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Style Chemistry

Style Chemistry is a simple and open-ended system to help you keep your UI Component's styling consistent and harmonious. The system acts as the Single Source of Truth of your stylesheet and is comprised of "Sets", the building blocks of the system, with 3 levels of abstraction: Elements, Compounds, and Mixtures.

Set and SuperSet


A Set is the "building block" of the Style Chemistry system. There are two modes for sets: "lenient" or "strict". It is a map that has 2 fields in "lenient" mode and 3 fields in "strict" mode: set, selectors, and default.

An example of a "lenient" Element Set:

$font-sizes: (
  'selectors': (
    'body.small': 14px,
    'body.normal': 16px,
    'body.large': 18px,
    'heading.small': 20px,
    'heading.normal': 24px,
  'default': 'body.small',

An example of a "strict" Element Set:

$font-sizes: (
  'set': (
  'selectors': (
    'body.small': 2,
    'body.normal': 3,
    'body.large': 4,
    'heading.small': 4,
    'heading.normal': 5,
  'default': 3,


The set field is a list of "scalar" values that the getter functions will try to resolve value from.


The selectors field is a map. The key is a "selector" string and the value is an index pointing to a value inside set. The above example uses dot notation to add hierarchy, this is not restricted, you may use whatever naming convention you want. More than one selectors can point to the same value, notice that in the above example body.large and heading.small points to the same value, 18px.

In SCSS, the index starts with 1 and not 0.


In "lenient" mode, the default field value is a selector key. In "strict" mode, the default field value is an index that points to a value inside set. This value is the default returned value if no selector or index is passed to the getter function.

For example:

@use 'elements/getters' as elements;

.body {
  // The getter function, font-size(),
  // will return 16px based on the Element Set example above.
  font-size: elements.font-size();


A SuperSet is a map of Sets. They key is the "name" of the Set and the value is a Set.

The Element, colours, below is an example of a SuperSet:

$colors: (
  'paper': (
    'set': (
    'selectors': (
      'lighter': 1,
      'light': 2,
      'paper': 3,
      'dark': 4,
      'darker': 5,
    'default': 3,
  'ink': (
    'set': (
    'selectors': (
      'lightest': 1,
      'lighter': 2,
      'light': 3,
      'ink': 4,
    'default': 4,


Getters are functions that selects a value from a Set or SuperSet. Although getter functions can accept a set index, it is generally a good practice to use selectors when trying to resolve a value from a set.


Elements are composed of, and restricted, to the following 16 Sets and 1 SuperSet (colors). They are listed below, in canonical order, with their associated getter function names:

Element Type Getter
colors SuperSet color
opacities Set opacity
font-families Set font-family
font-sizes Set font-size
font-weights Set font-weight
letter-spacings Set letter-spacing
line-heights Set line-height
border-styles Set border-style
border-widths Set border-width
radii Set radius
spaces Set space
heights Set height
widths Set width
breakpoints Set breakpoint
z-indices Set z-index
images Set image
times Set time
timing-functions Set timing-function

You don't have to define all of them in your project, you are free to pick and choose depending on your requirements.


"Compounds" is an optional level of abstraction above Elements. Unlike Elements, Compounds are not restricted, which means you can define your own Sets and/or SuperSets. In addition to this, you can use and interpolate Element Getters in your set values. It is conventional to use plural to name your compounds and singular to name it's associated getter function.

An example of a Compound in "lenient" mode:

// compounds.scss

@use '../elements/getters' as elements;

$gradients: (
  'selectors': (
    'sunset': 'linear-gradient(90deg, #{elements.color('magenta', 'lighter')}, #{elements.color('indigo', 'light')})',
    'beach': 'linear-gradient(45deg, #{elememts.color('peach', 'light')}, #{elements.color('cyan', 'light')})',
  'default': 'sunset'

An example of a Compound in "strict" mode:

// compounds.scss

@use '../elements/getters' as elements;

$gradients: (
  'set': (
    'linear-gradient(90deg, #{elements.color('magenta', 'lighter')}, #{elements.color('indigo', 'light')})',
    'linear-gradient(45deg, #{elememts.color('peach', 'light')}, #{elements.color('cyan', 'light')})',
  'selectors': (
    'sunset': 1,
    'beach': 2,
  'default': 1,


Mixtures is the final level of abstraction in Style Chemistry. Similar to Compounds, it is optional and you are free to define your own Sets and/or SuperSets, but now you can use Compound and Elements Getters in your set values. You can also define mixins to a specify a set of CSS rules instead of a getter function.

It is conventional to use plural to name your mixtures and singular to name it's associated getter function.

%normalize-fonts {
  font-size: elements.font-size('body.normal');
  line-height: elements.line-height('body.normal');