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emre cavunt edited this page Mar 25, 2018 · 2 revisions

Hi everyone, I would like to share my first MVC project to all.

Aim of Project

EastMed-CTMS will be aimed to provide staff members with the adequate tools, for reporting their technical and systematical complaints, as opposed to the currently used moresophisticated traditional methods. The system shall also provide online and real time complaints tracking and status updates. Moreover, EastMed-CTMS is capable of providing statistical information about complaints on timely bases. Furthermore, the system will offer peripatetic access, as well as the ability of assigning administrative roles to staff members. The simplicity provided by EastMed-CTMS offers ease of use to users from all educational backgrounds.

Database Management

Connection to MySQL with entity framework 6.0 , mysql


  • Autocomplete dropdown Helper
  • jqGrid implemented
  • datatables with search and export files functionality
  • Gridmvc
  • sweetalert , bootboxjs, notifyjs included
  • Google Captcha
  • GridMvc
  • PagedList
  • Job Scheduler


There could be issues with session cache and other configuration types, please let me know if you faced.

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