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Trinkets API

Emily Rose Alexandra edited this page May 31, 2021 · 2 revisions

While a majority of basic interactions with Trinkets, such as adding and configuring slots, will be done with data, there are a bevy of features Trinkets provides in code.

Trinket Components

TrinketsApi.getTrinketComponent(LivingEntity) returns an optional TrinketComponent if present for the entity type. Trinket components contain a lot of the data Trinkets is aware of, such as inventories which can be accessed manually (though this is discouraged), access to modifiers, and some helper methods for using Trinkets.

isEquiped can be called with either an item or a predicate and will return whether a trinket of that type is equipped.

getEquipped is called with the same information as isEquipped, and returns a list of slots and stacks pairs that match.

getAllEquipped returns a list of all non-empty slots and stack pairs.

forEach can loop over all slots and stacks for an entity.

Trinkets Predicates

Slots can specify validator, quick move, and tooltip predicates for logic, and while Trinkets provides a small amount of basic predicates, more can be added code side using TrinketsApi.registerTrinketPredicate.

Slot Entity Attribute Modifiers

Trinkets provides a system for modifiers that adjust the amount of available slots for certain slot types. These can add and remove the amount of slots that exist of certain types, to as low as 0. A helper to conveniently construct these is located at SlotAttributes.addSlotModifier.

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