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Steps to deploy the DAG on Airflow server

  • Copy the file into the dags folder under the airflow directory on the airflow server.

  • Create a shh connection. Follow the steps below to set up a shh connection in the Airflow web UI.

    • On the top nav-bar of the UI, goto to Admin and click on Connections as shown in the image below

      ssh connection 1

    • Click on the plus button to add a new connection of type ssh with the name SSH_CONNECTION and enter the hostname along with the username as shown in the image below

      ssh connection 2

  • Set the variables. Follow the steps below to set the variables in the Airflow web UI.

    • On the top nav-bar of the UI, goto to Admin and click on Variables as shown in the image below

      var 1

    • Add a new variable with Key as PYTHON_LOC and enter the path of your Python3 in the Val field as shown below

      var 1

    • Add a new variable with Key as SCRIPTS_DIR and in the Val field enter the path of your directory where all the python scripts to be executed are present as shown below

      var 1

Steps to deploy the source code on the server.

  • Copy the bikewise_scripts folder to the server where you want to run all your scripts (the same server that is used to create the ssh connection on the airflow server)

  • Create a bookmark.json file. The file will have date as key, 2 timestamps and 3 flags in the order occurred_before timestamp, occurred_after timestamp, data downloaded flag, file copied flag, table created flag. Keep the file empty if you don't need any previous data else add the required timestamps and flags to the file.

  • Create a config.yaml file with the following parameters (make sure to change the values as per your server)

    BOOKMARK_FILE: /home/itv000579/bookmark.json
    LOCAL_DATA_DIR: /home/itv000579/shubham/bike_data
    LOCAL_REPORTS_DIR: /home/itv000579/shubham/bike_data/reports
    HDFS_DIR: /user
    HDFS_USERNAME: itv000579
  • Now we need to create 2 environment variables. Use the terminal to open your .bashrc file and make the required changes as shown below

    • To open the file use the following command
    vi ~/.bashrc
    • Move to the end of the file and type the following (make sure to make the changes as per your server):
    export ENVIRON=PROD
    export CONFIG_LOC=/path/to/your/config.yaml
    • Save and exit the editor. To make sure that the changes are reflected, we need to rerun the .bashrc file. To do so run the following command
    . ~/.bashrc
  • Now you can test your DAG using the Airflow webserver UI.


  • If the jobs are taking too much time to execute, it may be due to the unavailability of required compute resources.

    • To check the average system load use the following command and check the load average. If it is high, we might need to kill some unwanted processes to ensure that the required compute resources are available for our jobs to run.
    • To kill the unwanted jobs or processes that might be consuming server resources we need to run the following commands
     yarn application -list
     yarn application -kill <application_id>


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