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History of MiRA

Version 2.4.1 (2023-12-13)

  • Add option xtol to set the relative tolerance in variable change for convergence.

Version 2.4.0 (2022-11-10)

  • MiRA use VMLMB by default and if it is installed for solving the constrained problem. This package provides a pure Yorick implementation of the VMLMB algorithm which has a number of enhencements compared to the one in OptimPackLegacy.

Version 2.3.1 (2022-02-21)

  • MiRA save CONVERGENCE keyword in HDU with output parameters.

Version 2.3.0 (2020-04-27)

  • MiRA can compute the dirty beam, that is the equivalent Point Spread Function (PSF), corresponding to the (u,v) coverage of the selected data. Use option -save_dirty_beam to compute and save the dirty beam in the output file.

  • MiRA can compute the dirty map of the measured complex visibilities, that is the image given by an instrument whose PSF is the dirty beam. Use option -save_dirty_map to compute and save the dirty map in the output file.

  • MiRA can compute a residual map, that is the image of the residual complex visibilities (measured minus model ones) given by an instrument whose PSF is the dirty beam. Use option -save_residual_map to compute and save the residual map in the output file.

  • Data selection option -use_vis2 has been fixed (thanks to Julia Stadler for reporting this).

Version 2.2.0 (2018-11-29)

  • This version can be installed with EasyYorick.

  • YOIFITS, YLib and IPY are no-longer sub-modules of MiRA and have to be installed by themselves. Hopefully, with EasyYorick this is trivial.

Version 2.1.0 (2018-07-27)

This version introduces a few changes in the available options (see below) and has been modified to be usable from a common GUI. All changes are listed below.

  • Option --normalization has been renamed as --flux and there is a --fluxerr option to specify the error bar for the flux. If --fluxerr=0 (the default) is specified, then strict normalization constraint is applied (as before).

  • Options --visamp=yes|no and --visphi=yes|no have been merged in option --use_vis=all|none|amp|phi. Likewise, options --t3amp=yes|no and --t3phi=yes|no have been merged in option --use_t3=all|none|amp|phi. For consistency, option --vis2=yes|no has been renamed as --use_vis2=all|none.

  • By default, --min=0 and --flux=1.

  • MiRA has been modified to be usable from a common GUI. This is still a work in progress.

  • New option --settings=NAME to specify the name of a FITS file with all input parameters. This file should comply with the OI-Imaging Specifications. When this option is specified, other expected arguments are the OI-FITS data file(s) and the name of the output FITS file. If other options are given in the command line, they have precedence over the settings in the input file.

Version 2.0.0 (2018-06-01)

  • Plugins can be loaded by MiRA to modify the model of the complex visibilities. See file mira2_plugin_central_star.i for a concrete example or have a look at SPARCO plugin.

Version 2.0.0b (2018-05-04)

  • Can save model complex visibilities (options --save_visibilities).
  • Add soft-thresholding (skip thresholding if no pixels above soft-threshold level).
  • Add multi-thread support.
  • Use environment variables MIRA_SRCDIR and MIRA_YORICK.

Version 2.0.0a (2018-02-12)

  • Accounting of bandwidth smearing (with customizable shape and importance factor).
  • Improved accounting of missing/partial data.
  • Multiple possible choices for the objective function used for specific kind of (partial) data.
  • Speedup building of non-separable linear model (with or without smearing).
  • Global setting of the debug and quiet modes.
  • Colored messages.

Version 1.1.2 (2018-05-04)

  • Fix accounting of bad data in OI-FITS file.
  • Ability to resample images.
  • Improve graphics.
  • Fix multiple wavelenghts case.

Version 1.1.1 (2017-01-26)

  • Better algorithm to compute the dirty map and the dirty beam.
  • Improve command line help, provide a manual page.
  • Speed up plots.

Version 1.1.0 (2017-01-10)

Old releases


  • Version 1.0.1 released.
  • Add mask in total variation regularization.


  • Now use fits.i distributed with (CVS) Yorick.


  • MiRA 0.9.10 released.
  • Changed T_CHAR, T_SHORT, etc. to Y_CHAR, Y_SHORT, etc. to work with Yorick >= 2.2 and Yeti >= 6.3.1


  • MiRA 0.9.9 released.


  • MIRA 0.9.8 released.
  • Changes to use OptimPack-1.3 and to display Fdata and Fprior.
  • Complex visibilities can be fitted with (or without) Goodman approximation.


  • MIRA 0.9.7 released.
  • Fixed oifits.i for empty ARRNAME or INSNAME.


  • MIRA 0.9.6 released.
  • Fixed a bug in oifits.i with oifits_new_* when master is provided (thanks to Thibaut Paumard).
  • Fixed a bug in mira_new_fft_xform with spatial frequencies exactly equal to zero (thanks to Stéphanie Renard).


  • MIRA 0.9.5 released.
  • Fix bug when no target is specified in mira_add_oidata.
  • In mira_add_oidata/mira_new, keyword cleanup_bad_data can be set to 0, 1, 2 to achieve different levels of filtering of invalid data.
  • Various fixes in oifits.i for creating/saving OI-FITS files (thanks to Sylvestre Lacour).


  • MIRA 0.9.4 released.
  • Added the possibility to select the target in mira_new.
  • Hack for FLAG column to deal with AMBER data.


  • MIRA 0.9.3 released.
  • Fixed a bug in __mira_build_coordinate_list__ which prevent to use data files with central frequency (0,0) measured.
  • New function mira_dirac.


  • Massive rewrite of oifits.i to optimize the code, make it easier to read and let the users create OI-FITS data on the fly and save it to a file.


  • MIRA 0.9.2 released. This is the version used for the MIRA demonstration (see mira-demo.i) at SPIE 2008 Conference in Marseille (France).
  • Some change in plots.


  • MIRA 0.9.1 released. This is the version used for the VLTI 2008 Summer School at Keszthely (Hungary).
  • Missing fft_utils.i is now part of the distribution.


  • MIRA 0.9 released.


  • MIRA 0.8 released.


  • MIRA 0.7 released.
  • Orientation of u-v and image coordinates fixed to match astronmical conventions.
  • Use OptimPack1.
  • Noisy works again.
  • New Monte-Carlo optimizer.
  • Fix a bug in mira_add_oidata with loading of complex visibilities.


  • Penalty with respect to data is now computed for cartesian representation of a complex (not a polar).
  • Huge rewrite of code: all data of given type are collected in a single table (more compact representation and faster computation/plotting when a lot of interferometric data-blocks are fitted).
  • Wavelength selection is more flexible (you can specify the effective wavelength and bandwidth to consider).
  • Very fast approximation of the Fourier transform by means of FFT (or FFTW) and spectral interpolation.