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M.J.Krasny edited this page Jun 5, 2020 · 3 revisions

Quick Start

After successful configuration of VISA backend and ENHAMER installation described in previous section Installation Guide you can run a basic script to test your configuration.

Spyder IDE Project

Launch Spyder IDE. For easier use I'd recommend working with ENHAMER scripts organised as a Project.

  • Open Project menu from Menu bar -> New Project

Spyder IDE- New Project

  • Select Location as an Existing directory for the path where ENHAMER repo was previously cloned (downloaded) i.e. H:\X_SW\ENHAMER_REL_PBL

Spyder IDE- New Project

Edit Instrument VISA Address

In Project View (left side panel) navigate to Instrumentation -> TestQuickStart sub-folder

  • Open file:
  • Change VISA_ADDRESS to the one copied previously from Keysight Connection Expert i.e. USB0::0x2A8D::0x0396::CN59047589::0::INSTR

Spyder edit TestInstrument

Run Test Script

  • Open file from ExpRoutines -> TestQuickStart sub-folder.

  • Run the script; ideally section by section use: Shift+Return shortcut or Run current cell and move to the next one icon from menu bar.

If this goes smoothly with no errors, you should see the console output similar to shown below.

Note, the identity of your device should be a name, make and model of your instrument and this should be identical to the value you received previously from Keysight Interactive IO.

Spyder Test communication

Quick Troubleshooting

Path defined in 'save_path' is used to store logs and (with experiment routine) experiment results. Feel free to place any available to user location here.

  • Create sub-folder logs within the 'save_path' path if you get an error from logger: No such file or directory
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