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traceyenspiral edited this page Jan 27, 2015 · 1 revision

Work and Payment

By default, 80% of all revenue you generate (from selling your time, building a startup or any other revenue stream) goes into your Enspiral account. You can view your Enspiral account any time by logging in. Funds are available on a cash basis (when we receive the money, not when an invoice is written). When an invoice to a client is paid to Enspiral, 80% is paid into individual’s Enspiral accounts, and 20% is held back for the collective.

This percentage is variable. We trust each person to set their own rate of contribution depending on how much value they feel they are getting from the collective, and how much they’d like to support it. For example, if you have an existing client and you want to run work through Enspiral, but you don’t want to feel taxed since you had the work anyway, you could run it through at 0% contribution. Or if you get a lot of value from the support of the network, you could opt for a 30% contribution.

The money in your Enspiral account is under your control. It is the company’s money but you can do anything you like with it so long as it is legal. You can pay yourself, pay other people, buy gear, take clients out for lunch – it’s completely up to you. We encourage all members to think like business owners, and manage their Enspiral accounts accordingly to achieve personal and collective goals.


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