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Deployment steps

The templates description:

• it has the main provider (AWS), and also the backend definition as S3 to save the terraform state into an S3 bucket. Also, it has a definition of a DynamoDB table to lock the state for the current user. • defines all the network resources such as the VPC, subnets, internet gateway, security groups, and NACL. • has the IAM policies and roles needed for the right access for the Jenkins server and EKS cluster internally and externally, allowing only needed access for all. • define the resources needed to create a new EKS cluster including the IAM role and security group. • define the resources needed to create the worker nodes, such as the launch configuration, the Auto scaling group, IAM and SG. • create the ec2 instance and install Jenkins server using a userdata script described below. It also generates a password and save it in AWS SSM parameter store and it’s passed to the script as an environment variable with the terraform apply script. • a user data script that do all the of the work needed to make Jenkins ready for deployment, it’s executing the below steps in order:

    •	install all required server dependencies needed by Jenkins and by the pipeline like kubectl, aws-authenticator, helm, docker ...etc.
    •	install Jenkins server
    •	Wait until Jenkins is up and running
    •	update the default Jenkins password with the one created by TF and stored in AWS SSM parameter store
    •	onfigure Jenkins and install a full list of all needed plugins to run the pipeline, like Git, GitHub, ecr, kubernetes, docker ...etc.
    •	Add Jenkins user to docker group so that sudo isn't required and Fix docker daemon issue.

• has all the variables needed for the provisioning such as: CIDR range, EKS version, AMIs, instances size and type…etc. • contains the most important output values that are needed to access the cluster from the account created the terraform template, or even from other system; which are: The Kubeconfig and the Cluster ConfigMap AWS Auth.

The deployment steps:

• Initialize Terraform:

terraform init

• Create an execution plan and double check what will be provisioned:

terraform plan

• Apply the templates to AWS:

terraform apply

To access the cluster from the local machine that installed the templates and join the nodes to the cluster:

• Setup Kubeconfig:

terraform output kubeconfig > ~/.kube/eks-cluster
export KUBECONFIG=~/.kube/eks-cluster
aws eks --region us-east-1 update-kubeconfig --name eks-umsl

• Double check the cluster access using any kubectl command:

kubectl get svc

• Once cluster is verified successfully, we have to create a configMap to add the worker nodes into the cluster:

terraform output config-map-aws-auth > config-map-aws-auth.yaml

• Apply the ConfigMap aws auth YMAL file:

Kubectl apply -f config-map-aws-auth.yaml

• Watch the worker nodes while joining the cluster:

kubectl get no –w


Creating The AWS resources using IaC with Terraform







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