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Lambda Flask Template

This is a template for configuring and deploying Flask apps on AWS Lambda.

Template Modules


All application modules are located under application package. Rename this package as you see fit. It is the main package of your application. Entry point of the main package. Contains flask app factory method. Also includes Application class that keeps objects that might be needed. Module to enable to run the application as a module (python -m application). Contains application configurations. Configurations are set through environment variables. Add applications exceptions here. Contains SQLAlchemy models. Add your database models here. Contains Flask API views. Add views for your API endpoints here.


Test modules are located under tests folder. pytest package is used for testing. Add new modules here as you need to add tests for different modules. Make tests folder a package Contains some pytest fixtures. Your fixtures are processed by pytest automatically when you add them here. Add your tests for API views here. It contains 2 sample tests.


This folder contains database migration scripts and managed by Flask-Migrate package. Initial migration script already exists to be a sample. You can remove it from version folder for the sake of your own database models.


  • Python 3.8

  • Python packages

    pip install -r requirements.txt

    If you would like to install and run in a virtual environment

    python -m venv venv
    source venv/bin/activate
    pip install -r requirements.txt

    After you are done with the virtual environment

  • node.js: npm comes with node.js

  • Serverless with required plugins for deployment

    npm install -g serverless
    npm install --save serverless-python-requirements serverless-wsgi serverless-domain-manager
  • swagger-cli tool for derefencing swagger spec for validators to process incoming requests

    npm install -g swagger-cli
  • redoc-cli in order to generate api docs

    npm install -g redoc-cli

How to Use This Template

  1. Add necessary configuration properties to Some properties are added by default. Check Flask for more configuration options.

    TESTING: Set this to True when testing

    SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI: Database connection URI

    RSA_PUBLIC_KEY: RSA public key to validate JWT in case you use flaskjwt module.

  2. Create your database models under application.models package.

  3. Create initial migration for your database

    1. Create migrations folder. You can skip this step if migrations folder exists. Make sure versions folder is empty.

      flask db init
    2. Create initial migration

      flask db migrate -m "Initial migration"
    3. Check if the migration script created under migrations/versions is correct.

    4. Apply migrations to the database. WARNING: This will apply changes to the database pointed by SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI configuration property.

      flask db upgrade
  4. Edit swagger spec to match your API. This will be used for validating incoming request bodies automatically. If you do not want to use this feature you can skip this step and remove spec folder.

    1. Put your spec to application/spec/swagger.yml. JSON objects to be validated must be defined under definitions.
    2. Run make deref-spec in order to dereference the refs in the spec. Validator does not dereference them automatically yet.
  5. Create API documentation from swagger.yml.

    make doc

    which will create docs/index.html. Then you can serve this file from Flask with

    from werkzeug.exceptions import NotFound
    from flask import send_file
    @app.route("/spec", methods=["GET"])
    def apidocs():
        filename = join(dirname(__file__), "../docs/index.html")
        if not exists(filename):
            raise NotFound("API documentation not found")
        return send_file(filename)
  6. Edit Flask views to handle incoming requests. You can use request body validation and authenticate incoming request with jwt.

    from pyutils.auth.flaskjwt import FlaskJWT, Claims
    from pyutils.schema_validation import SchemaValidation
    app = Flask()
    auth = FlaskJWT("key", ["RS256"])
    schema = SchemaValidation("spec/swagger-flat.yml")
    @app.route("/pets", methods=["POST"])
    def add_pet(add_pet_request, claims: Claims):
        # add_pet_request is validated and contains the input as dict.
  7. Test your application

    1. Add tests to cover your application

    2. Run your tests.

      pytest tests

Run Locally

  1. Add your configuration properties to the environment

    export SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI=postgresql://
    export RSA_PUBLIC_KEY="..."
  2. Run the application

    python -m application


    python -m flask run

Deploy to AWS Lambda

We use Serverless to deploy the application to the AWS Lambda.

  1. Edit serverless.yml

    1. Update service name

      service: your_application_name
    2. Edit configuration properties under provider.environment. Configuration properties are fetched from AWS SSM Parameter Store. Therefore, you need to add your configuration properties to SSM Parameter Store before deploying the application.

      E.g. if you have the following configuration property

      SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI: ${ssm:/${self:provider.stage}/application/db~true}

      Then, you need to have following parameters in the Parameter Store:

    3. If you are planning to use a S3 bucket, then you need to check/update the following items. Otherwise, you can delete them.

      provider.s3: Creates the S3 bucket.

      provider.iamRoleStatements: Grants permissions to the lambda function for access to the created bucket

      resources.Resources.s3Policy: In case you need additional policy for the created s3 bucket

    4. To create an API Gateway endpoint, check/update and custom.customDomain keys. Serverless plugin (serverless-domain-manager) will handle API Gateway endpoint creation.

    5. You need to update custom.vpc key in order to place the lambda function in a specific VPC. Otherwise, you need to remove provider.vpc and custom.vpc.

    6. If you make any changes to the application package you need to reflect these changes to key. It is how wsgi server finds your Flask application.

    7. custom.pythonRequirements key configures serverless-python-requirements plugin. Edit if necessary.

  2. Run the following command. It uses the default aws account. This account needs to have the necessary permissions to perform operations listed under serverless.yml

    serverless deploy -s stage

    where stage is one of dev, staging, prod


The project includes a Makefile to make it easier to run some commands. It has the following commands.

make deploy-prod
make deploy-staging
make deploy-dev
make run
make test
make deref-spec
make doc


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