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Sarvesh Warge edited this page May 28, 2020 · 1 revision

Git Flow

Before start working - check branch - git branch

if not develop, do - git checkout develop

if develop -

Decide what you are working on, For eg. Gallery

Check branch on local machine,

Create a new branch (while being on develop branch) - git branch feature/gallery

Command breakdown - git branch {branchname}

  • if you are adding something new, branch name will be - feature/{task}
  • if you are fixing something, branch name will be - hotfix/{fixedtaskname}
  • if you are redesigning something - redesign/{task}

IMP - Once you create a branch

git checkout {branchname}

Now start your work, once work is done -

git add --all

git commit -m "Changes which you made"

git push

Git push will give an error in console for first time and tell you to create upstream, it will provide the code just copy paste

Example - git push --set-upstream origin {branchname}

After git push, for the first time, you will have to create a Pull Request

you will get a URL in the console, Ctrl + Click the link and write Task in Title and description describing your PR

Your Pull request will be reviewed, approved and merged by the team members.

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