of hosts to connect to.
      #hosts: ["localhost:9200"]
  6. In section:

      # The Logstash hosts
      #hosts: ["localhost:5044"]

    change to:

      # The Logstash hosts
      hosts: ["LOGSTASH_IP:5044"]
  7. In section:

    #tags: ["service-X", "web-tier"]

    change to:

    tags: ["filebeat"]

Run the PowerShell console as Administrator and execute the following commands:

cd 'C:\Program Files\Filebeat'

Security warning
Run only scripts that you trust. While scripts from the internet can be useful,
this script can potentially harm your computer. If you trust this script, use
the Unblock-File cmdlet to allow the script to run without this warning message.
Do you want to run C:\Program Files\Filebeat\install-service-filebeat.ps1?
[D] Do not run  [R] Run once  [S] Suspend  [?] Help (default is "D"): R


Status   Name               DisplayName
------   ----               -----------
Stopped  Filebeat        Filebeat

Start Filebeat service:

sc start filebeat

You can enable, disable and list Filebeat modules using the following command:

cd 'C:\Program Files\Filebeat'
filebeat.exe modules list
filebeat.exe modules apache enable
filebeat.exe modules apache disable

Test configuration:

cd 'C:\Program Files\Filebeat'
filebeat.exe test config
filebeat.exe test output


  1. Copy the Merticbeat installer from the installation directory install/Agents/beats/windows/ and unpack

  2. Copy the installation files to the C:\Program Files\Merticbeat directory


Editing the file: C:\Program Files\Merticbeat\metricbeat.yml:

  1. In section:

      index.number_of_shards: 1
      index.codec: best_compression

    change to:

      #index.number_of_shards: 1
      #index.codec: best_compression
  2. In section:


    change to:

  3. In section:

      # Array of hosts to connect to.
      hosts: ["localhost:9200"]

    change to:

      # Array of hosts to connect to.
      #hosts: ["localhost:9200"]
  4. In section:

      # The Logstash hosts
      #hosts: ["localhost:5044"]

    change to:

      # The Logstash hosts
      hosts: ["LOGSTASH_IP:5044"]
  5. In section:

    #tags: ["service-X", "web-tier"]

    change to:

    tags: ["metricbeat"]

Run the PowerShell console as Administrator and execute the following commands:

cd 'C:\Program Files\Metricbeat'

Security warning
Run only scripts that you trust. While scripts from the internet can be useful,
this script can potentially harm your computer. If you trust this script, use
the Unblock-File cmdlet to allow the script to run without this warning message.
Do you want to run C:\Program Files\Metricbeat\install-service-metricbeat.ps1?
[D] Do not run  [R] Run once  [S] Suspend  [?] Help (default is "D"): R


Status   Name               DisplayName
------   ----               -----------
Stopped  Metricbeat        Metricbeat

Start Filebeat service:

sc start metricbeat

You can enable, disable and list Metricbeat modules using the following command:

cd 'C:\Program Files\Metricbeat'
metricbeat.exe modules list
metricbeat.exe modules apache enable
metricbeat.exe modules apache disable

Test configuration:

cd 'C:\Program Files\Metricbeat'
metricbeat.exe test config
metricbeat.exe test output


  1. Copy the Packetbeatinstaller from the installation directory install/Agents/beats/windows/ and unpack

  2. Copy the installation files to the C:\Program Files\Packetbeat directory


Editing the file: C:\Program Files\Packetbeat\packetbeat.yml:

  1. In section:

      index.number_of_shards: 3

    change to:

      #index.number_of_shards: 3
  2. In section:


    change to:

  3. In section:

      # Array of hosts to connect to.
      hosts: ["localhost:9200"]

    change to:

      # Array of hosts to connect to.
      #hosts: ["localhost:9200"]
  4. In section:

      # The Logstash hosts
      #hosts: ["localhost:5044"]

    change to:

      # The Logstash hosts
      hosts: ["LOGSTASH_IP:5044"]
  5. In section:

    #tags: ["service-X", "web-tier"]

    change to:

    tags: ["packetbeat"]

Run the PowerShell console as Administrator and execute the following commands:

cd 'C:\Program Files\\Packetbeat'

Security warning
Run only scripts that you trust. While scripts from the internet can be useful,
this script can potentially harm your computer. If you trust this script, use
the Unblock-File cmdlet to allow the script to run without this warning message.
Do you want to run C:\Program Files\Packetbeat\install-service-packetbeat.ps1?
[D] Do not run  [R] Run once  [S] Suspend  [?] Help (default is "D"): R


Status   Name               DisplayName
------   ----               -----------
Stopped  Packetbeat        Packetbeat

Start Packetbeat service:

sc start packetbeat

Test configuration:

cd 'C:\Program Files\Packetbeat'
packetbeat.exe test config
packetbeat.exe test output



  1. Copy the Filebeat installer from the installation directory install/Agents/beats/linux/filebeat-oss-6.8.14-x86_64.rpm

  2. Install filebeat with following commadn:

    yum install -y filebeat-oss-6.8.14-x86_64.rpm

Editing the file: /etc/filebeat/filebeat.yml:

  1. In section:

    - type: log
      # Change to true to enable this input configuration.
      enabled: false

    change to:

    - type: log
      # Change to true to enable this input configuration.
      enabled: true
  2. In section:

      index.number_of_shards: 1

    change to:

      #index.number_of_shards: 1
  3. In section:


    change to:

  4. In section:

      # Array of hosts to connect to.
      hosts: ["localhost:9200"]

    change to:

      # Array of hosts to connect to.
      #hosts: ["localhost:9200"]
  5. In section:

      # The Logstash hosts
      #hosts: ["localhost:5044"]

    change to:

      # The Logstash hosts
      hosts: ["LOGSTASH_IP:5044"]
  6. In section:

    #tags: ["service-X", "web-tier"]

    change to:

    tags: ["filebeat"]

Start Filebeat service:

systemctl start filebeat

You can enable, disable and list Filebeat modules using the following command:

filebeat modules list
filebeat modules apache enable
filebeat modules apache disable

Test configuration:

filebeat test config
filebeat test output


  1. Copy the Merticbeatinstaller from the installation directory install/Agents/beats/linux/metricbeat-oss-6.8.14-x86_64.rpm

  2. Install Merticbeat with following command:

    yum install -y metricbeat-oss-6.8.14-x86_64.rpm

Editing the file: /etc/metricbeat/metricbeat.yml:

  1. In section:

      index.number_of_shards: 1
      index.codec: best_compression

    change to:

      #index.number_of_shards: 1
      #index.codec: best_compression
  2. In section:


    change to:

  3. In section:

      # Array of hosts to connect to.
      hosts: ["localhost:9200"]

    change to:

      # Array of hosts to connect to.
      #hosts: ["localhost:9200"]
  4. In section:

      # The Logstash hosts
      #hosts: ["localhost:5044"]

    change to:

      # The Logstash hosts
      hosts: ["LOGSTASH_IP:5044"]
  5. In section:

    #tags: ["service-X", "web-tier"]

    change to:

    tags: ["metricbeat"]

Start Filebeat service:

systemctl start metricbeat

You can enable, disable and list Metricbeat modules using the following command:

metricbeat modules list
metricbeat modules apache enable
metricbeat modules apache disable

Test configuration:

metricbeat test config
metricbeat test output


  1. Copy the Packetbeat installer from the installation directory install/Agents/beats/linux/packetbeat-oss-6.8.14-x86_64.rpm

  2. Install Packetbeatwith following command:

    yum install -y packetbeat-oss-6.8.14-x86_64.rpm

Editing the file: /etc/packetbeat/packetbeat.yml:

  1. In section:

      index.number_of_shards: 3

    change to:

      #index.number_of_shards: 3
  2. In section:


    change to:

  3. In section:

      # Array of hosts to connect to.
      hosts: ["localhost:9200"]

    change to:

      # Array of hosts to connect to.
      #hosts: ["localhost:9200"]
  4. In section:

      # The Logstash hosts
      #hosts: ["localhost:5044"]

    change to:

      # The Logstash hosts
      hosts: ["LOGSTASH_IP:5044"]
  5. In section:

    #tags: ["service-X", "web-tier"]

    change to:

    tags: ["packetbeat"]

Start Packetbeat service:

servicectl start packetbeat

Test configuration:

packetbeat test config
packetbeat test output


Kafka allows you to distribute the load between nodes receiving data and encrypts communication.

Architecture example:

The Kafka installation

To install the Kafka, follow the steps below:

  1. Java installation

    yum install java-11-openjdk-headless.x86_64
  2. Create users for Kafka

    useradd kafka -m -d /opt/kafka -s /sbin/nologin
  3. Download the installation package::
  4. Unpack installation files to /opt/kafka directory:

    tar -xzvf kafka_2.13-2.7.0.tgz -C /opt/
    mv /opt/kafka_2.13-2.7.0 /opt/kafka
  5. Set the necessary permissions

    chown -R kafka:kafka /opt/kafka
  6. Edit configs and set the data and log directory:

    vim  /opt/kafka/config/
  7. Set the necessary firewall rules:

    firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=2181/tcp
    firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=2888/tcp
    firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=3888/tcp
    firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=9092/tcp
    firewall-cmd --reload
  8. Create service files:

    vim /usr/lib/systemd/system/zookeeper.service

    ExecStart=/opt/kafka/bin/ /opt/kafka/config/

    vim create /usr/lib/systemd/system/kafka.service

    ExecStart=/bin/sh -c '/opt/kafka/bin/ /opt/kafka/config/ > /opt/kafka/kafka.log 2>&1'
  9. Reload systemctl daemon and the Kafka services:

    systemctl daemon-reload
    systemctl enable zookeeper kafka
    systemctl start zookeeper kafka
  10. To test add the Kafka topic:

    /opt/kafka/bin/ --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --create --partitions 1 --replication-factor 1 --topic test
  11. List existing topics:

    /opt/kafka/bin/ --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --list
  12. Generate test messages

    /opt/kafka/bin/ --topic test --bootstrap-server localhost:9092
       message 1
       message 2
  13. Read test messages

    /opt/kafka/bin/ --topic test --from-beginning --bootstrap-server localhost:9092

Kafka encryption

  1. Generate server keystore with certificate pair.


    • Certificate validity period;
    • The name of the alias;
    • The FQDN of the server;
    • Server IP;
    keytool -keystore server.keystore.jks -alias {alias_name} -validity {validity} -genkey -keyalg RSA -ext SAN=DNS:{FQDN},IP:{server_IP}
  2. Creating your own CA

    openssl req -new -x509 -keyout rootCA.key -out rootCA.crt -days 365
  3. Import CA to server keystore and client keystore:

    keytool -keystore server.truststore.jks -alias CARoot -import -file rootCA.crt
    keytool -keystore client.truststore.jks -alias CARoot -import -file rootCA.crt
  4. Create a certificate signing request:


    • The name of the alias;
    • The FQDN of the server;
    • Server IP;
    keytool -keystore server.keystore.jks -alias {alias_name} -certreq -file cert-file -ext SAN=DNS:{FQDN},IP:{server_IP}
  5. Sing in certificate


    • The name of the alias;
    • The FQDN of the server;
    • Server IP;
    • Password
    openssl x509 -req -extfile <(printf"subjectAltName = DNS:{FQDN},IP:{server_IP}") -CA rootCA.crt -CAkey rootCA.key -in cert-file -out cert-signed -days 3650 -CAcreateserial -passin pass:{password}
  6. Import rootCA and cert-signed to server keystore

    keytool -keystore server.keystore.jks -alias CARoot -import -file rootCA.crt
    keytool -keystore server.keystore.jks -alias els710 -import -file cert-signed
  7. If you have trusted certificates, you must import them into the JKS keystore as follows:

    Create a keystore:


    • Certificate validity period;
    • The name of the alias;
    • The FQDN of the server;
    • Server IP;
    keytool -keystore client.keystore.jks -alias {alias_name} -validity {validity} -keyalg RSA -genkey
  8. Combine the certificate and key file into a certificate in p12 format:


    • your cert name;
    • your key name;
    • friendly name;
    • CA cert file;
    openssl pkcs12 -export -in {your_cert_name} -inkey {your_key_name} -out {your_pair_name}.p12 -name {friendly_name} -CAfile ca.crt -caname root
  9. Import the CA certificate into a truststore:


    • CA cert file;
    keytool -keystore client.truststore.jks -alias CARoot -import -file {CAfile}
  10. Import the CA certificate into a keystore:


    • CA cert file.
    keytool -keystore client.keystore.jks -alias CARoot -import -file {CAfile}
  11. Import the p12 certificate into a keystore:


    • Your p12 pair;
    • Keystore password;
    keytool -importkeystore -deststorepass {keystore_password} -destkeystore client.keystore.jks -srckeystore {your_pair_name}.p12 -srcstoretype PKCS12

Configuring Kafka Brokers

  1. In /etc/kafka/ file set the following options:


    • Path to server keystore;
    • Keystore password;
    • Password for certificate key;
    • Path to server truststore;
    • Truststore password.
  2. Restart the Kafka service

systemctl restart kafka

Configuring Kafka Clients

  1. Configure the output section in Logstash based on the following example:


    • Server FQDN;
    • Path to client truststore;
    • Truststore password.
    output {
      kafka {
        bootstrap_servers => "{FQDN}:9093"
        security_protocol => "SSL"
        ssl_truststore_type => "JKS"
        ssl_truststore_location => "{path_to_client_truststore}/client.truststore.jks"
        ssl_truststore_password => "{password_to_client_truststore}"
        client_id => ""
        topic_id => "Topic-1"
        codec => json
  2. Configure the input section in Logstash based on the following example:


    • Server FQDN;
    • Path to client truststore;
    • Truststore password.
    input {
      kafka {
        bootstrap_servers => "{}:port"
        security_protocol => "SSL"
        ssl_truststore_type => "JKS"
        ssl_truststore_location => "{path_to_client_truststore}/client.truststore.jks"
        ssl_truststore_password => "{password_to_client_truststore}"
        consumer_threads => 4
        topics => [ "Topic-1" ]
        codec => json
        tags => ["kafka"]

Log retention for Kafka topic

The Kafka durably persists all published records—whether or not they have been consumed—using a configurable retention period. For example, if the retention policy is set to two days, then for the two days after a record is published, it is available for consumption, after which it will be discarded to free up space. Kafka's performance is effectively constant with respect to data size so storing data for a long time is not a problem.

Event Collector

The Event Collector allows to get events from remote Windows computers and store them in the Energy Logserver indexes. The destination log path for the events is a property of the subscription. The Energy Logserver Event Collector allows to define an event subscription on an Energy Logserver collector without defining the event source computers. Multiple remote event source computers can then be set up (using for example a group policy setting) to forward events to the Energy Logserver. The Event Collector don't require installation of any additional applications/agents on Windows source hosts.

Configuration steps

Installation of Event Collector

tar zxf wec_7x-master.tar.gz -C /opt/
mkdir /opt/wec
mv /opt/wec_7x-master/ /opt/wec/
mkdir /etc/wec
cp /opt/wec/sub_manager/config.yaml /etc/wec/config.yaml

Generate certificate

mkdir /opt/wec/certgen
cd /opt/wec/certgen
vim server-certopts.cnf
  • Set DNS.1 and IP.1 for WEC server:

    default_bits = 4096
    default_md = sha256
    req_extensions = req_ext
    keyUsage = keyEncipherment,dataEncipherment
    basicConstraints = CA:FALSE
    distinguished_name = dn
    [ req_ext ]
    subjectAltName = @alt_names
    extendedKeyUsage = serverAuth,clientAuth
    [ alt_names ]
    DNS.1 = wec.local.domain
    IP.1 =
  • Set DNS.1 and IP.1 for client certificate:

    vim client-certopts.cnf
    default_bits = 4096
    default_md = sha256
    req_extensions = req_ext
    keyUsage = keyEncipherment,dataEncipherment
    basicConstraints = CA:FALSE
    distinguished_name = dn
    [ req_ext ]
    subjectAltName = @alt_names
    extendedKeyUsage = serverAuth,clientAuth
    [ alt_names ]
    DNS.1 = *local.domain
  • Generate the CA certificate and private key, next check fingerprint:

    openssl genrsa -out ca.key 4096
    openssl req -x509 -new -nodes -key ca.key -days 3650 -out ca.crt -subj '/CN=wec.local.domain/'
    openssl x509 -in ca.crt -fingerprint -sha1 -noout | sed -e 's/\://g' > ca.fingerprint
  • Generate the client certificate and export it together with the CA in PFX format to be imported into the Windows certificate store:

    openssl req -new -newkey rsa:4096 -nodes -out server.csr -keyout server.key -subj '/CN=wec.local.domain/'
    openssl x509 -req -in server.csr -out server.crt -CA ca.crt -CAkey ca.key -CAcreateserial -extfile server-certopts.cnf -extensions req_ext -days 365
  • Generate the server certificate to be used by the WEC:

    openssl req -new -newkey rsa:4096 -nodes -out client.csr -keyout client.key -subj '/CN=wec.local.domain/'
    openssl x509 -req -in client.csr -out client.crt -CA ca.crt -CAkey ca.key -CAcreateserial -extfile client-certopts.cnf -extensions req_ext -days 365
    openssl pkcs12 -export  -inkey client.key -in client.crt -certfile ca.crt -out client.p12

Event Collector Configuration

  • Copy server certificate and server key to Event Collector installation directory:

    cp server.crt server.key /opt/wec/sub_manager/certificates/
  • Edit configuration file config.yaml

    vim /etc/wec/config.yaml
    • set the following options:
    external_host: wec.local.domain
    #check ca.fingerprint file
    ca_fingerprint: 97DDCD6F3AFA511EED5D3312BC50D194A9C9FA9A
    certificate: /opt/wec/sub_manager/certificates/server.crt
    key: /opt/wec/sub_manager/certificates/server.key
    • set the output for Event Collector to Logstash forwarding:
        # forward events to remote syslog server
        port: 5614
    • set the output to saving events to local file:
    outputfile: /var/log/wec/events-{:%Y-%d-%m}.log
    • disable local syslog output:
    local_syslog: false
    • set the filter section:
              # source list
    		- source: 'Security'
              filter: '*[System[(Level=1 or Level=2 or Level=3 or Level=4 or Level=0 or Level=5) and (EventID=4672 or EventID=4624 or EventID=4634)]]'
    	    - source: 'Application'
              filter: '*[System[(Level=1 or Level=2 or Level=3 or Level=4 or Level=0 or Level=5)]]'
            - source: 'System'
              filter: '*[System[(Level=1 or Level=2 or Level=3 or Level=4 or Level=0 or Level=5)]]'

Install dependencies

  1. Python 3.8 installation:

    sudo yum -y update
    sudo yum -y groupinstall "Development Tools"
    sudo yum -y install openssl-devel bzip2-devel libffi-devel
    sudo yum -y install wget
    tar xvf Python-3.8.3.tgz
    cd Python-3.8*/
    ./configure --enable-optimizations
    sudo make altinstall
    python3.8 --version
  2. Python requirements installation:

    pip3.8 install PyYAML
    pip3.8 install sslkeylog

Running Event Collector service

vim /etc/systemd/system/wec.service
Description=WEC Service

ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/python3.8 /opt/wec/sub_manager/ -c /etc/wec/config.yaml

systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl start wc

Windows host configuration

  1. Open the Microsoft Management Console (mmc.exe), select File -> Add/Remove Snap-ins, and add the Certificates snap-in.

  2. Select Computer Account.

  3. Right-click the Personal node, and select All Tasks > Import.

  4. Find and select the client certificate (client.p12) and import this file.

  5. The PKCS #12 archive contains the CA certificate as well.

  6. Move the CA certificate to the Trusted Root Certification Authorities node after the import.

  7. Give NetworkService access to the private key file of the client authentication certificate:

  8. To forward security logs:

    • In CompMgmt.msc, under Local Users and Groups, click Groups > Event Log Readers to open Event Log Readers Properties.
    • Add the "NETWORK SERVICE" account to the Event Log Readers group.

    8.1. For domain controller use "Group Policy Manger Editor" and edit: "Default Domain Controller Policy":

    • From Computer Configuration > Policy, expand Windows Settings > Security Settings > Restricted Groups;
    • From contest menu add: Add Group
    • Add the following configuration:
      • Group = BUILTIN\Event Log Readers
        • Members = NT Authority\NETWORK SERVICE
  9. Make sure collector server is reachable from windows machine

  10. Run winrm qc and accept changes on windows machine

  11. Run winrm set winrm/config/client/auth @{Certificate="true"} on windows machint to enable certificate authentication

  12. Open gpedit.msc

  13. Under the Computer Configuration node, expand the Administrative Templates node, then expand the Windows Components node, and then select the Event Forwarding node.

  14. Select the SubscriptionManagers setting and enable it. Click the Show button to add a subscription (use the CA thumbprint you saved earlier):

    Server=https://<FQDN of the collector>:5986/wsman/SubscriptionManager/WEC,Refresh=<Refresh interval in seconds>,IssuerCA=<Thumbprint of the root CA>

    For example:


    NOTE: If you wish to set up multiple subscriptions because you want to forward Windows events to multiple event collectors (such as WEC), then you can do that here.

  15. Run the cmd console with administrative privileges and make following command

    gpupdate /force

Logstash pipeline configuration

Create directory for Event Collector pipeline configuration files:

mkdir /etc/logstash/conf.d/syslog_wec

Copy the following Logstash configuration files to pipeline directory:

cp 001-input-wec.conf /etc/logstash/conf.d/syslog_wec/
cp 050-filter-wec.conf /etc/logstash/conf.d/syslog_wec/
cp 060-filter-wec-siem.conf /etc/logstash/conf.d/syslog_wec/
cp 100-output-wec.conf /etc/logstash/conf.d/syslog_wec/

Enabling Logstash pipeline

To enable the syslog_wec Logstash pipeline edit the pipelie.yml file:

vim /etc/logstash/pipeline.yml

Add the following section:

- syslog_wec
  path.config: "/etc/logstash/conf.d/syslog_wec/*.conf"

And restart Logstash:

systemctl restart logstash

Elasticsearch template

Install the Elasticsearch template for Event Collector data index:

curl -ulogserver:logserver -X PUT "http://localhost:9200/_template/syslog_wec?pretty" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d@template_wec.json

Building the subscription filter

  1. Browse to Event Viewer

  2. Right click Subscriptions and create subscription

  3. Click on Select Events and choose the type of logs that you want, for example: Event Level, Event Logs, Include Exclude Event ID, Keyword, etc.

  4. Switch to XML view tab;

  5. Copy the value of the Select Path key, for example:

      <Query Id="0" Path="Security">
        <Select Path="Security">*[System[(Level=1  or Level=2 or Level=3) and (EventID=4672 or EventID=4624 or EventID=4634)]]</Select>

    string to copy:

    *[System[(Level=1  or Level=2 or Level=3) and (EventID=4672 or EventID=4624 or EventID=4634)]]
  6. Paste the above definition into the Event Collector configuration file in filters section:

    vim /etc/wec/config.yaml
            - source: 'Security'
              filter: '*[System[(Level=1  or Level=2 or Level=3) and (EventID=4672 or EventID=4624 or EventID=4634)]]'

    Restart Event Collector service

    systemctl restart wec

Cerebro Configuration

Configuration file: /opt/cerebro/conf/application.conf

  • Authentication

     		auth = {
     		  type: basic
     		    settings: {
     		      username = "logserver"
     		      password = "logserver"
  • A list of known Elasticsearch hosts

     		hosts = [
     		    host = ""
     		    name = "energy-logserver"
     		    auth = {
     		      username = "logserver"
     		      password = "logserver"
     		  trustManager = {
     		    stores = [
     		      { type = "PEM", path = "/etc/elasticsearch/ssl/rootCA.crt" }
  • SSL access to cerebro

       http = {
         port = "disabled"
       https = {
         port = "5602"
       # SSL access to cerebro - no self signed certificates
       #play.server.https {
       #  keyStore = {
       #    path = "keystore.jks",
       #    password = "SuperSecretKeystorePassword"
       #  }
       #  trustManager = {
       #    stores = [
       #      { type = "JKS", path = "truststore.jks", password =       SuperSecretTruststorePassword"  }
       #    ]
       #  }
  • service restart

    	systemctl start cerebro
  • register backup/snapshot repository for Elasticsearch

       curl -k -XPUT "" -H 'Content-Type: plication/      json' -d'
         "type": "fs",
         "settings": {
           "location": "/var/lib/elasticsearch/backup/"
       }' -u logserver:logserver
  • login using curl/kibana

       curl -k -XPOST '' -H 'mimeType: application/      -www-form-urlencoded' -d 'user=logserver&password=logserver' -c cookie.txt
       curl -k -XGET '' -b cookie.txt

License service (SIEM Plan only)

License service configuration is required when using the SIEM Plan license. To configure the License Service, set the following parameters in the configuration file:

hosts - Elasticsearch cluster hosts IP, password - password for Logserver user, https - true or false.

vi /opt/license-service/license-service.conf
  hosts: ["els_host_IP:9200"]

  username: logserver
  password: "logserver_password"

  https: true