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Helpful JS

Getting Started

My aim is creating npm package with typescript using jest and eslint. In addition learning typescript interfaces, enums, types and others.


$: npm i helpful-js-utils


Create an instance like this:

import HelpfulJs from  'helpful-js-utils';

const helper =  new  HelpfulJs();

You can use the set method to insert your input the helper.


If the input is less than given number in min methods. There are 2 overrides:

  • min(num: number)
  • min(num: number, inclusive: boolean) The inclusive variable is true as default value. Check the below example:
 const myInput = 32;
 helper.set(myInput).min(10); // true: 32 >= 10
 helper.set(myInput).min(40); // false: 32 >= 40
 helper.set(myInput).min(32, false); // false: 32 > 32
 helper.set(myInput).min(32, true); // true: 32 >= 32


If the input is greater than given number in max methods. There are 2 overrides:

  • max(num: number)
  • max(num: number, inclusive: boolean) The inclusive variable is true as default value.
const myInput = 23;
helper.set(myInput).max(10); // false: 23 <= 10
helper.set(myInput).max(40); // true: 32 <= 40
helper.set(myInput).max(23, false); // false: 23 < 23
helper.set(myInput).max(23, true); // true: 23 <= 23


If the input is between min and max number in between methods.

helper.set(12).between(10, 19); // true
helper.set(7).between(0, 6); // false
helper.set(10).between(10, 10); // true


If the input (object) has not the properties that given in mustInclude methods it will throw an Error.

const obj = {
name: 'foo',
other: 'bar'
helper.set(obj).mustInclude(['name', 'surname']); // throw new Error(...);
helper.set(obj).mustInclude(['name', 'other']); // not throwing any Error


If the input value is not match any value of inside the canBeAny paramater it will throw an Error.

helper.set('enes').canBeAny('can|database'); // throw new Error(...)
helper.set('kodlib').canBeAny('enes|kodlib|github'); // not throwing any Error
helper.set('github').canBeAny(['git', 'helper','db']); //throw new Error(...)
helper.set('hello').canBeAny(['git', 'hello']); // not throwing any Error