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194 lines (111 loc) · 5.23 KB



v1.4.24 (2012-03-19)

v1.4.23 (2012-02-29)

v1.4.22 (2012-01-27)

v1.4.21 (2012-01-19)

  • ey logout removes the API token from ~/.eyrc
  • ey login logs you in (don't be surprised)

v1.4.20 (2012-01-13)

v1.4.19 (2012-01-12)

  • Failed releases are now saved in a 'releases_failed' directory, parallel to the existing 'releases' directory.
  • Resolved a bundler version conflict that could occur for apps that specified a particular bundler version.

v1.4.18 (2012-01-03)

  • Previous release had gemspec problems (seriously rubygems, releasing from 1.9.3 shouldn't break everyone on 1.8)

v1.4.17 (2011-12-28)

  • Force encoding on commands going across Net::SSH (which seems incapable of handling UTF-8 encoded strings)
  • Diagnostic code for command encoding when running in verbose mode.

v1.4.16 (2011-12-21)

  • Upgrade to latest net-ssh to fix string encoding issues in 1.9.x.

v1.4.15 (2011-12-14)

  • Add support for $ENGINEYARD_API_TOKEN on the command line to override token fetching.
  • Fix lingering AppCloud mentions.
  • Use -R [REF] or --force-ref [REF] to override the default branch. Specifying --ignore-default-branch, --force-ref or -R without arguments still works like before.

v1.4.14 (2011-12-13)

  • Put more information in the deploy logs so failing deploys show something.
  • Expose deployed_by user name in deploy hooks.
  • Handle not found when accessing deployment api before deploying.

v1.4.13 (2011-12-07)

  • Fix last release.

v1.4.12 (2011-12-07)

  • Print more informative messages on deploy.
  • Include new version of deploy system that fixes a bug with GIT_SSH not being set for some instances.

v1.4.11 (2011-11-29)

  • Fix gemspec problem

v1.4.10 (2011-11-26)

v1.4.9 (2011-11-26)

  • Includes an engineyard-serverside fix to prevent rebuilding gems on every deploy.

v1.4.8 (2011-11-22)

  • The below changes improve other-ruby support. Notably, engineyard should now work from rubinius for the most part.
  • [refactor] More require, less autoload
  • [refactor] Clean up the way we read and write the .eyrc file.
  • [internal] Specs no longer depend on FakeFS.
  • [internal] Remove unused 'custom endpoint' complexity. $CLOUD_URL can still be set to override the api endpoint.

v1.4.7 (2011-11-16)

  • Exit from ey ssh with the exit status of the ssh command. If running on multiple instances, exits with the status of the first failure, or 0 if all instances succeed.
  • Set LANG to 'en_US.UTF-8' while installing gems to avoid failures on 1.9.x

v1.4.6 (2011-11-10)

  • Ran into the YAML Syck thing again when building the last version. Re-releasing.

v1.4.5 (2011-11-10)

  • Use new engineyard-serverside version that should actually really fix the 32bit / 64bit problem. We now check every instance instead of (incorrectly) only checking the app master.

v1.4.4 (2011-11-07)

v1.4.3 (2011-11-01)

  • Include new engineyard-serverside version with fixes:
  • Deploy fix: Don't fail if we can't precompile assets.
  • Deploy fix: Delete bundled_gems directory if we can't determine under which 32 or 64bit the last bundle was run.

v1.4.2 (2011-10-21)

  • bundle_without: ey.yml option allows you to specify custom bundle install --without string (list of space separated groups, replaces the default 'test development') Put the option in your ey.yml file under the environment name key.
  • Includes a fix for Gemfile detection in engineyard-serverside.

v1.4.1 (2011-10-18)

  • Improve warning messages during deploys.
  • Exclude bundler environment variables explicitly on bundler install during deploy.

v1.4.0 (2011-10-07)

  • Remove bundler 0.9 support in engineyard-serverside.
  • ey whoami will tell you who you're logged in as.

v1.3.33 (2011-09-27)

v1.3.32 (2011-09-23)

  • Use the environments API to check whether run migrations or not when the flag is not provided.

v1.3.31 (2011-09-21)

v1.3.30 (2011-09-19)

v1.3.29 (2011-09-15)

v1.3.27 (2011-09-14)

v1.3.26 (2011-09-13)

v1.3.25 (2011-09-12)

v1.3.24 (2011-09-11)

v1.3.23 (2011-09-08)

  • Update version of serverside gem for rails 3.1 assets support.

v1.3.22 (2011-08-09)

  • Patch RestClient to stop sending cookies - they interfere with AWS S3.

v1.3.21 (2011-08-03)

  • Update README to include more info about the ey.yml config.
  • Suggest ey environments --all when no environments match.
  • Fix an issue with uploading recipe tgz files on windows.

v1.3.20 (2011-05-27)

  • Start recording the new load_balance_ip_address from the environment API.
  • Fix for deprecated API key "stack_name"

v1.3.19 (2011-05-23)

  • ey status shows most recent deployment status of an app and environment.

v1.3.18 (2011-05-08)

  • Add --file (-f) option to specify a .tgz file containing the custom cookbooks dirctory.
  • Add --apply option which automatically runs recipes uploaded with ey recipes upload.
  • Improve recipes documentation.
  • Alias ey update to ey rebuild to conform to the terminology on the AppCloud dashboard.
  • Improve the documentation in the README file.
  • Send a User-Agent header with all API requests.

Begin ChangeLog (2011-05-05)