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Boolean (truth-value) expressions that can be evaluated, manipulated, optimized, translated to code, etc.


# Let's build a simple predicate for 'x = 2 and not(y <= 3)'
p = Predicate.eq(:x, 2) & !Predicate.lte(:y, 3)

p.evaluate(:x => 2, :y => 6)
# => true

p.evaluate(:x => 2, :y => 3)
# => false

When building complex expressions, you can use the dsl method.

# This builds the same predicate
p = Predicate.dsl{
  eq(:x, 2) & !lte(:y, 3)

The dsl block also have all predicates in camelCase, negated, and full text variants:

p = Predicate.dsl{
  notEq(:x, "foo") & hasSize(:y, 1..10) & lessThan(:z, 3)

If you have complex expressions where many members apply to the same variable, a currying dsl extension is provided. It allows using all dsl methods while omitting their first argument.

# Instead of this
p =, 1) &, 10)

# or this
p = Predicate.dsl{
  gt(:x, 1) & lt(:x, 10)

# do this
p = Predicate.currying(:x){
  gt(1) & lt(10)
p.evaluate(:x => 6)
# => true

Predicate also works if you want to evaluate an expression on a single object without having to introduce a variable like :x...

p = Predicate.currying{
  gt(1) & lt(10)
# => true

... or, in contrast, if you want to evaluate boolean expressions over more complex data structures that a flat Hash like {:x => 6, ...}

x, y = Predicate.vars("items.0.price", "items.1.price")
p = Predicate.eq(x, 6) &, 10)
  items: [
    { name: "Candy", price: 6 },
    { name: "Crush", price: 4 }
# => true

The following sections explain a) why we created this library, b) how to build expressions, c) what operators are available, and d) how abstract variables work and what features are supported when using them (because not all are).


This reusable library is used in various ruby gems developed and maintained by Enspirit where boolean expressions are first-class citizen. It provides a common API for expressing, evaluating, and manipulating them.

The library represents an expression as an AST internally. This allows for subsequent manipulations & reasoning. Please check the Predicate::Factory module for details.

Best-effort simplifications are also performed at construction and when boolean logic is used (and, or, not). For instance, eq(:x, 6) & eq(:x, 10) yields a contradiction predicate. There is currently no way to disable those simplifications that were initially implemented for Bmg.

Building expressions

The following list of operators is currently available.

True and False

Predicate.tautology                  # aka True
Predicate.contradiction              # aka False

Logical operators

For every valid Predicate instances p and q:

p & q                                # Boolean conjunction
p | q                                # Boolean disjunction
!p                                   # Boolean negation

Comparison operators

Predicate.eq(:x, 2)                  # x = 2
Predicate.eq(:x, :y)                 # x = y
Predicate.neq(:x, 2)                 # x != 2
Predicate.neq(:x, :y)                # x != y, 2)                  # x < 2, :y)                 # x < y
Predicate.lte(:x, 2)                 # x <= 2
Predicate.lte(:x, :y)                # x <= y, 2)                  # x > 2, :y)                 # x > y
Predicate.gte(:x, 2)                 # x >= 2
Predicate.gte(:x, :y)                # x >= y

Shortcuts (translated immediately, no trace kept in AST) :

Predicate.eq(x: 2, y: 6)             # eq(:x, 2) & eq(:y, 6)
Predicate.eq(x: 2, y: :z)            # eq(:x, 2) & eq(:y, :z)
# ... and so on for neq, lt, lte, gt, gte

Predicate.between(:x, l, h)          # gte(:x, l) & lte(:x, h), for all l and h, 1..10)              # gte(:x, 1) & lte(:x, 10), 1...10)             # gte(:x, 1) & lt(:x, 10)

Predicate.is_null(:x)                # eq(:x, nil)

Set-based operators, [2, 4, 6])          # x ∈ {2, 4, 6}, :y)                 # x ∈ y
Predicate.intersect(:x, [2, 4, 6])   # x ∩ {2, 4, 6} ≠ ∅
Predicate.intersect(:x, :y)          # x ∩ y ≠ ∅
Predicate.subset(:x, [2, 4, 6])      # x ⊆ {2, 4, 6}
Predicate.subset(:x, :y)             # x ⊆ y
Predicate.superset(:x, [2, 4, 6])    # x ⊇ {2, 4, 6}
Predicate.superset(:x, :y)           # x ⊇ y

Other operators

The following operators have no clear mathematical semantics. Their semantics depends on the underlying type system. Most are currently not supported outside of ruby (e.g. SQL compilation). The documentation below applies to a Ruby usage.

Predicate.match(:x, /abc/)           # ruby's ===
Predicate.empty(:x)                  # ruby's empty?
Predicate.has_size(:x, 1..10)        # ruby's size and ===
Predicate.has_size(:x, 10)           # Same as has_size(:x, 10..10)
Predicate.has_size(:x, :y)           # y must resolve to a Range or Integer

Shortcuts (translated immediately, no trace kept in AST) :

Predicate.min_size(:x, 10)           # has_size(:x, 10..)
Predicate.max_size(:x, 10)           # has_size(:x, 0..10)

Native expressions

Ruby Proc can be used to capture complex predicates. Native predicates always receive the top evaluation context as first argument.

p = Predicate.native(->(t){
  # t here is the {:x => 2, :y => 6} Hash below
p.evaluate(:x => 2, :y => 6)

Resulting predicates cannot be translated to, e.g. SQL, and typically prevent optimizations and manipulations:

Available operators

The following operators are available on predicates.


Predicate#evaluate takes a Hash mapping each free variable to a value, and returns the Boolean evaluation of the expression.

# Let's build a simple predicate for 'x = 2 and not(y <= 3)'
p = Predicate.eq(:x, 2) & !Predicate.lte(:y, 3)

p.evaluate(:x => 2, :y => 6)
# => true


Predicate#rename allows renaming variables.

p = Predicate.eq(:x, 4)       # x = 4
p = p.rename(:x => :z)        # z = 4


Predicate#bind allows late binding of placeholders to values.

pl = Predicate.placeholder
p = Predicate.eq(:x, pl)      # x = _
p = p.bind(pl, 5)             # x = 5
p.evaluate(:x => 10)
# => false

Quality & Unqualify

Predicate#qualify allows adding a qualifier to each variable, for disambiguation when composing predicates from different contexts. Predicate#unqualify does the opposite.

p = Predicate.eq(:x, 2)       # x = 2
p.qualify(:t)                 # t.x = 2
p.unqualify                   # x = 2

Qualify accepts a Hash to use different qualifiers for variables.

p = Predicate.eq(x: 2, y: 4)  # x = 2 & y = 4
p.qualify(:x => :t, :y => :s)       # t.x = 2 & s.y = 4

And split

Predicate#and_split split a predicate p as two predicates p1 and p2 so that p <=> p1 & p2 and p2 makes no reference to any variable of the given list.

p = Predicate.eq(x: 2, y: 4)  # x = 2 & y = 4
p1, p2 = p.and_split([:x])    # p1 is x = 2 ; p2 is y = 4

Observe that and_split is always possible but may degenerate to an uninteresting p2, typically when disjunctions are used. For instance,

p = Predicate.eq(x: 2) | Predicate.eq(y: 4)  # x = 2 | y = 4
p1, p2 = p.and_split([:x])    # p1 is x = 2 | y = 4 ; p2 is true

Attr split

Predicate#attr_split can be used to split a predicate p as n+1 predicates p1, p2, ..., pn, pz, such that p <=> p1 & p2 & ... & pn & pz. Each predicate pi makes references to variable i only, except pz which can reference all of them.

The result is a Hash mapping each variable to its predicate. A nil key maps to pz.

p = Predicate.eq(x: 2, y: 4)  # x = 2 & y = 4
split = p.attr_split
# => {
#   :x => Predicate.eq(:x, 2),
#   :y => Predicate.eq(:y, 4)
# }

Working with PostgreSQL

(experimental) Predicate supports compiling certain high-level expressions to PostgreSQL native operators. It works in an direct or indirect way:

require 'predicate'
require 'predicate/postgres'

# In direct way, you simply create the predicates using PostgreSQL's own
# operators
p = Predicate.pg_array_overlaps(:x, ['foo', 'bar'])

# In indirect way, you use high-level predicates and convert them to
# PostgreSQL later using `to_postgres`
p = Predicate.interect(:x, ['foo', 'bar'])
p = p.to_postgres

Only a few array operators & translations exist, and only on varchar[] types. Additional support will be added later. The following translations are implemented (and methods on the right directly available on the Predicate class):

          -> pg_array_literal
intersect -> pg_array_overlaps
empty     -> pg_array_empty

Working with abstract variables

WARNING: this var feature is only compatible with Predicate#evaluate and Predicate#bind so far. Other operators have not been tested and may fail in unexpected ways or raise a NotImplementedError. Also, predicates using abstract variables are not properly translated to e.g. SQL.

By default, Predicate expects variable identifiers to be represented by ruby Symbols. #evaluate then takes a mapping between variables and values as a Hash:

# :x and :y are variable identifiers
p = Predicate.eq(:x, 2) & !Predicate.lte(:y, 3)

# the Hash below is a mapping between variables and values
p.evaluate(:x => 2, :y => 6)
# => true

There are situations where you would like variables to be kept simple in expressions while evaluating the latter on complex data structures.

Predicate#var can be used as an abstraction mechanism in such cases. It takes a variable definition as first argument and a semantics as second. The semantics defines how a value is extracted when the variable value must be evaluated.

Supported protocols are :dig, :send and :public_send. Only :dig must be considered safe while the two other ones used with great care.

  • :dig relies on Ruby's dig protocol introduced in Ruby 2.3. It will work out of the box with Hash, Array, Struct, OpenStruct and more generally any object responding to :dig:

    xyz = Predicate.var([:x, :y, :z], :dig)
    p = Predicate.eq(xyz, 2)
    p.evaluate({ :x => { :y => { :z => 2 } } })
    # => true

    When using :dig the variable definition can be passed as a String that will be automatically decomposed for you. Variable names are transformed to Symbols and integer literals to Integers. You must use the explicit version above if you don't want those conversions.

    # this
    Predicate.var("x.0.y", :dig)
    # is equivalent to
    Predicate.var([:x, 0, :y], :dig)
  • :send relies on Ruby's __send__ method and is generally less safe if variable definitions are not strictly controlled. But it allows evaluating predicates over any data structure made of pure ruby objects:

    class C
      attr_reader :x
      def initialize(x)
        @x = x
    xy = Predicate.var([:x, :y], :send)
    p = Predicate.eq(xy, 2)
    p.evaluate( 2)))
    # => true

    The variable can similarly be passed as a dotted String that will be decomposed as a sequence of Symbols.

    xy = Predicate.var("x.y", :send)
    p = Predicate.eq(xy, 2)
    p.evaluate( 2)))
    # => true
  • :public_send is similar to :send but slightly safer as it only allows calling Ruby's public methods.

Public API

This library follows semantics versioning 2.0. Its public API is:

  • Class methods of the Predicate class, such as those covered in the "Building expressions" section above.

  • DSL methods contributed by Predicate::Factory, Predicate::Sugar, and Predicate::Dsl modules ; including dynamic ones (negation, camelCase, etc.)

  • Instance methods of the Predicate class, such as those covered in the "Available operators" section above.

  • Instance and class methods contributed by plugins (e.g. predicate/sequel).

  • Exception classes: Predicate::NotSupportedError, Predicate::UnboundError and Predicate::TypeError.

The AST representation of predicate expressions is NOT part of the public API. We bump the minor version of the library when it changes, though.

Everything else is condidered private and may change any time (i.e. on patch releases).


Please use github issues and pull requests, and favor the latter if possible.

This repository uses the help of jeny to generate code snippets when adding new predicates. It supports predicate and sugar snippets and add code to be completed in various places:

bundle exec jeny s predicate -d op_name:my_predicate -d arity:unary
bundle exec jeny s sugar     -d op_name:my_shortcut


This software is distributed by Enspirit SRL under a MIT Licence. Please contact Bernard Lambeau ( with any question.