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More tests for custom arrays
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emmt committed Oct 24, 2019
1 parent 37076f8 commit 870cef5
Showing 1 changed file with 69 additions and 2 deletions.
71 changes: 69 additions & 2 deletions test/runtests.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -203,6 +203,27 @@ end

# UnfinishedArray does not extend Base.parent()
struct UnfinishedArray{T,N,A<:AbstractArray{T,N},S} <: CopycatArray{T,N,S}
UnfinishedArray(arr::A, cnt::Integer=0) where {T,N,A<:AbstractArray{T,N}} = begin
S = typeof(IndexStyle(arr))
return UnfinishedArray{T,N,A,S}(arr,cnt)

# DummyArray does extend Base.parent()
struct DummyArray{T,N,A<:AbstractArray{T,N},S} <: CopycatArray{T,N,S}
DummyArray(arr::A, cnt::Integer=0) where {T,N,A<:AbstractArray{T,N}} = begin
S = typeof(IndexStyle(arr))
return DummyArray{T,N,A,S}(arr,cnt)
Base.parent(A::DummyArray) = A.arr

@testset "Custom arrays" begin
inds = map(n -> Base.OneTo(n), dims)
T = Float32
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -246,12 +267,26 @@ end
A52 = AttributeArray(Array{T,N}(undef, dims), D1)
A53 = AttributeArray(Array{T,N}(undef, dims), pairs(D2)...)

Q = UnfinishedArray(V)
R = DummyArray(V)

@test_throws ErrorException AttributeArray{T}(undef, dims, Dict{Any,Any}())
@test_throws ErrorException AttributeArray{T}(undef, dims, Dict{Int32,Any}())
@test_throws ErrorException AttributeArray{T}(undef, dims, Dict{CartesianIndex,Any}())
copyto!(G, rand(dims...))
copyto!(G, rand(dims...)) # exercise setindex! for linear indices
copyto!(R, rand(size(V)...)) # exercise setindex! for Cartesian indices
sum1 = 0.0
for val in G
sum1 += val
@test samevalues(F, G)
@test sum(F) == sum(G)
@test sum(F) == sum(G) sum1
sum2 = 0.0
for val in R
sum2 += val
@test samevalues(R, V)
@test sum(R) == sum(V) sum2
@test pointer(parent(F)) == pointer(parent(G))
@test length(F) == length(G) == prod(dims)
@test eltype(F) == eltype(G) == T
Expand All @@ -262,9 +297,13 @@ end
@test ntuple(d -> axes(F,d), N) == ntuple(d -> axes(G,d), N) == inds
@test Base.axes1(F) == Base.axes1(G) == inds[1]
@test Base.elsize(F) == Base.elsize(G) == Base.elsize(parent(F))
@test Base.elsize(R) == Base.elsize(V)
@test sizeof(F) == sizeof(G) == sizeof(parent(F))
@test IndexStyle(F) == IndexStyle(G) == IndexStyle(parent(F))
@test_throws ErrorException parent(Q)
@test IndexStyle(R) == IndexStyle(parent(R)) == IndexCartesian()
@test pairs(IndexStyle(F), F) == pairs(IndexStyle(G), G) == pairs(IndexStyle(parent(F)), parent(F))
@test pairs(IndexStyle(R), R) == pairs(IndexStyle(V), V)
@test_throws ErrorException size(F,0)
@test_throws BoundsError F[0]
@test keytype(F) === keytype(G) === String
Expand All @@ -283,8 +322,19 @@ end
@test values(G) == values(attributes(G))
@test pairs(G) == pairs(attributes(G))
@test_throws ArgumentError (H["ga"] = π)
@test haskey(H, "ga") == false
@test (H[:ga] = π) π
@test haskey(H, :ga) == true
@test keys(H) == keys(attributes(H))
@test getkey(H, :ga, nothing) === :ga
@test getkey(H, :bu, nothing) === nothing
@test getkey(H, "ga", nothing) === nothing
@test get(H, :ga, nothing) π
@test get(H, :bu, nothing) === nothing
@test get(H, "ga", nothing) === nothing
@test get!(H, :ga, nothing) π
@test get!(H, :bu, 55) == 55 && haskey(H, :bu) == true
@test_throws Exception get!(H, "ga", nothing)
merge!(F, G)
@test nkeys(F) == nkeys(G)
@test keys(F) == keys(G)
Expand All @@ -296,6 +346,23 @@ end
@test pop!(F, "ga", 42) == 42
@test nkeys(delete!(F, "ga")) == nkeys(G)
@test nkeys(delete!(F, "units")) == nkeys(G) - 1
@test merge(G, F) == merge(attributes(G), attributes(F))
@test merge(D2, F, D1) == merge(D2, attributes(F), D1)
Dat1 = Dict{String,Any}("a" => 1, "b" => sqrt(2), "c" => 4)
Dat2 = Dict{String,Any}("a" => -1.0, "b" => π, "c" => sqrt(3), "d" => 11)
for k in keys(F)
delete!(F, k)
for k in keys(G)
delete!(G, k)
merge!(F, Dat1)
merge!(G, Dat2)
@test merge(+, F, Dat2) == merge(+, Dat1, Dat2)
@test merge(-, Dat1, G) == merge(-, Dat1, Dat2)
@test merge(*, F, G) == merge(*, Dat1, Dat2)
@test attributes(merge!(+, F, Dat2)) == merge(+, Dat1, Dat2)
@test merge!(+, copy(Dat1), G) == attributes(F)

end # module

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