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Unturned Admin Tools by Lisiados101.

We are Lisiados 101, a new experimental wave hardcore punk gamers with neo-Jamaican influences trapped in socialism.

Yes!, we was eating multicolor berries and some kind of mushrooms.

If at any time you wish to help, please rescue us.

Specials thanks

To Nessin by:

  • AdminCommand
  • DeathMessage
  • AutoSave

How to use:

  • Download and install mod loader in this thread : Open
  • Drop the AdminTools.dll into your mods/server mods/ folder
  • Start your Unturned server
  • Close the server
  • Edit the files in mods/AdminTools/
  • Start your Unturned server

Note: You will need ModLoader to use AdminTools


If running on dedicated server we recommend to use this CMD for launching:



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  • Animals
  • Announces
  • Annoying
  • AutoSaves
  • Bans
  • Basics
  • DeathMessage
  • Freezes
  • Homes
  • Items
  • Kicks
  • Kits
  • Locations
  • Players
  • Specials
  • Teleports
  • Vehicles
  • Whitelists
  • Zombies

List of commands by modules


/animal /a = Spawn 1 random animal

/killanimals /ak = Kill all animals

/Wild /aw = Spawn all the animals


/repeat /say /announce = Say a message trough the server

/setannouncedelay (seconds) /adelay (seconds) = Set the announcement delay


/lag /lg = Lag a player, making it disable to chat or move

/unlag /ulg = Unlags a player

/horn /h = play a loud sound to a player

/vanish /vis = Make a player invisible

/god = GOD Mode


/save /saveserver = Save world, server and structures


/reason /rban = Reason for ban

/reloadbans /lban = Reloads bans

/ban = Ban a player

/unban /uban = Unbans a player


/clear /cls = Clear personal chat

/online /players /who = Show number of players online

/time = Show the game time

/now = Show the real life time

/restart = Re-Start the server

/about = About


/freeze /pf = freeze all players on-line

/unfreeze /puf = Unfreeze all the players on-line


/sethome /sh = Set a home

/home /h = teleports you to your set home


/spawn /i /get = Spawn a item by id

/resetitems /ir = Re-Spawn and reset all items

/setitemsdelay = Change the delay on spawn


/kick /k = Kick a player


/setkit /ks = Create your custom kit "/setkit (kitname) (id)" example: "/setkit awesome 0"

/getkits /ks /kits = Display a list of created kits

/kit /k = Give you the desire kit (You need to creat one kit first)

/addkit = add a item to any kits "/addkit (kitname) (id) (id) (id) "


/here /h = Tells to everyone in the server your location (Example: Jumbotron300 HD is in Burywood)

/where /w = Show your locations just for you

/at (player) /@ (player) = an admin can know the location of any player with this


/respawn /pr = Re-spawn specific player, all or just others "Examples: /respawn all /respawn others /respawn (playername)""

/skill /ps = Give a specific amount of exp to a player, to all or just others (use like respawn method)

/kill /pk = Kill all, specific or other players (use like respawn method)

/heal /ph = Heals all, specific or other players (use like respawn method)

/promote = Promote player 1 level

/demote = Demote player 1 level

###Specials (the best so far now!)

/war (ninja) or /war (green) = All cars explode, all gets weapons and gear just kill! (Example: /war green)


/tpcoord /tc /tpto = Teleports you to a X Y Z coords

/tplayer /tp = Teleports you to a player (Example: /tp Jumbotron3000HD)

/tptome /tm = Teleports a player to your position

/tpall /ta = Teleports all players to your position


/vehicle /car /v = Spawn a car to you

/respawnvehicles /vs = Re-Spawn all the vehicles

/repairvehicles /vr /repair = Repairs all the vehicles

/refuelvehicles /vf /refuel = Re-full all the vehicles

/destroyvehicles /vd = Destroy all the vehicles

/sires (off) (on) = Turn on/off sirens


/whitelist on = Turn on whitelist

/whitelist off = Turn off whitelist

/whitelist add = Add a player to whitelist

/whitelist del = Delete a player from whitelist


/zombie /z = Spawn a zombie

/respawnzombies /zr = Re-spawn zombies

/killzombies /zk = Kills all zombies

/zombieland /zl = Spawn an amount of zombies (Example: /zombieland 20)


Unturned Admin Tools







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