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React Connect Elements

Connect elements with SVG



yarn add react-connect-elements

Getting Started

Include ConnectElements in the parent component.

import ConnectElements from 'react-connect-elements';

const Component = () => (
    <div className="elements">
        <div className="element element1" />
        <div className="element element2" />
      elements={[{ from: '.element1', to: '.element2' }]}


Prop Description Type Default
elements The connections of the elements array required
selector The DOM target selector of the parent element string required
overlay z-index value of the line connecting the elements number 0
strokeWidth width of the line in pixels number 5
color Color of the line connecting the elements string #666

Elements Syntax

Attribute Description Required
from The DOM target selector of the start element true
to The DOM target selector of the end element true
color Color of the line connecting the elements (overrides the prop color) false


This gist where I got how to connect two elements / draw a path between two elements with SVG path (using jQuery).