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This repository contains a load performance test for Empirica v1.

It is composed of:

  • server: an minimal Empirica app streamlined for easier automation
  • client: a puppeteer script to automate X player bots running through the experiment concurrently.

The client is quite basic, and just opens X headless Chrome windows in puppeteer, and sequencialy goes between the windows to move the player bot forward in the game steps. It cannot handle complex situations, but can currently move onto the next game once their current game ends or is cancelled.

To run the server, install Docker and Docker Compose on the machine you wish to test. Then copy the docker-compose.yml file at the root of this repo to that server and run docker-compose up.

To run the client, use the following command where you replace the IP ( in this example) with your server's IP or domain name, and the number of player bots (12 in this example) you wish to test with.

sudo docker run --rm empiricaly/perftest-client 12

The client has not been tested with more than 100 player botss. Since the automation is ran sequencially (player by player), running with many more player bots might become unsustainable, and you might wish to run multiple instances of this command (on the same or different server, depending on load).

Also, each player costs between 50 and 150MB of RAM (Chrome...), so you'll need up to 16GB of RAM to run 100 players for example.

Finally, there is 1 extra optional arg you can pass to the command: the time to wait in seconds between player bots playing, devided by all player. By default this value is of 20s, which means if we have 10 players, we will wait 2s between each player bot submnitting their round. This delay allows for the game to not go too fast. Each round should last more or less 20s. But this is only if the players are sequencially playing the same game, which might not be the case, if for example you have 100 players playing 10 games concurrently. Although, if you have 100 player bots, each player bot should play within 200ms (more or less, there's definitely latency), so the 10 games should be more or less in sync.

UPDATE: to run in parralel, you can run the docker-conpose.yml file in the /client dir. For example:

sudo -E docker-compose up --scale app=9

Will run 9 times the client script, each script is configured (by default) to have 11 players (99 total, usually nice to be one manual player testing it at the same time). This does alleviate some of the latency.

Experiment notes

Server: z1d.large 2 cores 16GB Client: t3a.xlarge 4 cores 16GB

Setup machine:

AMI: Ubuntu 18 sudo apt update sudo apt install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl software-properties-common curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add - sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] bionic stable" sudo apt update sudo apt install docker-ce sudo systemctl status docker sudo curl -L`uname -s-uname -m` -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose docker-compose --version


A quick load test setup for Empirica v1






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