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A polite, minimal interface for sending python objects to and from Amazon S3.

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A polite, minimal interface for sending python objects to and from Amazon S3.


pip install s3plz


To run tests, you must first set these environmental variabels:

export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID='fdsaf'
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY='fdsaf'
export S3PLZ_TEST_BUCKET='s3://my-cool-bucket'

and then run:


Bacic Usage

import s3plz

# Return an `s3plz.S3` object with 
# methods for sending objects
# to and from Amazon S3.

plz = s3plz.connect('s3://asteroid', 
    public = False

# You can also set `AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID` and 
# `AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY` as environmental variables
# instead of passing `key` and `secret` to `s3plz.connect`

# Serialize an object, format its
# filepath, put it on s3, and return
# the formatted filepath (with an absolute s3path) 
# for your records

obj1 = {"key": "value"}
filepath = 'test/{key}.json.gz'

fp = plz.put(obj1, filepath, **obj1)
print fp

# >>> 's3://asteroid/test/value.json.gz'
# you can now fetch this object with its filepath

obj2 =  plz.get(fp)
assert(obj1 == obj2)



s3plz will attempt to format your filepath for you given arbitrary **kwargs passed to any method. You also have access to UTC time via the "@" operator.

These include:

  • @second: 56
  • @minute: 54
  • @hour: 23
  • @day: 29
  • @month: 01
  • @year: 2014
  • @timestamp: 1234567
  • @date_path: 2014/01/14
  • @date_slug: 2014-01-14
  • @datetime_slug: 2013-12-12-06-08-52
  • @uid: dasfas-23r32-sad-3sadf-sdf

For instance,

import s3plz

obj = {"key": "value"}
filepath = 'test/{key}/{@date_path}/{@uid}.json.gz'

plz = s3plz.connect('s3://my-bucket', serializer="json.gz")
fp = plz.put(obj, filepath, **obj)
print fp 
# >>> 's3://my-bucket/test/value/2014/08/25/3225-sdsa-35235-asdfas-235.json.gz'


By default, s3plz will send strings to/from S3. You can also serialize / deserialize objects to / from json.gz, json, gz, zip, or pickle (set with serializer via s3plz.connect). These can also be changed on-the-fly by passing serializer as a kwarg into get, put, stream or upsert.

For example,

import s3plz 

s3 = s3plz.connect('s3://my-bucket')
obj1 = {"foo":"bar"}
fp = s3.put(obj1, "test/{foo}.json.gz", serializer="json.gz", **obj1)
obj2 = s3.get(fp, serializer="json.gz")
assert(obj1 == obj2)

string1 = "hello world"
fp = s3.put(string1, "test/", serializer="zip")
string2 = s3.get(fp, serializer="zip")
assert(string1 == string2)

However, you can also inherit from the core s3plz.S3 class and overwrite the serialize and deserialize methods:

from s3plz import S3

class SqlAlchemyToS3(S3):

    def serialize(self, obj):
        return "Do something here."

    def deserialize(self, string):
        return "Undo it."

s3 = SqlAlchemyToS3('s3://bucket')
print s3.get('s3://bucket/file.mycoolformat')
# >>> `A SqLAlchemy Model`


Full API Methods

  • S3.put(data, filepath, headers, serializer, **kw)

    • desciption: Upload a file if it doesnt already exist, otherwise return False
    • params:
      • data: Object to upload
      • filepath: filepath format string
      • headers: http headers to set on the object.
      • serializer: serializer to use for the object.
      • **kw: arbitrary kwargs to pass to the filepath format string.
    • returns: s3uri / False
  • S3.upsert(data, filepath, headers, serializer, **kw)

    • desciption: Upload a file if it doesnt already exist, otherwise return False
    • params:
      • data: Object to upload
      • filepath: filepath format string
      • headers: http headers to set on the object.
      • serializer: serializer to use for the object.
      • **kw: arbitrary kwargs to pass to the filepath format string.
    • returns: s3uri / False
  • S3.get(filepath, headers, serializer, **kw)

    • desciption: Download a file from s3. If it doesn't exist return None.
    • params:
      • filepath: filepath format string
      • headers: http headers to set on the object.
      • serializer: serializer to use for the object.
      • **kw: arbitrary kwargs to pass to the filepath format string.
    • returns: deserialized contents
  • S3.get_meta(filepath,**kw)

    • desciption: Get a dictionary of metadata fields for a filepath. If it doesn't exist, return {}
    • params:
      • filepath: filepath format string
      • **kw: arbitrary kwargs to pass to the filepath format string.
    • returns: dict of metadata.
  • S3.get_age(filepath, **kw)

    • desciption: Get the age of a a filepath. If it doesn't exist, return {}
    • params:
      • filepath: filepath format string
      • **kw: arbitrary kwargs to pass to the filepath format string.
    • returns: datetime.timedelta
  • S3.exists(filepath, **kw)

    • desciption: Check if a file exists on s3.
    • params:
      • filepath: filepath format string
      • **kw: arbitrary kwargs to pass to the filepath format string.
    • returns: s3_uri / False
  •, **kw)

    • desciption: Return a generator of filepaths under a directory.
    • params:
      • filepath: filepath format string
      • **kw: arbitrary kwargs to pass to the filepath format string.
    • returns: generator of s3_uri's
  •, headers, serializer, **kw)

    • desciption: Return a generator of tuples of (s3_uri, contents) under a directory.
    • params:
      • filepath: filepath format string
      • headers: http headers to set on the object.
      • serializer: serializer to use for the object.
      • **kw: arbitrary kwargs to pass to the filepath format string.
    • returns: generator of tuples of (s3_uri, contents) from s3.
  • S3.delete(filepath, **kw)

    • desciption: Delete a filepath from s3.
    • params:
      • filepath: filepath format string
      • **kw: arbitrary kwargs to pass to the filepath format string.