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Statistic Annex

The chart and tables correspond to the work publish in ….

Participation of Socio Occupational Condition (CSO in Spanish) throughtout the period 2009-2019 for Argentina

The source is Encuesta Permanente de Hogares (EPH), compiled by Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas y Censos de Argentina (INDEC)

CSO - share population and Coeficients of Variance

Estimate in R


Mean income bootstraping

Estimate in R


Tables in pesos 3th quarter 2020

Tables of rate of change

Income distribution, cumulative income distirbution and Lorenz curve by CSO

Estimate in R

Charts CSO

CSO 12 - Household Employee for Care and reproductive work

CSO 11 - Autonomous worker without means of production

CSO 10 - Autonomous worker with means of production

CSO 9 - Autonomous Professional

CSO 8 - Salaried Low Qualification

CSO 7 - Salaried Operative

CSO 6 - Salaried Technician

CSO 5 - Salaried Professional

CSO 4 - Chief/Supervision (Salaried)

CSO 3 - Director/Manager of big firm

CSO 2 - Owner of a big firm

CSO 1 - Owner or director of a Small or Medium-Sized enterprise

Thei Index

Estime in R


Income distribution, cumulative income distirbution and Lorenz Total

Sample for chart TOTAL


Papers methodology INDEC

Adult equivalent

EPH survey

EPH methodology

Papers methodology Index

Review inequality indexs