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feat(tokenizer): add hangle encoder with normalization and decomposit…
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entelecheia committed Jul 21, 2023
1 parent 490c763 commit afe155b
Showing 1 changed file with 367 additions and 0 deletions.
367 changes: 367 additions & 0 deletions src/corprep/tokenizer/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
# -*- encoding:utf8 -*-
import re
from typing import Dict, List, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np

kor_begin: int = 44032
kor_end: int = 55203
chosung_base: int = 588
jungsung_base: int = 28
jaum_begin: int = 12593
jaum_end: int = 12622
moum_begin: int = 12623
moum_end: int = 12643

chosung_list = [

jungsung_list = [

jongsung_list = [
" ",

jaum_list = [

moum_list = [

doublespace_pattern = re.compile(r"\s+")
repeatchars_pattern = re.compile(r"(\w)\\1{3,}")

class ConvolutionHangleEncoder:
"""초/중/종성을 구성하는 자음/모음과 띄어쓰기만 인코딩
one hot vector [ㄱ, ㄴ, ㄷ, ... ㅎ, ㅏ, ㅐ, .. ㅢ, ㅣ," ", ㄱ, ㄲ, ... ㅍ, ㅎ," ", 0, 1, 2, .. 9]

def __init__(self):
self.jung_begin: int = 19 # len(chosung_list)
self.jong_begin: int = 40 # self.jung_begin + len(jungsung_list)
self.number_begin: int = 68 # self.jong_begin + len(jongsung_list) int = (
78 # len(chosung_list) + len(jungsung_list) + len(jongsung_list) + 10
self.unk: int = 79
self.dim: int = 80
num = [str(i) for i in range(10)]
space = " "
unk = "<unk>"
idx_to_char = (
chosung_list + jungsung_list + jongsung_list + num + [space] + [unk]
self.idx_to_char: Dict[int, str] = dict(enumerate(idx_to_char))
self.jamo_to_idx: Dict[str, int] = {
"ㄱ": 0,
"ㄲ": 1,
"ㄴ": 2,
"ㄷ": 3,
"ㄸ": 4,
"ㄹ": 5,
"ㅁ": 6,
"ㅂ": 7,
"ㅃ": 8,
"ㅅ": 9,
"ㅆ": 10,
"ㅇ": 11,
"ㅈ": 12,
"ㅉ": 13,
"ㅊ": 14,
"ㅋ": 15,
"ㅌ": 16,
"ㅍ": 17,
"ㅎ": 18,
"ㅏ": 19,
"ㅐ": 20,
"ㅑ": 21,
"ㅒ": 22,
"ㅓ": 23,
"ㅔ": 24,
"ㅕ": 25,
"ㅖ": 26,
"ㅗ": 27,
"ㅘ": 28,
"ㅙ": 29,
"ㅚ": 30,
"ㅛ": 31,
"ㅜ": 32,
"ㅝ": 33,
"ㅞ": 34,
"ㅟ": 35,
"ㅠ": 36,
"ㅡ": 37,
"ㅢ": 38,
"ㅣ": 39,
" ": 40,
"ㄳ": 43,
"ㄵ": 45,
"ㄶ": 46,
"ㄺ": 49,
"ㄻ": 50,
"ㄼ": 51,
"ㄽ": 52,
"ㄾ": 53,
"ㄿ": 54,
"ㅀ": 55,
"ㅄ": 58,

def encode(self, sent: str) -> np.ndarray:
onehot = self.sent_to_onehot(sent)
x = np.zeros((len(onehot), self.dim))
for i, xi in enumerate(onehot):
for j in xi:
if j >= 0:
x[i, j] = 1
return x

def sent_to_onehot(self, sent: str) -> List[Tuple[int, int, int]]:
chars = self._normalize(sent)
ords = [ord(c) for c in chars]
onehot = []
for char, idx in zip(chars, ords):
if idx == 32:
onehot.append((, -1, -1))
elif 48 <= idx <= 57:
onehot.append((idx - 48 + self.number_begin, -1, -1))
onehot.append(self._decompose(char, idx))
return onehot

def onehot_to_sent(self, encoded_sent: List[Tuple[int, int, int]]) -> str:
def check_cjj(char: Tuple[int, int, int]):
cho, jung, jong = char
if not (0 <= cho < self.jung_begin):
raise ValueError("Chosung %d is out of index" % cho)
if not (self.jung_begin <= jung < self.jong_begin):
raise ValueError("Jungsung %d is out of index" % jung)
if not (self.jong_begin <= jong < self.number_begin):
raise ValueError("Jongsung %d is out of index" % jong)

chars = []
for char in encoded_sent:
if char[1] < 0 or char[2] < 0:
if not 0 <= char[0] < self.dim:
raise ValueError(
"character index %d is out of index [0, %d]"
% (char[0], self.dim)
cho, jung, jong = tuple(self.idx_to_char[ci] for ci in char)
chars.append(compose(cho, jung, jong))
return "".join(chars)

def _normalize(self, sent: str) -> str:
import re

regex = re.compile("[^ㄱ-ㅎㅏ-ㅣ가-힣 0-9]")
sent = regex.sub(" ", sent)
sent = doublespace_pattern.sub(" ", sent).strip()
return sent

def _compose(
cho: int,
jung: int,
jong: int,
) -> str:
return chr(kor_begin + chosung_base * cho + jungsung_base * jung + jong)

def _decompose(self, char: str, i: int) -> Tuple[int, int, int]:
if not kor_begin <= i <= kor_end:
return (self.jamo_to_idx.get(char, self.unk), -1, -1)
i -= kor_begin
cho = i // chosung_base
jung = (i - cho * chosung_base) // jungsung_base
jong = i - cho * chosung_base - jung * jungsung_base
return (cho, self.jung_begin + jung, self.jong_begin + jong)

def compose(chosung: str, jungsung: str, jongsung: str) -> str:
return chr(
+ chosung_base * chosung_list.index(chosung)
+ jungsung_base * jungsung_list.index(jungsung)
+ jongsung_list.index(jongsung)

def decompose(char: str) -> Tuple[str, str, str]:
if not is_korean(char):
return (char, " ", " ")
i = to_base(char)
if jaum_begin <= i <= jaum_end:
return (char, " ", " ")
if moum_begin <= i <= moum_end:
return (" ", char, " ")
i -= kor_begin
cho = i // chosung_base
jung = (i - cho * chosung_base) // jungsung_base
jong = i - cho * chosung_base - jung * jungsung_base
return (chosung_list[cho], jungsung_list[jung], jongsung_list[jong])

def is_korean(char: str):
i = to_base(char)
return (
(kor_begin <= i <= kor_end)
or (jaum_begin <= i <= jaum_end)
or (moum_begin <= i <= moum_end)

def is_complete_korean(char: str):
return kor_begin <= to_base(char) <= kor_end

def is_jaum(char: str):
return jaum_begin <= to_base(char) <= jaum_end

def is_moum(char: str):
return moum_begin <= to_base(char) <= moum_end

def to_base(char: Union[str, int]):
if type(char) in [str, int]:
return ord(str(char))
raise TypeError

def is_number(char: str):
i = to_base(char)
return i >= 48 and i <= 57

def is_english(char: str):
i = to_base(char)
return (i >= 97 and i <= 122) or (i >= 65 and i <= 90)

def is_punctuation(char: str):
i = to_base(char)
return i in [33, 34, 39, 44, 46, 63, 96]

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