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Hello everyone.

This project is a simple email sending bot designed for small-scale businesses and/or those with long mailing lists.


1-) Navigate to the './config/env' file

2-) Enter any port number that suits you in the PORT section

3-) Enter your database connection in the MONGO_URI section

4-) You can enter any string in the JWT_SECRET_KEY section.

5-) Enter the name of your service in the SITE_NAME section

6-) Enter your email username and password in the EMAIL_USERNAME and EMAIL_PASSWORD sections.

Install package dependencies

npm install


  npm start

Used npm packages

bcrypt: A cryptographic hash function library used for hashing and verifying user passwords.

dotenv: A library used to manage environment variables for the project. It is commonly used during development to securely manage sensitive information.

express: A fast and flexible web framework for developing Node.js-based web applications.

express-async-handler: A helper module that facilitates the use of async/await operations within Express middleware and route functions.

jsonwebtoken: A library providing JSON Web Token (JWT) based authentication and authorization. It is commonly used for user authentication in web applications.

mongoose: An Object Data Modeling (ODM) library for MongoDB. It simplifies database operations and enables the creation of structured data models on MongoDB.

nodemailer: A library used for sending emails in Node.js. It is compatible with various email service providers such as SMTP, Sendmail, and Amazon SES.


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