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Releases: enhanc3d/OfflineParty


16 Feb 22:43
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Release Notes for version 1.4.7


  • Changed the order of folder naming (Post Title + Date --> Date + Post Title) to make visualization & organization easier


Greatly appreciated! Your suggestions help make the program more and more useful for users to come


12 Jan 09:17
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Release Notes for version 1.4.6


  • Fixed a small issue with the URL parsing regex that wouldn't allow for search of URLs if the username contained a period "." in their names.


  • To @syrexw for reporting the issue

Greatly appreciated! Your suggestions help make the program more and more useful for users to come

Also, happy new year everyone!! I'll try to catch up with this project as with holidays and work it's been left sort of unupdated, also... after the domain changes I know this repo name, OfflineParty doesn't really make much sense anymore, but I still think it's kinda catchy so I think I'll just keep it


26 Nov 17:30
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Release Notes for version 1.4.5


  • Added file size limits, any file that goes over or under them will be skipped
  • Added file type selection, this way you can choose to download only the videos, pictures or other kind of documents from one user
  • Added the choice to create or not create a folder for every post, essentially dumping all posts in the artist folder or in a folder for each post, which was the current behavior
  • File sizes are now float values, so you can use decimals (Using points . as separators), this will help better control your limitations


  • To @neonmaus for suggesting the file type filter and file size limitations
  • To @JamiDEV for suggesting the post folder creation toggle

Greatly appreciated! Your suggestions help make the program more and more useful for users to come

Future patches

  • Polishing of code
  • Merging of discord and download
  • Modularization, should help contributors and myself understand the code better (Even I get lost sometimes, it's a goddarn mess lmao, I'm sorry)

Please notify me of any bugs you may encounter! I'm sort of busy at the moment and am not working as actively in this project at the moment.
I will gladly take a look at it and try to fix stuff up.


15 Nov 19:28
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Release Notes for version 1.4.4


JSON Handling

  • Fixed error where the JSON file would sometimes not be parsed correctly, leading to getting stuck on the first page of the artist


  • Defaulted the ASCII logo to be off
  • Makes sure the folder Config exists to avoid errors


29 Oct 22:43
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Release Notes for version 1.4.3

Changes (Leaving the ones from the past version because they are important)


  • 1.4.3: Added Update Tracker

  • 1.4.3: Prettified menus with color

  • 1.4.3: Added startup logo (Can turn it on or off in settings)

  • Added menu, flags are still available, but this can make things easier

  • Added settings menu, not accesible with flags, with some interesting features in it:

    • Ability to change the directory of the Creators folder (Finally!)
    • Ability to add a limit of posts to download from each user
    • Ability to stablish a disk size limit, it will throw warnings when we're closing to our limit and has checks in place to avoid overpassing it
    • Ability to easily change your Discord download preference between all posts in the channel folder or separate folders for each post (This was possible before, but it would only be prompted during the first Discord download and to change it you'd have to manually edit the YAML file)


  • Reading path from the YAML to match with


  • Simplified yes or no retry prompt, pretty simple change but why not log it I guess

Installation Scripts

  • Gave them executable permissions, so you should be able to run them just double clicking on them

Future changes

I am actively working (In the little free time I have) on polishing this script: merging as much of the functions as possible, improving speeds, code readability... and overall trying to make the experience better for everyone, users and coders alike.

This will however take a while, and I can't assure my code will be 100% clean, but I'll try my best!

  • Merging of into
  • Moving JSON functions from to json_handling or viceversa (Still on the thinking lol)
  • Update check for the program on start (Since this project gets updated quite a lot and I usually make stupid mistakes that break everything lol)
  • Cron functionality, basically leave your PC on and let the program keep your stash updated at aaaaall times

This is all I can say for now! Not that it's top secret or anything, but I don't wanna spoil any features that won't be around until a few weeks down the road, it'd be bad to keep you guys hanging!

Oh, and it's not Halloween yet but keep it spooky 🎃


29 Oct 20:20
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Release Notes for version 1.4.2



  • Added menu, flags are still available, but this can make things easier
  • Added settings menu, not accesible with flags, with some interesting features in it:
    • Ability to change the directory of the Creators folder (Finally!)
    • Ability to add a limit of posts to download from each user
    • Ability to stablish a disk size limit, it will throw warnings when we're closing to our limit and has checks in place to avoid overpassing it
    • Ability to easily change your Discord download preference between all posts in the channel folder or separate folders for each post (This was possible before, but it would only be prompted during the first Discord download and to change it you'd have to manually edit the YAML file)


  • Reading path from the YAML to match with


  • Simplified yes or no retry prompt, pretty simple change but why not log it I guess

Installation Scripts

  • Gave them executable permissions, so you should be able to run them just double clicking on them

Future changes

I am actively working (In the little free time I have) on polishing this script: merging as much of the functions as possible, improving speeds, code readability... and overall trying to make the experience better for everyone, users and coders alike.

This will however take a while, and I can't assure my code will be 100% clean, but I'll try my best!

  • Merging of into
  • Moving JSON functions from to json_handling or viceversa (Still on the thinking lol)
  • Update check for the program on start (Since this project gets updated quite a lot and I usually make stupid mistakes that break everything lol)
  • Cron functionality, basically leave your PC on and let the program keep your stash updated at aaaaall times

This is all I can say for now! Not that it's top secret or anything, but I don't wanna spoil any features that won't be around until a few weeks down the road, it'd be bad to keep you guys hanging!

Oh, and it's not Halloween yet but keep it spooky 🎃


29 Oct 13:58
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Release Notes for version 1.4.1

- Handling of connection loss during downloads by using retries and timeouts
- Prettified the console output for downloads
- Fixed error where posts could be added to the downloaded list even if there were errors in the download
- Fixed update discovery of discord users

Future changes

I am actively working (In the little free time I have) on polishing this script: merging as much of the functions as possible, improving speeds, code readability... and overall trying to make the experience better for everyone, users and coders alike.

This will however take a while, and I can't assure my code will be 100% clean, but I'll try my best!

  • Merging of into
  • Moving JSON functions from to json_handling or viceversa (Still on the thinking lol)
  • Update check for the program on start (Since this project gets updated quite a lot and I usually make stupid mistakes that break everything lol)
  • Cron functionality, basically leave your PC on and let the program keep your stash updated at aaaaall times
  • Creation of a settings menu, where you'll be able to change some parameters like the path of your stash, the number of posts to download from each artist, disk size limitations to not fill up every drive you own lol
  • Menu so you can use the program with or without the need to use flags (Flags make it easier imo, but some people don't like them so I don't mind giving them a lil treat)

This is all I can say for now! Not that it's top secret or anything, but I don't wanna spoil any features that won't be around until a few months down the road, it'd be bad to keep you guys hanging!

Oh, and it's not Halloween yet but keep it spooky 🎃


28 Oct 22:06
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Release Notes for version 1.4.0

- Accelerated user page download process by storing fully downloaded posts in a .txt file, this reduces unneeded HTTP calls
- Removed the old fallback methods, since there is no longer a backup server
- Fixed the save error to txt function, which was broken for a long time
- Merged the favorite and non favorite user fetching function
- Improved readability of the code
- Removed fallback methods
- Fixed discord download in general, which was broken by the new API

Future changes

I am actively working (In the little free time I have) on polishing this script: merging as much of the functions as possible, improving speeds, code readability... and overall trying to make the experience better for everyone, users and coders alike.

This will however take a while, and I can't assure my code will be 100% clean, but I'll try my best!

  • Merging of into
  • Moving JSON functions from to json_handling or viceversa (Still on the thinking lol)
  • Update check for the program on start (Since this project gets updated quite a lot and I usually make stupid mistakes that break everything lol)
  • Cron functionality, basically leave your PC on and let the program keep your stash updated at aaaaall times
  • Creation of a settings menu, where you'll be able to change some parameters like the path of your stash, the number of posts to download from each artist, disk size limitations to not fill up every drive you own lol
  • Menu so you can use the program with or without the need to use flags (Flags make it easier imo, but some people don't like them so I don't mind giving them a lil treat)

This is all I can say for now! Not that it's top secret or anything, but I don't wanna spoil any features that won't be around until a few months down the road, it'd be bad to keep you guys hanging!

Oh, and it's not Halloween yet but keep it spooky 🎃


28 Oct 00:42
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Release Notes for version 1.3.6


  • Added support for multiple user search, both in the flag and using a txt file with your favorite artists
  • Thanks to @AlexRabbit for the suggestion and their help with the code! :)


22 Oct 19:47
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Release Notes for version 1.3.5


  • Fixed order of JSON creator entry saving
  • Simplified function calling of JSON Handling
  • Corrected the assumption that all coomer creators have equal id and name (Fansly creators don't)