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Python's Versioning and Stability Expectations

Python Versions

The Python language is developed together with its reference :ref:`implementation <implementations>`, CPython. Both share the same release schedule and versioning scheme.

Production-ready Python versions numbered with three numbers, major.minor.micro.

  • New major versions are exceptional, and are planned very long in advance.
  • New minor versions are feature releases; they get released annually.
  • New micro versions are bugfix releases, which get released roughly every 2 months for 5 years after a minor release; or security releases which are made irregularly afterwards.

We also publish non-final pre-release versions with an additional qualifier: Alpha (a), Beta (b) and release candidates (rc). These versions are not production use; they're aimed at testers and maintainers of third-party libraries.

The version number is combined into a single string, for example:

Version Major Minor Micro Prerelease
Python 3.6.3 3 6 3 Final (production-ready)
Python 3.7.0a3 3 7 0 Third alpha
Python 3.9.4b1 3 9 4 First beta
Python 2.7.14rc2 2 7 14 Second release candidate

When discussing features that do not change in micro or minor releases, or ones that are new in x.y.0 or x.0.0 versions, it is common to only specify the relevant numbers:

Version Major Minor Micro
Python 3.10 3 10 any
Python 3 3 any any

See also the documentation for :data:`sys.version_info`, :data:`sys.hexversion`, :data:`sys.version`, and :ref:`apiabiversion`, which expose version numbers in different formats.

No "Semantic Versioning" (SemVer)

Despite similarities, Python does not use the popular semantic versioning scheme, which was published several decades after Python.

Python Releases

All releases, including pre-releases, are available from New releases are announced on the comp.lang.python and comp.lang.python.announce newsgroups and on the Python home page at; an RSS feed of news is available.

Versioning details and Stability Expectations

This section documents stability expectations for the various types of Python releases. It is intended for users of Python, that is, general programmers and library maintainers.

For developers of Python, this topic is covered in the Development Cycle section of the devguide and in PEP 387 -- Backwards Compatibility Policy.

The schedules for specific minor-version releases are covered in the Status of Python branches and End-of-life branches sections of the devguide, where they're updated regularly.

For details on stability of Python's C API, see :ref:`stable`.


The “stability expectations” covered here are goals. Sometimes, Python will contain bugs in the form of unintentional backwards incompatible changes. Sometimes, a carefully considered exception to the rules is made.

Python relies on people testing with pre-releases and reporting issues to find edge cases of backwards incompatibilities: if backwards compatibility is important to you, consider testing your codebase with Python pre-releases.

Major Versions

When Python 3.0.0 was released, most programs for Python 2 needed to be adjusted for compatibility. The transition took several decades.

There are currently no plans to release Python 4.

Minor Versions

Minor versions usually contain many new features and bugfixes. All changes are collected in a :ref:`What's New <whatsnew-index>` document.

A new minor release may not be fully compatible with its predecessor. Incompatibilities -- changes that make preexisting code cease to comparatively function -- are generally only made after a deprecation period: code whose behavior will change will emit :exc:`DeprecationWarning` for at least two minor releases before being removed. However, in extreme cases (e.g. for dangerously broken or insecure features) the deprecation period may be skipped.

In new minor versions, Python may remove support for little-used platforms. See PEP 11 for more details and the process to get a platform re-supported.

Micro Versions

A new micro version marks bugfix and security releases. These releases are managed for stability; only fixes for known problems are included in them, and Python's interfaces do not change in new micro versions.

Generally, it is enough for third-party libraries to test with one release of a minor version -- ideally the latest one. For example, a library tested with Python 3.5.10 may reasonably claim to be compatible with Python 3.5 in general.

Bugfix Releases

For about 18 months (1½ years) after a new minor version, bugfix releases are made approximately every two months. Bugfix releases contain sources and installers for Windows and macOS.

Backwards-incompatible changes are rare in bugfix releases, but sometimes necessary for to fix serious bugs or to make Python work as documented.

Security Releases

For forty two months (3½ years) after the bugfix period is over, security releases are made on an as-needed basis (no fixed cadence). For these, the micro version is incremented just like with bugfix releases.

Security releases only fix exploitable issues like crashes and possibilities of privilege escalation.

Security releases are source-only: Windows and macOS installers for them are not available from, which means that users of these binaries may need to upgrade to the next minor version after the bugfix period ends. (Other distributors of Python will have their own support periods.)


Five years after the initial release of a particular minor version, a final security release is published and the minor version reaches End-of-life. No more changes at all are made to that minor version.


Several months before a new minor version, and sometimes before a new micro version, snapshots of the development branch are released as pre-releases.

Rough planned dates for pre-releases are recorded in Release Schedule PEPs, as listed in the Status of Python branches section of the devguide.

Alpha versions

Alpha versions give the community a chance to test a very early version of the upcoming release and report any issues. Most planned changes (such as removal of deprecated features) are done in alpha releases. Early new features are included as well, but additional new features can be added to Python up until the first Beta release.

Alpha versions are unstable. (See Beta versions below for more details.)

Beta versions

After the first Beta release, no new features are added, and development focuses on fixing bugs and improving documentation.

Maintainers of third-party libraries are encouraged to test their code with Beta releases, so any bugs or unforeseen issues can be resolved as early as possible.

New features can be removed from the upcoming release in the Beta period.

Beta versions are unstable. There are no backwards compatibility guarantees between beta versions. For example, bytecode cache (.pyc) files may not be compatible and the :ref:`ABI <stable>` for C-API extensions may still change. Sharing :mod:`virtual environments <venv>` (and installed libraries in general) between different beta versions is not a good idea.

Release Candidates

The goal of Release Candidates (RCs) is to enable final testing and prepare the wider Python ecosystem for the upcoming release. Only serious bugs are fixed in RCs (aside from improvements to documentation and internal tests). Ideally, there would be no changes between a RC and the final release.

Release Candidates are stable; the bar for changes in new RCs is higher than for new micro versions. Third-party libraries that release for each minor version can and should release in the RC period, so that users find the library installable when the final version comes out.

For example, a build of Numpy for 3.10 can and should be published with 3.10.0rc1. The changes between 3.10.0rc1 and 3.10.0 will be smaller than between 3.10.0 and 3.10.1.

Unstable API

The following are not considered stable, and may change at any time -- even in new micro versions (although that doesn't happen without a strong reason):

  • Anything (functions, classes, modules, attributes, methods, C-API names and types, etc.) with a name prefixed by "_", except :ref:`special names <specialnames>`).
  • Anything documented publicly as being private.
  • Imported modules (unless explicitly documented as part of the public API; e.g. if the spam module imports the bacon module, it does not automatically mean spam.bacon is part of the public API unless it is documented as such).
  • Inheritance patterns of internal classes.
  • Test suites. (Anything in the test package or test sub-packages.)
  • API that is explicitly documented as :term:`provisional <provisional API>`.
  • The exact text and formatting of error messages and tracebacks.
  • String representations of objects (results of str() and repr()), unless documented.
  • Exact types: any type may be replaced with a subtype (e.g. FileNotFoundError can be raised where OSError was raised previously).
  • Exact output of parsing, serialization, compression, etc. For example, Zip, Pickle or *.pyc files produced from the same data may not be bit-by-bit identical, though they should be functionally identical.

All of these items will also often differ across :ref:`implementations <implementations>` of the Python language. Portable code should not rely on these details.