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Bring type-safety to the interface between js and elm.


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🚨 NOTE: This project is in early development 🚨

Lots of very breaking changes are likley to occur and im sure there's many bugs to be discovered!


Bring type-safety to the interface between js and elm! Automatically generate decoders/encoders and typescript definitions from your elm types.

Why i made this tool

Elm is great! But not everything can be done in pure elm. Sometimes we need to pass over into js-land and to do that we have ports. If our Elm app happens to be very port-heavy for whatever reason, we might find ourselved spending increasing amounts of time writing json decoders/encoders, syncing that with the js-side and debugging whenever a typo or something small like that slipps through. Elm and typescript helps us write code with fewer errors, lets bring them to the interface between Elm and js!


npm install --save-dev elm-port-schema

How it works

NOTE: We will use typescript instead of javascript. Typescript is essentially javascript with types, which is exacly what we need.

Everything revolves around a schema located at src/Schema.elm and the two types that needs to be in it: FromElmMessage and ToElmMessage. if your schema looks like this:

module Schema exposing (..)

type FromElmMessage = ...

type ToElmMessage = ...

and you run elm-port-schema it will generate two files.

  1. src/Port.elm. You can import this module from the rest of your Elm to send and recive messages. It looks a bit like this:
port module Port exposing (..)

type FromElmMessage = ...

type ToElmMessage = ...

send : FromElmMessage -> Cmd msg
send = ...

recive : (Result Json.Decode.Error ToElmMessage -> msg) -> Sub msg
recive = ...


  1. src/Main.d.ts. This file makes typescript aware of what data can be sent to and from Elm.
    It look a little like this:
export let Elm: { Main: { init: (flags?: any) => ElmApp } }

export interface ElmApp {
    ports: {
        toElm: { send: (msg: ToElmMessage) => void },
        fromElm: { subscribe: (f: (msg: FromElmMessage) => void) => void },


Whenever you want to change how data is passed between elm and typescript, just update Schema.elm, run elm-port-schema and fix all compiler errors in your elm and typescript. Piece of cake!

How elm and typescript maps to eachother

  • Bool <=> bool
  • Int, Float <=> number
  • Char, String <=> string
  • List <=> Array
  • ( Int, String ) <=> [ number, string ]
  • { foo : Int, bar : String } <=> { foo: number, bar: string }
  • type Foo = Bar Int String <=> { variant: "bar", _0: number, _1: string }

Maybe and Result values map to typescript just the same as any other custom type would,
i.e Nothing maps to { variant: "Nothing" }, not null!

Example has the boilerplate needed to get up and runing with elm-port-schema.

Important notes / Words of caution

Before using this tool, know that it WILL add complexity to your project. compared to plain js and Elm you will need typescript, a bundler like webpack with a typescript and Elm loader. If you're only goin to spend a couple hours interfacing js and Elm this additional complexity might not be worth it. This comic commes to mind.

Also note that elm-port-schema is NOT intended for data interchange between client and server. Thats a different problem and something like elm-graphql would be more appropriate to solve it.
Also read this vission for data interchange in elm. I found it to be very enlightening!
