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Releases: enfein/mieru


21 Jun 00:08
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  1. Narrow the nonce prefix from printable characters to [0-9A-Za-z_-].

  1. 将加密随机数前缀从可打印字符进一步限定至 [0-9A-Za-z_-]


06 Jun 22:47
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  1. Improve the error message when mieru client and mita server is unable to start (issue #134).
  2. Allow user to test connection with a customized URL (issue #140).

  1. 改进 mieru 客户端和 mita 服务器无法启动时的错误信息。
  2. 允许用户使用自定义 URL 测试连接。


02 Jun 04:25
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  1. Fix an issue where the client has a chance of unable to connect to the server due to an error in the cipher cache (issue #138).
  2. Fix an issue where the client has a chance of unable to properly close the underlay network connection.
  3. Add "mieru test" command to test the connection between the mieru client and the mita server (issue #133).
  4. Add metrics related to replay attacks (issue #132).

This version is dedicated to the freedom fighters who sacrificed their lives during the Tiananmen Square Massacre on June 4, 1989.

  1. 修复了因密钥缓存异常导致客户端有一定概率无法连接至服务器的问题。
  2. 修复了客户端有一定概率无法正常关闭底层网络连接的问题。
  3. 增加了 "mieru test" 指令来测试客户端与服务器的连接。
  4. 增加了关于重放攻击的指标。

以此版本,纪念 1989 年 6 月 4 日在天安门大屠杀中牺牲的自由斗士。


13 May 22:17
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  1. Modify some metrics.

We recommend users to run the following command in the server after upgrade to this version:

sudo systemctl stop mita && sudo rm -f /var/lib/mita/metrics.pb && sudo systemctl start mita

  1. 更改了部分指标。


sudo systemctl stop mita && sudo rm -f /var/lib/mita/metrics.pb && sudo systemctl start mita


26 Apr 21:36
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  1. Make changes to the mieru protocol to improve performance and security (issue #125).

This version is not compatible with mieru v1 and v2. Please make sure to upgrade both server and client. The existing configuration from mieru v1 and v2 will be reused.

  1. 修改了 mieru 协议以提升性能和安全性。

这个版本与 mieru v1 和 v2 不兼容。请确保你同时升级服务器与客户端软件。已有的 mieru v1 和 v2 的配置文件会被继续使用。


17 Mar 22:37
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  1. Fix a bug that the padding length of the 1st packet is a fixed value.
  2. Improve network response time (issue #123).

  1. 修复了第一个数据包的填充长度是一个固定值的问题。
  2. 改进了网络响应时间。


06 Mar 04:10
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  1. Add "mita get memory-statistics" and "mieru get memory-statistics" commands to debug memory issues.
  2. Tune garbage collection behaviors.
  3. Add windows 32-bit mieru client build.
  4. Update dependency versions.

  1. 添加 "mita get memory-statistics" 和 "mieru get memory-statistics" 命令来调试内存问题。
  2. 调整垃圾回收行为。
  3. 添加 windows 32 位 mieru 客户端。
  4. 更新依赖版本。


23 Feb 03:36
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  1. Optimize memory consumption.
  2. Persist server metrics into disk.

  1. 优化内存占用。
  2. 将服务器指标持久化到磁盘中。


16 Feb 04:30
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  1. Support mita configuration dynamic reload with "mita reload" command (issue #93).
  2. Add "mieru get connections" and "mita get connections" commands.
  3. Fix memory leak after too many retransmission of UDP packets.
  4. Fix connection leak with HTTP proxy.

  1. 支持通过 "mita reload" 命令实现 mita 配置的动态重新加载。
  2. 添加 "mieru get connections" 和 "mita get connections" 命令。
  3. 修复因 UDP 数据包过多重传后引发内存泄露。
  4. 修复与 HTTP 代理的连接泄露问题。


26 Jan 23:21
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  1. Use a new hash algorithm to reduce false positive replay attack.

  1. 使用新的哈希函数来减少假的重放攻击。