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Multiparty Video

This sample application shows how to build a Video Conference application using opentok-react-native library.

Check out the blog post for a complete guide:


Before running the application, you need to configure it to use the API key of your OpenTok project, along with an OpenTok session ID and token. For development purposes, you can obtain a session ID and token by navigating to your TokBox account page, selecting a project, and scrolling to the bottom of the page where it says Generate Token.

Copy the config.example.js into a new config.js file and add the API key, session ID, and token you obtained from your TokBox account:

// Set Credentials
const API_KEY = '';    // Add your API key.
const SESSION_ID = ''; // Add the session ID.
const TOKEN = '';     // Add the token.


  1. run npm install on the project directory



  • Run npm run android.

Note: If you're running the app on the simulator, you will see a simulation for your publisher because the simulator doesn't have a camera.


  • Run npm run ios.

Note: If you're running the app on the simulator, you will see a simulation for your publisher because the simulator doesn't have a camera.