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Airbnb Clone Base

This project was created watching and following this video

You can see the project working here: Airbnb Clone Base

To run it:

  • Copy .env.example and rename to .env
  • Create an atlas account (check instructions here)
  • Create a cloudinary account
  • Create an unsigned upload preset in cloudinary
  • Add the NEXT_PUBLIC_CLOUDINARY_CLOUD_NAME to the .env file (inside the double quotes)
  • Add the MONGODB_URI to the .env file (inside the double quotes)
  • Add the NEXTAUTH_SECRET to the .env file (inside the double quotes)
  • Add the GITHUB_ID to the .env file (for github login)
  • Add the GITHUB_SECRET to the .env file (for github login)
  • Add the GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID to the .env file (for google login)
  • Add the GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET to the .env file (for google login)
  • Run npm i
  • Run npm run dev

How to get the GITHUB_ID and GITHUB_SECRET:

  • Login to your Github Account
  • Go to
  • Fill the form, in Homepage URL and Authorization callback URL you can put (http://localhost:3000/) if you are in your local (when pushing to prod this will be your domain)
  • Click on Register application
  • Copy the Client ID is the GITHUB_ID
  • Click in Generate a new client secret
  • Copy the Client secrets is the GITHUB_SECRET


  • Login to your gmail Account
  • Go to
  • Create a new Project
  • Wait for the project to be created
  • Select the project in the top bar or using the button in the Notifications dialog
  • Go to
  • In the left side select OAuth consent screen
  • In the OAuth consent screen, select External
  • Click on Create
  • Fill App name with the name you want
  • Select you email in User support email
  • Fill the Developer contact information with your email
  • Click Save and continue
  • In Scopes Click Save and continue
  • In Test users Click Save and continue (last step)
  • In the left side select Credentials
  • In the Credentials screen, select + CREATE CREDENTIALS -> Create Oauth client ID
  • In Application type select Web application
  • Fill name with whatever you want
  • In Authorized redirect URIs, click on + ADD URI
  • Fill with http://localhost:3000/api/auth/callback/google, if its for prod change the domain part
  • Click on CREATE a modal will show
  • Copy the Client ID is the GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID
  • Copy the Client secret is the GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET