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Nodejs module for extracting concepts from text.

A Concept is a part of a text that may be a Named entity. We use Concepts for learning new named-entities, for searching known entities, for identifying entity names(synonyms, abbreviations), etc.



const parser = require('concepts-parser');

const concepts = parser.parse({ text: 'Some text', lang: 'ru', country: 'ru' });


import { parse } from 'concepts-parser';

const concepts = parse({ text: 'Some text', lang: 'ru', country: 'ru '});


parse(context, options)

Finds concepts in a context.

  • context (Object) required - Context
    • text (String) required - Text to find concepts;
    • lang (String) required - Text language, 2 chars code: en, ru;
    • country (String) optional - Context country: ru, it;
  • options (Object) optional:
    • mode (String) optional - Can be identity or collect. Default: identity. identity mode excludes filters: start_word, duplicate and partial;
    • filters (String[]) optional - Ordered list of filters;

Valid filters

  1. invalid_prefix - deletes invalid prefixes;
  2. invalid - exclude invalid concepts;
  3. partial - exclude partial concepts;
  4. prefix - add prefixes to concepts;
  5. suffix - add suffixes to concepts;
  6. start_word - exclude sentence start words;
  7. abbr - finds concepts abbreviations;
  8. known - finds known concepts;
  9. duplicate - exclude duplicates;
  10. quote - concats concepts in quotes: Teatrul Național "Mihai Eminescu";