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Mask Rules

Emerson Brito edited this page Mar 15, 2019 · 2 revisions


The following are the predefined mask rules:

Rule Description
9 Accepts any digit between 0 and 9.
0 Accepts any digit between 0 and 9 or space.
# Same as rule 9. Also allows + (plus) and - (minus) signs.
L Accepts any letters (a-z and A-Z).
? Accepts any letter (a-z and A-Z) or space.
& Accepts any character except a space. Equivalent to \S in regular expressions.
C Accepts any character. Equivalent to . in regular expressions.
A Alphanumeric. Accepts letters and digits only.
a Alphanumeric or space. Accepts letters, digits and space.

Escaping Rules

Use the character | (pipe) to escape any of the mask rules and use them as literals.


"A" is the Alphanumeric rule.
If your mask needs to start with the literal 'A' followed by numbers (e.g.: A9512) you can escape it using pipe (|):


Custom Rules

See Custom Rules for more details.

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