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Nemesis - the HelioRC/Pegasus fork

  • Death of Sol :(
  • Nemesis is EmuFlight's future configurator that is still under development.

Linux Serial/USB requirements for both running and development:

Edit/create udev rules: (use vi, nano, or any text editor)

sudo nano /etc/udev/rules.d/50-myusb.rules

Copy/paste the contents and save it:

# ALL STMicroelectronics devices & DFU
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0483", ATTRS{idProduct}=="****", GROUP="users", MODE="0664"
SUBSYSTEM=="tty", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0483", ATTRS{idProduct}=="****", GROUP="users", MODE="0664"

Then run

sudo udevadm control --reload

add yourself to the dialout group for tty/serial permissions

sudo usermod -a -G dialout $USER
#logout/login, or:

#temporary group membership for this shell session:
newgrp dialout

To use the AppImage:

chmod +x Nemesis*.AppImage

If it fails to fully run properly, then extract the contents and run directly:

./Nemesis*.AppImage --appimage-extract
cd sqaush-fs

Development - requires nodejs, npm, and obsolete packages.

  • in effort to assist troubleshooting, this has both old and new code where old is # commented out.

Global git Tips for development.

git config --global core.autocrlf input
git config --global core.whitespace cr-at-eol
git config --global core.filemode false

Linux, one O.S. to rule them all.

#install build tools
#libudev-dev is essential for USB (nodejs' usb)
sudo apt-get install build-essential git libudev-dev nodejs npm yarn

git clone

cd Nemesis

#currently npm v6 required
npm install -g npm@6  #in some cases may need sudo

#set python2
npm config set python /usr/bin/python2.7

#set node version 12
npm install -g n    #in some cases may need sudo
sudo n 12           #sets node version 12

#occasionally purge node_modules when versions cause problem.
rm -rf node_modules/

#install required node modules
npm install usb@1.6.1 --save
npm install --save --save-exact --include=dev #installs exact versions, not updated packages

#run in dev-mode
rm -rf ./build/
npm run build && npm run electron-dev

#compile to unpacked binary
# results in ./dist/linux-unpacked/nemesis
rm -rf ./build/
npm run build && npm run electron-pack
ls -lh ./build/

#compile to AppImage 
rm -rf ./build/
rm -rf ./dist/
npm run build && npm run electron-pack && npm run dist
ls -h ./dist/

#disable annoying desktop shortcut creation for election apps
touch $HOME/.local/share/appimagekit/no_desktopintegration

#run it
chmod +x dist/Nemesis*.AppImage

other npm options: npm run OPTION , where OPTION is:

build      electron-dev      electron-pack-lin  precommit         pretty  test
build-css  electron-dev-win  electron-pack-win  preelectron-pack  ship    watch-css
eject      electron-pack     install            preship           start

MacOS, the bastardized O.S. formerly known as BSD.

install libusb, npm and yarn using brew

brew install libusb npm yarn

clone the repository

git clone
cd Nemesis

set up node v12 and set python 2.7

npm config set python /usr/bin/python2.7
npm install -g n
sudo n 12 # sets node version 12

install required node modules

npm install usb@1.6.1 --save
npm install --save --save-exact --include=dev #installs exact versions, not updated packages

start development version

npm run electron-dev

install electron builder to be able to build executable

npm install electron-builder --save-dev

build app (results in ./dist/mac)

npm run build
npm run electron-pack

Windows, meh.

This guide assumes you have git installed and working on your machine:

Install Node.js 12 for Windows. This particular Node.js version is required. If you have other versions of Node installed, consider using nvm to manage multiple installs      #please install via .msi, not .zip

git clone the repository (or your fork):

git clone
cd Nemesis

Install Windows build tools. (run from either administrative command prompt, or powershell with administrative rights) This step may stall at Successfully installed Python 2.7, if this is the case, simply Ctrl-C one time and enter "N" for no.

npm install --global --production windows-build-tools

Install Yarn, Configure python, (this part can be done from regular command line):

npm install yarn
npm config set python %USERPROFILE%\.windows-build-tools\python27\python.exe

Install required node modules

npm install usb@1.6.1 --save
npm install --save --save-exact --include=dev #installs exact versions, not updated packages

start development version

npm run electron-dev-win

install electron builder to be able to build executable

npm install electron-builder --save-dev

build app (results in ./dist/win-unpacked)

npm run build
npm run electron-pack

Previous Windows build notes

(these were not needed on fresh install of Windows 10 / x64 as of Dec 3, 2020) If your target device is not HID, you must install a driver before you can communicate with it using libusb. Currently, this means installing one of Microsoft's WinUSB, libusb-win32 or libusbK drivers. Two options are available:

  • Recommended: Use the most recent version of Zadig, an Automated Driver Installer GUI application for WinUSB, libusb-win32 and libusbK...
  • Alternatively, if you are only interested in WinUSB, you can download the WinUSB driver files and customize the inf file for your device.
  • For version 1.0.21 or later, you can also use usbdk backend. usbdk provides another driver option for libusb Windows backend. For 1.0.21, usbdk is a compile-time option, but it becomes a runtime option from version 1.0.22 onwards, so you need to specify the usbdk backend using something like the following.
libusb_context * ctx = NULL;
libusb_set_option(ctx, LIBUSB_OPTION_USE_USBDK);