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Add the validator from the Distributed Array Protocol.
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bgrant committed Apr 2, 2014
1 parent 00a7553 commit 29e44aa
Showing 1 changed file with 302 additions and 0 deletions.
302 changes: 302 additions & 0 deletions distarray/externals/
@@ -0,0 +1,302 @@
Functions to validate Distributed Array Protocol data structures.
validate_dim_dict(idx, dim_dict)

from distutils.version import StrictVersion

def _verify_exact_keys(dd, keys):
dkeys = set(dd)
keys = set(keys)
missing = keys - dkeys
extra = dkeys - keys
return (extra, missing)

def _validate_common_dist_keys(idx, dim_dict):
# Verify presence of common keys for distributed dimensions.
extra, missing = _verify_exact_keys(dim_dict, 'proc_grid_rank proc_grid_size'.split())
if missing:
msg = 'keys %r missing for dimension %d.'
return (False, msg % (tuple(missing), idx))

# Verify process grid keys.
proc_grid_size = dim_dict['proc_grid_size']
proc_grid_rank = dim_dict['proc_grid_rank']

if not isinstance(proc_grid_size, int):
msg = 'proc_grid_size for dimension %d has non-integer type %r.'
return (False, msg % (idx, type(proc_grid_size)))

if not isinstance(proc_grid_rank, int):
msg = 'proc_grid_rank for dimension %d has non-integer type %r.'
return (False, msg % (idx, type(proc_grid_rank)))

if proc_grid_size < 1:
msg = 'proc_grid_size for dimension %d has value %d and is less than one.'
return (False, msg % (idx, proc_grid_size))

if proc_grid_rank >= proc_grid_size:
msg = 'proc_grid_rank (value %d) >= proc_grid_size (value %d) for dimension %d.'
return (False, msg % (proc_grid_rank, proc_grid_size, idx))

return (True, '')

def _validate_block(idx, dim_dict):
"""Verify block distribution."""
if dim_dict['dist_type'] != 'b':
msg = '_validate_block expecting a dist_type of "b". (given %r)'
raise ValueError(msg % dim_dict['dist_type'])
is_valid, msg = _validate_common_dist_keys(idx, dim_dict)
if not is_valid:
return (is_valid, msg)
for k in 'start stop'.split():
if k not in dim_dict:
msg = 'key %r not present in dictionary for distributed dimension %d.'
return (False, msg % (k, idx))
if not isinstance(dim_dict[k], int):
msg = '%r for dimension %d has non-integer type %r.'
return (False, msg % (k, idx, type(dim_dict[k])))
start = dim_dict['start']
stop = dim_dict['stop']
if start < 0:
msg = 'start for dimension %d has negative value %d.'
return (False, msg % (idx, start))
if stop < start:
msg = 'stop (%d) for dimension %d is less than start (%d).'
return (False, msg % (stop, idx, start))
padding = dim_dict.get('padding', (0,0))
if not isinstance(padding, tuple):
msg = 'padding (%r) for dimension %d is not a tuple.'
return (False, msg % (padding, idx))
is_valid, msg = _validate_start(idx, dim_dict)
if not is_valid:
return (is_valid, msg)

return (True, '')

def _validate_cyclic(idx, dim_dict):
"""Verify cyclic (and block-cyclic) distribution."""
if dim_dict['dist_type'] != 'c':
msg = '_validate_cyclic expecting a dist_type of "c". (given %r)'
raise ValueError(msg % dim_dict['dist_type'])
is_valid, msg = _validate_common_dist_keys(idx, dim_dict)
if not is_valid:
return (is_valid, msg)
if 'start' not in dim_dict:
msg = 'start not present in dictionary for distributed dimension %d.'
return (False, msg % idx)
start = dim_dict['start']
if not isinstance(start, int):
msg = 'start for dimension %d has non-integer type %r.'
return (False, msg % (idx, type(start)))
block_size = dim_dict.get('block_size', 1)
if not isinstance(block_size, int):
msg = 'block_size for dimension %d has non-integer type %r.'
return (False, msg % (idx, type(block_size)))
if block_size < 1:
msg = 'block_size (%d) for dimension %d is less than one.'
return (False, msg % (block_size, idx))
proc_grid_rank = dim_dict['proc_grid_rank']
if proc_grid_rank * block_size != start:
msg = 'proc_grid_rank * block_size != start (%d * %d != %d).'
return (False, msg % (proc_grid_rank, block_size, start))
is_valid, msg = _validate_start(idx, dim_dict)
if not is_valid:
return (is_valid, msg)

return (True, '')

def _validate_start(idx, dim_dict):
# Verify that start == 0 when proc_grid_rank == 0.
dist_type = dim_dict['dist_type']
proc_grid_rank = dim_dict['proc_grid_rank']
start = dim_dict['start']
if dist_type in ('b', 'c') and proc_grid_rank == 0 and start != 0:
msg = 'start should be zero, but has value %d for dimension %d with proc_grid_rank == %d.'
return (False, msg % (start, idx, proc_grid_rank))

return (True, '')

def _validate_unstructured(idx, dim_dict):
"""Verify unstructured distribution."""
if dim_dict['dist_type'] != 'u':
msg = '_validate_unstructured expecting a dist_type of "u". (given %r)'
raise ValueError(msg % dim_dict['dist_type'])
is_valid, msg = _validate_common_dist_keys(idx, dim_dict)
if not is_valid:
return (is_valid, msg)
if 'indices' not in dim_dict:
msg = 'indices not present in dictionary for distributed dimension %d.'
return (False, msg % idx)
except TypeError:
msg = 'indices object of type %r for distributed dimension %d does not support the buffer interface.'
return (False, msg % (type(dim_dict['indices']), idx))
one_to_one = dim_dict.get('one_to_one', False)
if not isinstance(one_to_one, bool):
msg = 'one_to_one for dimension %d has non-boolean type %r.'
return (False, msg % (idx, type(one_to_one)))

return (True, '')

def _validate_undistributed(idx, dim_dict):
"""Verify undistributed distribution."""
return _validate_common(idx, dim_dict)

def _validate_common(idx, dim_dict):
# Verify presence of 'dist_type' and 'size' keys.
extra, missing = _verify_exact_keys(dim_dict, 'dist_type size'.split())
if missing:
msg = 'keys %r missing for dimension %d.'
return (False, msg % (tuple(missing), idx))

# Verify size.
size = dim_dict['size']

if not isinstance(size, int):
msg = 'size for dimension %d has non-integer type %r.'
return (False, msg % (idx, type(size)))

if size < 0:
msg = 'size for dimension %d has negative value %d.'
return (False, msg % (idx, size))

# Verify dist_type.
dist_type = dim_dict['dist_type']
if dist_type not in set('nbcu'):
msg = 'dimension dictionary for dimension %d has an invalid dist_type of %r'
return (False, msg % (idx, dist_type))

# Verify optional periodic key.
periodic = dim_dict.get('periodic', False)
if not isinstance(periodic, bool):
msg = 'Optional periodic key is present for dimension %d but has non-boolean value %r.'
return (False, msg % (idx, periodic))

return (True, '')

def validate_dim_dict(idx, dim_dict):
Validate that `dim_dict` conforms to the Distributed Array Protocol.
Returns a 2-tuple of a boolean and string; boolean indicates validity, the
string indicates the reason for invalidity, empty otherwise.
Currently supports Protocol versions 0.9.x and 1.0.x.
dist_type = dim_dict['dist_type']

if dist_type not in set('bcun'):
msg = "dimension dict at index %r should have dist_type of 'b', 'c', 'u', or 'n' (given %r)"
return (False, msg % (idx, dist_type))

# Select the appropriate distribution type and validate.
return {'b': _validate_block,
'c': _validate_cyclic,
'u': _validate_unstructured,
'n': _validate_undistributed,
}[dist_type](idx, dim_dict)

def validate_dim_data(dim_data):
Validate that `dim_data` conforms to the Distributed Array Protocol.
Returns a 2-tuple of a boolean and string; boolean indicates validity, the
string indicates the reason for invalidity, empty otherwise.
Currently supports Protocol versions 0.9.x and 1.0.x.
# First, check that it's a tuple...
if not isinstance(dim_data, tuple):
msg = 'dim_data (type %r) is not an instance of tuple.'
return (False, msg % type(dim_data))

# ...of dictionaries.
for idx, dim_dict in enumerate(dim_data):
if not isinstance(dim_dict, dict):
msg = 'object at index %d with type %r is not an instance of dict.'
return (False, msg % (idx, type(dim_dict)))

# Verify each dim_data dictionary.
for idx, dim_dict in enumerate(dim_data):
is_valid, msg = validate_dim_dict(idx, dim_dict)
if not is_valid:
return (is_valid, msg)

return (True, '')

def validate(distbuffer):
Validate that `distbuffer` conforms to the Distributed Array Protocol.
Returns a 2-tuple of a boolean and string; boolean indicates validity, the
string indicates the reason for invalidity, empty otherwise.
Currently supports Protocol versions 0.9.x and 1.0.x.
# Verify distbuffer is a dictionary.
if not isinstance(distbuffer, dict):
msg = 'non-dictionary object of type %r.'
return (False, msg % type(distbuffer))

# Verify distbuffer keys.
extra, missing = _verify_exact_keys(distbuffer,
'__version__ buffer dim_data'.split())
if extra:
msg = 'extra keys %r present.'
return (False, msg % (tuple(extra),))
if missing:
msg = 'keys %r missing.'
return (False, msg % (tuple(missing),))

# Verify the version string.
version = distbuffer['__version__']
strict_version = StrictVersion(version)
except ValueError:
msg = '__version__ "%s" not valid.'
return (False, msg % version)

# Verify the version number.
if strict_version.version not in ((0,9,0), (1,0,0)):
msg = '__version__ "%s" not supported by this checker.'
return (False, msg % version)

# Verify the buffer.
buffer = distbuffer['buffer']
buffer = memoryview(buffer)
except TypeError:
msg = '%r does not have the buffer interface.'
return (False, msg % buffer)

# Verify the dim_data tuple.
dim_data = distbuffer['dim_data']
is_valid, msg = validate_dim_data(dim_data)
if not is_valid:
return (is_valid, msg)

# Verify the number of dim_data dictionaries.
# (This can't be done in validate_dim_data because it doesn't have access
# to the buffer.)
if len(dim_data) != buffer.ndim:
msg = 'len(dim_data) == %d, which is not equal to buffer.ndim == %d.'
return (False, msg % (len(dim_data), buffer.ndim))

return (True, '')

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