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emmanueltouzery edited this page Dec 22, 2020 · 3 revisions

Projectpad help


Projects get subdivided in environments, and specifically:

  • Prod - the production environment;
  • Uat - User Acceptance Testing, an environment used by the customer, which is not Prod;
  • Stg - Staging, the last testing environment before showing the product to the customer;
  • Dev - the development environment.

A project should have at least one environment. If unsure, use Prod. Once you have a project and environments for it, you'll be able to manage notes, points of interests, servers, and so on, for that project, for each environment.

Project items

A project may contain:

  • Servers - These are machines or virtual machines, with their own IP. Projectpad knows several types of servers like Application servers, Database, Reporting, Proxy... And a server may contain more elements, such as point of interests (like folders on the filesystem), websites, databases and so on - you'll be able to add these with the gear icon that'll appear next to the server name on the right of the screen;
  • Point of interest - These are commands to run or relevant files or folders. Project point of interests have to be located on your computer. If you're interested in point of interests on another machine then create a server for that machine and add a Server point of interest on that server;
  • Project note - Notes are markdown-formatted text containing free-form text. Project notes are tied to the whole project, you can also create server notes if they're tied to a specific server;
  • Server link - Sometimes a specific server is shared between different projects. Since we don't want to enter that server multiple times in projectpad, we can enter it just once and 'link' to it from the various projects making use of it. It's also possible to link to a specific group on that server.

Server items

Let's review all the available server item types:

  • Point of interest - a command to run or a relevant file or folder located on that server;
  • Website - a service that's reachable over the network that lives on that server. Doesn't have to be specifically a website, but often is. A rabbitmq server, for instance, could possibly fit that description too. A 'website' has a an address, a port, possibly a username and password, and can be tied to a database;
  • Database - a database that lives on that server. It can have a default username/password tied to it, and websites can be tied to it;
  • Extra user - a pair of username and password, or username and authentication key, somehow tied to this server. It could be a user allowing to access the server itself, or it could be tied to a website on this server, or a database on that server... You should make it clear through the 'text' field and possibly by grouping together related server items through the 'group' field. We say 'extra' user because the basic user is the one that is directly tied to the server itself;
  • Server note - Notes are markdown-formatted text containing free-form text. Server notes are tied to a specific server. You can tie them to a more specific category within the server by using the 'group' field.
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